Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Liberal South + Communist North = FASCIST GOOK UNION
Rothschild giving up control of NK?
This is big news if talks actually start, till then it's just a fart in the wind
Kim Jong Un would have to completely step down from office lol. Won't happen.
Whats the Rothschild theory about NK? I thought NK was one of the few countries without using Rothschild owned banks.
This is because of policies added in the last 8 years by Obama but I bet tRump will try to take credit for this.
...think of what Hillary would have done
neither trump nor obama has anything to do with this you false-flagging faggot
There is no reason to be upset
NORKS would only do it if they remained in power
SORKS would only do it if they remained in power
Reunification with let me guess, Android 19 as the dictator?
my thoughts?
when does Kim step down?
They want the same like in Germany :
So that the communist half can then legitimately and officially infiltrate (and no longer only covertly and subversively) and take over political parties and in the end the country.
Baaaad idea.
Look at germany now..
Since the end of the Korean war the Swedes and Swiss have been guarding the DMZ (Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission - NNSC). Also, the Kim family have stored all their gold in the Swiss vaults since the end of the war, and a Swiss businessmen have been directing their economy as well.
Clinton and Podesta were there in 2008 to get two "reporters" who were captured in NK but it was a "pizza" related matter, img related.
Rumor has it that the entire country is a blood and organ harvesting empire coupled with a child sex slavery ring.
they're trying to avoid getting nuked/deposed during via joint US/Chinese military operations during the olympics
>shifting of the paradigm
shifting of the paradigm
>shifting of the paradigm
shifting of the paradigm
>shifting of the paradigm
shifting of the paradigm
oops 2009*
that would make sense, instead of politics by force (communism) it's politics by subversion (socialism)
On the surface it seems like a good thing for global stability
But isn't SK undergoing complete SJW cult breakdown atm? And the government might still be filled with cultists...
Koreans be crazy man
well if they do reunification we'll know at least half of the new gov't will definitely be cultists. Well all of them, just in differing cult groups.
It's a ploy to put distance between the ROK and the USA. The Norks hope the ROK tell the US to leave and then they can crush the South without outside intervention. Only problem is, the South would develop a nuke within months of any cessation of a US defense treaty. Then you'd have some real Korean BBQ
>implying this inst pretext to a NK invasion of SK. Hence the bombers in Guam.
What the fuck even is this timeline anymore?
Usually NK stomps it's feet to get money from us. We aren't giving it to them so they are probably trying to make some kind of Korean union with SK to try and get their money.
>commie wants reunification
We all know how that’ll go.
Nazbol Gang achieved.
>Obama: We will do noting because north Korea will fail eventfully aka Strategic patience
Truely Obama was doing all the work 10/10
I will rule them