>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
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What is his fucking endgame?
Why the fuck has he not put anyone in prison yet?
Don't tell me 3d chess. it's been too long
thread theme
>he's going to grant amnesty
>just you watch any day now
What type of white parents name their kid Jerome?
smoke a lot of weed today user?
>What is his fucking endgame?
I hope funny stuff happens at Davos
Degenerates please die
He doesn't have some sort of authority to lock up anyone he likes without trial and people should stop pretending that he does. He has been doing a litany of other great work and trying to stop this tide of drugs causing life expectancy to tank like we were some shitty third world country. Learn about how government actually works.
He is living in a different time
What's with these weak ass motherfuckers
Liberal Joe should step up and lead them
I kinda want to experience that spooky sleep paralysis episode that I had a little while back.
The Democrats care about their donors (for obvious reasons) and the Republican base (since they're worried that if they seem "too liberal" the Republicans in their district/state will mobilize and vote them out of office; of course, since Republicans would take the real thing over Republican-lite, this happens anyways.)
They do not give a single shit about the people they ostensibly represent.
He was at a bar and weed walked up and smacked his gf in the ass. He hasn't let it go
>We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal email extensively while outside the United States, including from the territory of sophisticated adversaries. That use included an email exchange with the President while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.
>That use included an email exchange with the President while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary.
>That use included an email exchange with Onigger
>while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary.
>email exchange with Onigger
>Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary.
how much codeine did you drink user and what else have you taken
He should do more audio-only questions, and post a link to his twitter when he does. They're much more fair to him when they aren't on camera.
locking up niggers and spics using drug laws
There has been no crackdown on pot but there has been one on hard drugs. Dudeweeds and libertarians should stop acting like little children and pretending they are being persecuted.
Are you some sort of ebin progressive democrat or something? We're trying to stem the tide of drugs killing Americans.
He's doing a fantastic job and this garbage is stupid, pretending otherwise.
Tfw Joe could have collected lots royalties if he trademarked it.
Trump's mocked mercilessly by Canadian media. Other than Russia and Israel, is there any country that reports on Trump fairly?
1 pls show tits 2 you'll be fine
I'm convinced he said it because he knows Dems will NEVER come to the table with a deal and he's taunting them.
It flies in the face of literally every other requirement for the deal.
Take medicine in prescription amounts and avoid painkillers wherever possible. contact your doctor if you were within the limits set to you legally. I don't take such drugs even if prescribed.
You heard me.
Keep it alive.
>He's doing a fantastic job
>They do not give a single shit about the people they ostensibly represent.
no because latte-sipping Becky's aren't going to vote (R) no matter what happens. So efforts can be spent to grow voters rather than maintain voters.
Pretty sure it use to be a white name.
daily reminder folks...
guess they skipped the "after 10-12 year" and the "no guarantee" part
Gross, dirty high
I have experienced this with some opiates. Then I stopped. Don't do opiates
Try melatonin before bed. Whenever I take it, I wake up with sleep paralysis.
is it real awoo hours yet? I have to wageslave tomorrow
>still rock out to this why trolling /ptg/ whenever drumpf skirts the amnesty
what are the betting odds for whether Sessions or Mueller will come out with something first
To be fair, no one likes a pot smoking degenerate.
If only there was a magical box you can ask what codeine and chest pains have in common.
nighty night
Yes, this running around like a chicken with your head cut off over absolutely zero crackdown on pot is fucking ridiculous and settles the argument that dudeweeds are cancerous manchildren obsessed with their stupid junk.
Sessions has launched the greatest crackdown on opioids and medical fraud in this nation's history and the amount of seized hard drugs has gone up drastically. We are saving white American lives.
He is doing a great job as well.
where this nigga chin
Just go over and start giving the girl some action. If there is one thing I've learned from the internet, it's that women love it when another random dude shows up, seriously they love that shit. Bonus points if you're also her stepbrother.
>is there any country that reports on Trump fairly?
West Virginia
He's cracking down on California too, isn't DOJ giving them a bunch of shit?
Isn't Joe is Joe literally for amnesty? Isn't it still his position that the wall, and anything but amnesty is racist?
>Canadian Media
He's just busy deflecting about that inconvenient murder of his.
For the sactuary policy the DOJ has been fighting over funding and threatening them but we need acts of congress to do things in a major way. If we gut all state and city funding then there is tons of risk about the crime and drug situation getting even worse. It's horrible stupidity and I wish the US would just send troops to root out insurgent gangs.
