Say it with me!

Madame President

Give it up drumpfkins! It was funny and all but we all know Trump can't have the nuclear codes!

Sorry, I don’t speak retard

Of course you don't! Drumpfkins only speak in "little bitch".

A friendly reminder to the Cult of the Orange Cheeto!


SAGE goes in all fields kids

The future is diverse, racist drumpfkins hate the uncontroversial statement #blacklivesmatter


Muh damn president. There I said it. Happy now manlet?


thanks I just wanted a (you)

More like Madame INMATE!!

#LockHerUp #HillaryForPrison #HisNameWasSethRich #HisNameWasVinceFoster #ReleaseTheMemo #MAGA

inb4 " muh densely populated urbanites" "muh direct democracy"
To hell with majority opinions.

Don’t you have a college to get scammed by or something, soyboy?


The Oval Office is rightfully Clintonian!
As soon as Muller is done you’ll see that he’s a Russian puppet nu-Sup Forumsfags.


Jesus christ this shit again.

>dereth moar red than bloo, mommi.

>The only places that matter are cities

>the candidate with the lesser amount of votes win

>America is a democracy

>thinks its a good thing and cant find a better wojak



>this entire thread

>country is too small to have states
>doesn't know the history of america

smart city people voted for clinton, only rural retards voted for trumm
fuck drumpf and fuck white people

LOL Sage