Has anyone ever said something like "I just signed your death warrant" or "Is it an honor and privilege to sentence you" during a sentencing? I mean people have been serial raped and murdered and I don't think theres usually this type of grandstanding.
Has anyone ever said something like "I just signed your death warrant" or "Is it an honor and privilege to sentence...
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I approve of this Judge.
Is that what this jewess actaully said?
Whole case should be declared a mistrial. The salt would be unbelievable.
Judges shoul be neutral, their personal opinion is irrelevant.
She knew it is a public trial and was just attention whoring
The guy fucking deserved it. She didn't raise her voice or lose or cool. She's a good judge. Fuck off.
Women should not be judges, they think with their emotions
Just like Satan to try and defend a serial child molester
666-sign of anti Christ.
As for the good doctor, it was all probably worth it in the long run, seeing and touching all that fresh, nubile muff.
I mean, WHO gets that opportunity?
Sage in all but the last field.
She showed up late to literally every hearing...
Yeah, reddit loves downvoting anyone who questions her incredibly inappropriate behavior.
Yes, all the time. It's not rare at all.
t. Cop
Women shouldn't be judges, they are the least qualified to judge.
This. It wouldn’t fucking matter if it was Ted Bundy...it screams of a self-important cretin to say something so fucking cheese in a court-of-law.
Aquilina has published two novels, Feel No Evil (2003) and Triple Cross Killer (2017),and has another forthcoming.
Its almost like she was grandstanding for the cameras to get her name in the news to sell her shitty books.
Defense will appeal and win, no doubt about it. Any Jury will find her to be impartial.
those eyelashes look painted on
It's just part of this new batch of liberal judges making policy from the bench, rather than - you know - interpreting the law.
You're still here Wayne? Jesus Christ get a life you fat nobody.
shut up, fag
This. It's common. The court room is the Judges domain. They can get away almost anything. Many judges have pet issues. Average murder gets average sentence. Drunk driver gets the book on the the first offence.
Trips of pedo dumbass wrote a pedo dumbass letter about how it wasn’t his pedo dumbass fault and got his pedo dumbass locked away
>saging a thread
Who's the faggot?
She even called the victims "sisters"
Just radical feminist enjoying what radical feminist enjoy;destroying the lives of men.
In this case,well deserved though.
He pled guilty. There was no trial.
Michael Jackson aliv liek Tupac!?!?!?!
Do you think anyone who works for the court smells her seat when she's not there haha asking for a friend
I think the guy's a scuzzball, but this is definitely the stuff appeals are made of.
Dude was a pedo and needs roped with the rest, but justice should be blind.
If he plead guilty I thought the judge didn't get to choose sentence.
>Judge acting in poor judgement
A judge in Texas just interrupted jury deliberations to say that God told him the defendant was innocent. Judges can do whatever the fuck they want apparently.
did they really bring in 150 women to talk at him? like whats the point? just lock him up
I was watching the video and she actually looks pissed
I was about to bring this up. It wasn't the first time that specific judge has been disciplined either.
Judges say stuff like this all the time. Look at the people that tortured the mentally handicapped guy for being white, the judge said to one of the girls “I hope you mess up so I get to lock you away” or something like that.
I’m sure there are plenty of judges who just clock in and clock out but some of them really take deciding someone’s fate to the next level.
What was he expected to do, withhold that information and let the jury contradict God? On the rare occasions that God steps in, it's common courtesy to give everyone a heads up, so they don't get smote.
I don't know who this is or what this court case is about but judges are supposed to judge. It's not uncommon for a judge to give a verbal condemnation along with the condemnation. It's funny how you people see words more harsh than the act of locking somebody away in a cage or being condemned to death.
The real problem here is that a woman is a judge and what looks like a Jew. That needs to be addressed.
Not to be that guy, but judges of any political persuasion interpret the law based on their personal feelings, not rational thought.
>he massaged me twat lads
lmao what the fuck? I thought US law was based on english law
Mad roastie judge just angry she didn't a good dicking when she was nice and prime.
The judge is Maltese and German. She's not a Jew. Probably some Arab in her. She is, however, a strange woman who visited a sperm bank and had twins when she was 52.