Yes, but he coined "amnesty don" to demoralize Trump's base during the primaries.
Admittedly, it's easier to write off as demoralization when Trump isn't LITERALLY TWEETING ABOUT AMNESTY.
How will reddit respond if Mueller exonerates Trump totally?
I was wondering why I doubled my money in 2 days.
I use to work as a 911 dispatcher and I once took a call from a lady who was complaining about a black man walking down the street. He was doing nothing wrong...except, as she put it, "he's black and walking down the street". She insisted an officer be dispatched to speak with her and we had a policy that we had to dispatch. Soooo...I sent the only black officer on duty. It was out of his area, but a computer message to him and the supervisor made it obvious why he was going. When he arrived she went nuts and called again screaming that there was now a black man knocking on her door. I said, "yes this is the police officer you requested." Ultimately I had to send the supervisor out because she refused to open the door and was throwing a huge fit on the phone.
Doesn't she kill all the pets she owns like Lennie Small?
>I'm now thinking of that hentai with the guy that would get sleep paralysis and feel haunted by this ghost that was some NEET virgin and he fucked the shit out of her so she'd stop haunting him
He won't. That's like asking how Reddit would respond if Bernie gave away any of his money.
What is
How would you fuck anything if you had sleep paralysis?
I have a feeling he will not charge Trump but then just spit out a bunch of democrat talking points on how muh russia is real.
>his emergency number isn't 111
Oh she wasnt' a virgin, she was a sloot
>a rabbit is literally more powerful than all of us
>Joe's power is increasing for a 2020 presidential run everytime Amnesty Don~ in being discussed
I'm totally going to grill Trump on the witness stand.
Trust me lefty libshits. I'm (You)'re guy 100%.
what the fuck is that picture user
She was haunting the shit out of him and would give him sleep paralysis, he eventually had enough of her shit and went to town on her
Oh yeah, it was more she died "heartbroken". That pic wasn't the hentai though.
this is weak b8 for australia, step it up senpai
a middle aged meme
an economist is the only profession where you can be wrong 90% of the time and still be considered an expert
>had a nice meal after getting home from work
>enjoying catching up on the day's Trump news and banter
>mfw decided to have a plate of taquitos too
fuck me I feel so full now
He'll bully Trump for 3 hours and claim Trump obstructed justice by taking too many sips of water or perjured himself by saying he had 3 scoops instead of 2 or something small like that.
Remember, this investigation isn't trying to confirm a crime; it's trying to INVENT one.
only if you are a democrat
I see something like this happening.
found my new job
it should be the media or the establishment throwing something into the spokes
How do you fuck someone if you can't move?
You can be pic related too
By negotiating DACA separate from the budget means the Dems have finally realized messing with the Military's budget and funding (among other departments) for a bunch of unlawful migrants is not a tenable or winnable position.
Shockingly to them, the American people put themselves first before a bunch of lawbreakers.
Comey hates that the left shit talks him for shitting on Hillary depite him letting her off the hook... so I think he and Mueller have plotted to shit talk Trump like Comey did to Hillary.
It's called castleing, you dumb shit
This. Hurt back, prescribed oxys. Took two and flushed the rest. I stick to a one-hitter and exercise.
>Remember, this investigation isn't trying to confirm a crime; it's trying to INVENT one.
Very possible, but even if he doesn't, he can just do a big speech on how muh Russia is real because twitter bots and muh DNC.
There's a socialist cuck I communicate with in CA on a regular basis about politics and such - and thus far my approach to the question of DACA/Amnesty Don has consistently been that even if every DACA recipient were given citizenship, I still feel like it's a win for Trump.
By making DACA a big deal (And lets face it, whatever we think of DACA, we are in the minority opinion when it comes to gas chambers) the media/zeitgeist are normalizing the idea that getting rid of every illegal shitskin who ISN'T a DACA recipient. I'll take the trade of ~400k non-criminal gen X'rs and millennials for the normalization of deporting ~10 Million other illegals regardless of their criminal status.
Virgin detected.
He didn't fuck her while he had sleep paralysis, it was just one of the ways she was trying to creep him the fuck out. Eventually she tried to creep up on him (when it was in the middle of the day and he didn't have sleep paralysis) and he just banged the shit out of her.
sauce me up senpai