You might like Megumin more than Aqua, and that is perfectly fine. That is just your taste

You might like Megumin more than Aqua, and that is perfectly fine. That is just your taste.
However, if you claim Megumin or even Lalatina is best girl, then you are objectively wrong.
To be best girl, is not just about looks. And all the Konosuba girls are top tier in terms of looks, so it is just about personal taste. So I will leave that out of the equation.
To be best girl, you need something more. And now I will demonstrate how Aqua is objectively best girl.

+ In her prime age
+ Powerfull explotions
- Limited use of her magic
- A burden on the group after casting a single spell

+ Can tank just about anything
+ Gives you connection to her powerful family
+Her name is Lalatina
+ Will let you use her body as you please
- Will let anyone use her body as they please
- Can't hit anything
- Will purposfully put herself, and by extension your group in danger

+ A literal Goddess
+ Powerfull destructive spells like flood
+ Powerfull holy magic against undead
+ Can ressurrect you if you die
+ Can summon water to keep you cool and hydrated
+ Nopan keeps her nether regions fresh and ventilated
+ Being a goddess she will likely never age
+ Doesn't need to pad her chest
- Her slightly below intelligence can put the group in bad situations
- Will laugh at you penis if it isn't up to par

Clearly, Aqua is the best girl by a huge margin.
And Lalatina is arguably better than Megumin.

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot Aqua's non-existent luck. She became the goddess of debt for a reason.

>implying best girl is defined by strength
aqua is not best girl, unless you're a masochist who has a thing for kamideres (minus the dere)
Megumin has the best personality, and I prefer darkness from a subjective point of view, but there's no point in denying that megumeme is the best of the bunch in terms of her kindness.
(you also completely forgot to mention how megumin is the only character of the three that cares the most about kazuma.

Personality is not something that can easily be labled as objectively. I for one think Megumins personality can be a bit to annoying. Aqua is more like a male friend. Lalatina would be perfect if her submissiveness and sexuality was only aimed at one person, instead of everyone and their horse.

You can argue Aqua till you're blue in the face, but Yunyun is infinitely superior.

Animeonlies needn't give their opinions. Aqua isn't half the character Megumin is in the LN.

i suppose you're right.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that i think megumin's personality appeals to the greatest number of people.
nothing wrong with liking aqua, but she is kind of a bitch.

You're judging solely on quantity and not quality. The "bad situations" Aqua can put you in can just about ruin your entire life and the life of others. By actual satisfaction, Darkness is the best girl based on her perks.

>Extensive backstory
>Character goals
>Multi-layered personality
>Evolves over the course of the story

That's why she's best girl.

This. The LNs flesh out Megumin to be the best girl.