Slightly unprofessional, but I do not give a fuck. This man is evil and deserves everything that is coming to him. Any one who disagrees is beyond pathetic. Victimizing over a hundred driven, determined, and vulnerable 11-17 year old girls is as despicable as it gets. The second he leaves PC he's over.
Shouldn't the defendant be free from verbal abuse from government representatives? Shouldn't the defendant be free from the rulings of a judge who outed herself as enormously biased, which could affect her rulings in other cases if not this one?
He did literally nothing wrong. The girls parents were even present at the time of treatment
>She is, however, a strange woman who visited
>a sperm bank and had twins when she was 52.
Heh. I like her now.
>He literally did nothing wrong
pic related happens to anyone who says this.
Should be. Jump down the sovereign citizen rabbit hole. You will be blown away by the nature of our system.
>plead guilty
>get 175 years
hows that work?
oy vey goy she just signed a death warrant give her a break
Female judges.
Yeah, kind of an oddball, but that's fine. Here's all about her: archive.is
>serves 6 months
>gets beaten to death or an heros by bedsheet
Even worse, he pled guilty and STILL had to sit through 4 days of victims' statements. Nigger already had a 60 year sentence for kiddie porn so he was never getting out regardless of what happened in this trial. But listening to women complain for 4 days straight when you know you're already getting life is cruel and unusual.
Nah, this nigga will be holding court with storytime every night about how these girls' vaginas felt. He's the prison Redtube.
That was part of his plea bargain.
>Shouldn't the defendant be free from verbal abuse from government representatives?
No. Some judges for petty crimes will berate a defendant and let them off without a punishment at sentencing.
>Shouldn't the defendant be free from the rulings of a judge who outed herself as enormously biased, which could affect her rulings in other cases if not this one?
There's no such thing as somebody that's not biased. You're asking for an impossible standard.
Thanks for that. Dammit, she's a busy woman.
>All of the girls' parents were present for the thousands of hours he had contact with the athletes.
This is Cosby times a million. Mohammed, I understand your frustration with yourself because it's definitely warranted, but here in the west we love women. And when it comes to underage females, we feel anger when people abuse them. I understand this is a lot to take in at once. Feel free to go to your local library so you know how high a building you need to leap from to be successful.
Doesn’t matter like
Remember when we said pedos will hang?
It’s coming. No more Jewish bullshit in courts. You committed a crime, you are punished. The end.
He should have started masturbating during the first story. That would have shut down that feminist moment really fast. What would they do? Double prison-for-life him?
No problem, user. That she is.
>Remember when we said pedos will hang?
>on Sup Forums
>not knowing what a pedo is
This is why women shouldn't be judges. They somehow find a way to make it all about themselves
But we clearly have better options than someone who is willing to berate a defendant that harshly, in front of all those people too.
judges have traditionally been allowed a bit of freedom, including curious sentences and the freedom to closing statements. it's definitely unprofessional to blatantly show schadenfreude (sp?), but it's not uncommon.
i dunno, we shouldnt have given women the vote
trusting a latina with power to act normally
The prison system is inhumane. Even I don't support putting niggers away in that system. The prison system needs to be abolished. And in the place of it put in whippings, expanded death sentences and exile. This man should have been sentenced to death not life in prison.
Why do we allow society to be ruled by these petty tyrants?
175 years, but he spent years getting all up in these
So was it worth it?
She’s Maltese.
Judge presiding over bernie madoffs trial did not even do this, the judge called the crime evil, but not the person
Um what trial is this?
Honestly i like to see the Judaical go old school every now and then. Dude was a fucking a creep and had it coming no one gets to touch that much fine ass pussy without paying for it.
I do agree with that. A death sentence without an appeals process should save tons of money and eliminate lots of suffering for the offenders.
Have you never seen a sentencing before? During the trial, judges are largely reserved, but when it comes to sentencing they just stop giving a fuck.
