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meat tax is good, meat is crazy inefficient to grow when compared to plant based foods, remember hitler was a vegetarian and said that the future would be vegetarian
This is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with the dull thud of a bolt gun into the vegans head
The future isn't vegetarian as plants are pretty inefficient themselves. It would be the exact synthetic proteins and chemicals your body needs plus synthetic fiber to keep your gut in one piece
>Hey taxpayer, subsidize grain for meat production
>Hey taxpayer, you have to pay a tax for the meat you got cheaper because of your taxes
It never ends.
It's the food companies that want subsidised grain and corn production.
There's plenty of protein in beans and peanuts. Meat should be eaten sparingly.
>fried chicken
this won't pass, it'll be racist towards blacks
you can get all the amino acids you need with grains + legumes
Finally. Fuck yes.
Vegan here. This is great news. If you fuckers want to be cruel, disgusting, cripple yourself and your organs, give yourself cancer and then expect me to pay for your healthcare you can fuck right off right now. Meat and tobacco shouls be treated exactly the same way. Tax the shit out of it and shame people for being so fucking selfish and stupid.
Yo dawg I heard you like taxes. So we put a tax within in a tax so you can get taxed while you're paying a tax!
no u dont
Targeting my fucking gasoline and meat, fuck these communists.
Food does not all grow in the same space. For example, wheat and corn and vegetables can't grow where sheep do, like the Australian Outback.
Tax my steak and I will take your head.
this, tax everything I don't like
also I don't like black people
also I don't like vegans
Im a bit off my game but I thought there were a few essentials that only come from animal meat?
More vegans means less tax mate. Or do you like higher taxes?
I'm making fun of your nanny state you soft cunt
Goddamn im so happy i live in a time where i can eat a nice slice of juicy animal meat every day.
You are right that you are off your game because you can literally acquire everything you need from non meat and non dairy sources. Even if you are one of these poor fuckers that cant convert vitamin A due to rare genetic problems it still isnt even an issue if you eat like a quarter of a sweet potato.
You just made me realize that mgs2's code-word for the jews was the patriots.
What's stopping me from hunting my own meat?
Liberals using their tears as a physical moat.
A game warden when they make it illegal.
whoever wrote this article is a grade-A faggot
am i getting tackeds fo reeding diss?
I had a steak so big that I had to give half of it to the dog
What about us folks that die from peanuts?
I got two large does and a buck this season. Also, turkey season is around the corner. I'm getting into bird hunting as well in the late summer and autumn. Lastly, I'm a year round fisherman.
Fuck you, lefties. I still win. I STILL WIN!!!!
Off yourself you second rate shitposter. All this is is another carbon tax tier cash grab
Why do we subsidize and tax the same goods?
>tfw live in Colorado
>great fish but rivers are either frozen over for 7 months of the year or the water is too fast to fish in
>only get about 3-4 months where I can fish
Where are you getting vitamin B12 from naturally?
Aaaaah! The vegan scum's tricks!
As a Pajeet I agree that meat eaters need to be genocided. Eating meat is the highest sign of degeneracy and can only be cured with a bullet to the head.
Gas yourself, carnivore scum.
from yeast
Cultured meat grown in labs is the final solution to the meat problem.
Why the fuck are leftists so obsessed with having their money taken from them?
So you're pro-gun?
What if I eat Pajeets? There's plenty of 'em and I like spicy food.
This is true the future is in edible insects.
Which game is the most delicious?
They had to roll back a soda tax here in Illinois, there's no way in hell we're getting a meat tax
Buy yourself some land and grow shit. Talking about how "inefficient" something is without owning the resources that prove the efficiency is pretty dumb.
How come no one ever cares about the plant's feelings?
It depends on your tastes for other commercial meats. If you like red meat I'd recommend venison or wild pork (although the wild pork requires a bit of treatment through a marinade or a brine since it tastes nothing like domesticated hogs and when you hunt them you have to get a young-ish specimen or else the hormones will fuck up the taste.) If you like fish, there are many options that are comparable to flash frozen supermarket choices. The same can be said for poultry. I'm not a waterfowl hunter because I don't care for the taste of wild duck. Unlike domestic duck breeds, they mostly eat fish which fucks with their flavor.
People have the right to eat shit for all I care but they have no right of imposing shit on others (this goes for all the vegan/vegetarian scum).
If this crap starts getting momentum anywhere in the world we are all fucked.
Imagine walking outside onto some grass and having the grass scream in pain and terror. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
faggot detected
Taxation is theft
This thread is a pretty good example of it.
Is it just me or is veganism being shilled harder than ever recently?