>sitting in on a trial for a pair who broke into their neighbour's home and beat him with bricks before stealing his electronics
>constantly unruly during trial
>can barely be controlled
>found guilty
>Defendant gets angry and starts yelling
>Still have a partial transcript from it
"Sit down and shut up, you moron. I don't believe for one second you thought you'd ever be caught, making you the biggest idiot I believe has ever come through those doors. I'm giving you to 11 years... [unintelligible from where I was sitting]... should be thankful your neighbour didn't die from his injuries, or I would see you die of old age in prison"
Judges aren't meant to swear or be unprofessional, but even if they do, you've just been sentenced to prison and your only recourse is to get the judge a written letter that their conduct was unbecoming, with no actual punishment or incentive to do better in future.
Is NOBODY on this fucking board mindfucked over the fact that none of these girls through to bring this shit up years ago? THE FIRST TIME? Just read some comment from one of the girls saying she was confused and didn't know what was going on because she was only 13.
The following is a verbatim sentence imposed upon a defendant convicted of murder in the Federal District Court of the Territory of New Mexico many years ago by a United States Judge, sitting at Taos in an adobe stable used as a temporary courtroom.
Jose Manuel Miguel Xavier Gonzales, in a few short weeks, it will be spring. The snows of winter will flee away, the ice will vanish, and the annual miracle of the years will awaken and come to pass, but you won't be there.
"The rivulet will run its course to the sea, the timid desert flowers will put forth their tender shoots, the glorious valleys of this imperial domain will blossom as the rose. Still, you won't be there to see.
"From every treetop some wild woods songster will carol his mating song, butterflies will sport in the sunshine, the busy bee will hum happy as it pursues its accustomed vocation. The gentle breeze will tease the tassels of the wild grasses, and all nature, Jose Manuel Miguel Xavier Gonzales, will be glad, but you.
"You won't be there to enjoy it because I command the sheriff, or some officers of the country, to lead you out to some remote spot, swing you by the neck from a knotting bough of a sturdy oak, and let you hang until you are dead.
"And then, Jose Manuel Miguel Xavier Gonzales, I further command that such officer or officers retire quickly from your dangling corpse, that vultures may descend from the heavens upon your filthy body until nothing shall remain but the bare bleached bones of a cold-blooded, copper-colored, blood-thirsty, throat-cutting, chili-eating, sheep-herding, murdering son-of-a-bitch.
that was such a promising show..
Would have been amazing had it happened.
She's a stronk intelligent woman.
Vultures, the lot of them
Jewish Judge like this told me if I couldnt catch up on child support I would never see my child again and he would adopt him away.
And then he did. To his Jew friend.
The real child traffickers are judges. But it's okay their Jewish and God chose them to traffick our goy kids.
Yay God.
Jesus Christ what a fucking gay monologue from some white supremacist faggot. Too many queer faggots that want to be celebrities. Then advocating and cosigning lawless criminal behavior from cops in his region, many or most of whom are most likely scoundrel niggier-tier shits who do lawless and criminal shit. Hang this klanfaggot judge.
this, based kraut
Actually women are probably the most qualified to be judges because all they ever fucking do is judge people.
fucking lol good one bong
Goddamn I'd love to squeeze a nut in that Khazar pussy
It is. I have to read your cases from the 1700's all the time in law school.
This judge is just a retard.
she's going to be disbarred for this
hate to be that guy, but judges say this sort of thing all the time. they tend to be super narcissistic and take personal credit for the system of law and order in this country. they really really bring their own personalities into the courtroom and are usually anything but detached and objective.
she's a woman what do you expect?
Because the Founding Fathers were naive to leave it to Congress to create the lower courts.
Founding Fathers only had time to create the Supreme Court because the constitutional convention couldn't last forever.
Impartial judges in the courts. Impartial judges declaring things they don't like is unconstitutional. Regardless if you agree or disagree, you don't want judges acting off just their emotion.
Human judges were a mistake. Age of the machine, when?
Fuck off, that was a cool monologue.
That'd be fucking hilarious, but he'd be dragged off then wheeled back in like Hannibal Lecter, and that'd be even better
Girls and boys at that athletic level have no idea about how the world works because they spend all their time at school or training. Their parents are notorious for turning a blind eye to kiddy fiddling to not hurt their kid's chances, because they're living through them
Nice one, Mum
Awww you're right, dirty pedophiles deserve snowflake safe spaces too :( How dare people be mean to them?