WTF. You have to eat 10 kg of yeast a day to get the amount of vitamin B12 that you should have.
Just say that you'll eat your own shit if you're going to be eating your own shit.
>if you buy meat products at the grocery you now have an 'obsession with meat'
>Meat tax put into effect
>People start hunting more, raising their own meat and buying meat from local farmers.
>be me
>family has small farm
>no longer raise cattle
>but still have a 40 acre pasture
>get a couple steers every year
>raise and finish them on grass
>occasionally some molasses pellets
>have my own meat
>know what went into it
>fucking delicious!
>go die vegetablists
what lvl of shitposting is this. It's beyond me
Vegans are subhuman cultists
why not eat meat, and vegetables
Never said I didn't eat vegetables. Just not exclusively.
Sensationalist garbage, using buzz words like obsessions, fanatics, junkies and addicts, add insult to injury the faggots say they've never been closer to a meat tax.
Wrong, maybe for beef it is, but not really, they graze on land that's mostly unsuitable for anything else and all fucked up and retarded, so it is actually efficient in a sense as the land would just sit there not much use.
I noticed that too, it's a biased hit piece on meat eaters.
Yea, why not eat insects for protein too, like fat fuck albutt bore was demanding years ago, never mind the bio availability of proteins for humans from legumes and insects is horrible, have fun shitting most of it out and don't mind the blood on the toilet paper and in the toilet fgt.
>you can get all the amino acids you need with grains + legumes
No, you really can't. It's why veegs look sickly and half dead and have fucked up hair and bleeding hemorrhoids.
That's rich, then why do vegetarians get asshole cancer a lot and have high incidents of bleeding hemorrhoids?
You hit the nail on the head, cows graze on wrecked land for the most part, can't be used elsewhere, so to say its inefficient is retarded, the land is useless to farm unless you sit there and level it out, but wouldn't be worth it.
>from yeast
Wrong again, go neck yourself fgt.
and what's the government going to do with that money?
give it to niggers and halliburton. that doesn't help the environment.
liberals are retarded for salivating at the chance to tax and centralize all the power
Kill all environmentalists
You're only mad that your only source of meat is higher than you on the food chain.
It's being shilled extremely hard.
Ads on youtube telling me how good veganism is and how everyone should switch to a plant based diet.
Fake ground beef made from whatever is being placed IN the meat isle here aswell.
It's actually quite infuriating to have this shit shoved down my throat, it only makes me want to buy even more meat.
I legitimately be support this, meat is delicious and should be cultivated by those with the money or time and ability to own animals, but as a food to feed the masses it’s incredibly destructive to the environment, the lords of the land have to regulate the huge damage being strewn about or else we won’t have any more food to fucking eat
I’m sure you’ll love the spinach on your fucking plate as opposed to eating grass as you starve
Revenge of the Soyboy.
This is the one thing that actually is on the right side of history with concerns to what the government is doing
Sure it seems like it sucks to not eat meat, and sure we shouldn’t completely eliminate all meat from our diet, but the amount we eat and the level to which we damage our environment including the supplies of fresh water in countries like the US is is way too high
You are not entitled for them you commie.
shut up Hippy
can't tax what i hunt myself
Find a way to grow meat more effectively with less impact on the envoirment.
It's really not that difficult, financing it is.
Take your muh plants da only answer and shove it up your ass you vapid fuck.
>enviros push meat tax
Sounds counterproductive considering all the meat environmentalists suck down when sucking cock.
This especially applies to OP.
reminder that the efficiency argument is based on the false notion that everybody in the world deserves to eat meat.
Not if meat eaters fight back. Enviros may be pushing for a meat tax, but meat eaters need to push back and say no way!
Eco nuts would be swinging from hemp woven nooses out in the streets if that passed.
>wanting to eat literal shit
make hunting great again
What state are you from? Also, would buckshot be sufficient to take down a boar, or am I stuck using slugs? My only gun is a shotgun, and I don't have enough money lying around to buy a new gun.
long pig...
Just start eating vegans.
>never been closer
>may soon be
Literally a nothingburger.
>remember hitler was a vegetarian
he also never bred and killed himself.
How about we just end illegal labor in the food industry and let prices and consumer behavior adjust?
Fuck this divide and conquer shit, what’s next—coffee drinkers are secret fascists, chi drinkers are our saviors?
>crazy inefficient
>costs too little
this has to be ironic libposting
Meat tax already exists, it's the current market value.
this actually does seem like a good thing
beef consumption is well over a reasonable amount at this point, tuna as well
Let's make soyboyism mandatory.