For various reasons, I personally wish that race and IQ are not associated in any manner. It would make the future of mankind much simpler, and mean more simple solutions to our problems. But after doing extensive research on the subject, looking at arguments and evidence from both sides, it seems to me quite likely that there is a statistically significant measure of association between cognitive ability and race, if we define race as the general location on earth where your ancestors spent most of their time.
The neanderthals had much bigger brains than we did, and developed certain tools, including boats, earlier than humans. Contrary to popular belief, Neanderthals were actually smarter than Cro Magnons. Neanderthals didn't die off because they couldn't adapt. On the contrary, Neanderthals ceased to exist because humans interbred with them extensively, and humans outnumbered them. Neanderthals were basically absorbed into the human genome. But this distribution is not even.
White people spent the most time with Neanderthals and bred with them the most. People from north and east Asia bred with them as well, to a lesser degree. People from places like Africa or the Pacific had no interaction with Neanderthals.
Blacks and Australian aboriginals score a standard deviation below whites on IQ tests. They also have smaller brains than whites. Brain size is strongly correlated to IQ, at about 0.3 That is, if one person has 10% more brain mass than another, the person with the bigger brain is expected to score about 3% higher on cognitive tests. Neanderthal brains were about 15% bigger than the average human brain today.
So there you have it - brain size and intelligence are correlated (duh), and white people have bigger brains because their ancestors fucked Neanderthals who had the biggest brains. Black people never met Neanderthals.
Isaac Kelly
Aaron Rogers
It honestly sucks. I'm not here to make nigger jokes and I can't stand casual racism, it's fucking trashy. I wish this weren't true, but the evidence points in the direction of race and IQ being linked. That just makes our problems as a society much more difficult to solve. What are we going to do?
The way I see it, our only options are to come out and admit these differences, which I don't see happening anytime soon, or to go on pretending these differences don't exist, which is causing a major shitstorm.
Kayden Watson
Jaxon Rodriguez
>I accomplished nothing in my life the post
Juan Garcia
Look at the Fox12 gene. It is the complex thought gene, what made speech possible. It comes from neanders. They could speak for hundreds of thousands of years, while the idaltu that walked out of africa didn't learn to speak until about 100kya. That's the big secret. What makes us "human" is neander.
Jayden White
Amazing post OP, i agree with everything you said. At the time Neanderthals were smarter than humans and they downgraded by interbreeding with european humans, although it benefits us today. Now there's (((certain))) forces out there trying to get us to breed with races with lower iq's. IDK if is correct but it's pretty reasonable.
Asher Foster
Interesting. Mutations of that gene are even present in animals that use sound a lot, like echo-locating bats.
Hudson Stewart
jew demon
Gabriel Martin
Not so bad leaf post. Bump
Samuel Gray
>our only options are to come out and admit these differences I agree, after several years of trying to discuss these issues with people, I've come to the (somewhat counterintuitive) conclusion that the best way to get others to genuinely consider the idea is through >nigger jokes and casual racism
Otherwise, it's too taboo for people to touch.
James Garcia
How would that work, though? Nigger jokes just sound ideologically motivated and are easy for people to dismiss. I admit, though, that I have no idea how to broach this subject with anyone other than my closest friends. It's social suicide to talk about this in public.
Jose Russell
Cool theory broshep. Source on jews having higher % of Neanderthal DNA? I doubt it.
They were also supposedly physically a lot stronger and bulkier, something that isn't reflected in the modern jewish stock.
Jose Cook
Africans barely have any Neanderthal admixture though? If at all? While ebonics and creole can hardly be called speech, it's undeniable that the negro is performing some form of vocal communication.
Luis Scott
everyone has some mutation of the gene, even animals have it. What matters is that certain mutations are better, in degrees.
Caleb Reed
Best strategy IMO is to keep loosening up peoples' minds through the internet, where you can still influence how people think but you can also maintain anonymity.
I guess I'm saying that a place like Sup Forums can help that process. You joke and shitpost about taboo subjects, and that makes it easier for people to think about these subjects, which have otherwise been declared as wrongthink by the rest of society. After a while on Sup Forums, when the taboo has been removed for you, you might start to be a little bit more curious about these subjects and start doing research into these subjects of a more academic nature elsewhere on the web (i.e., not just memes and shitposting). I just don't know many people who would skip the Sup Forums phase--i.e., going directly from being your average normie on Day, to reading up on race and IQ on Day 2.
The humor component in the middle allows people to start thinking about these subjects without having to make a fully commitment to them ideologically right off the bat—because hey, it's just jokes, right? For a bit, but then you get curious after a while
Brandon Myers
if I'm white (northwest euro descent mutt), 135 iq and have a big nose am I part neanderthal?
Aaron Cooper
Basically, just like your cells reproduce and you are an entirely "new person", same with your dna. They're only reading about 190kya back into "our" existence. There was some mixing when they first came out of africa (basically becoming breeding and working stock). Idaltu gave us a glass jaw (no bone reabsorption), a smaller head, and a few new vowel sounds (due to the high roof of their mouth). Look up the sima caves are Portugal. The culture they thought was 40kya was actually 400kya.
Josiah Long
Stop with this bs neander jew meme. It's fucking stupid and embarassing.
Parker Davis
I don't know, it's possible. I'm certainly an example of a person who skipped the /pol casual racism stage. I'm big on reason, logic, and the scientific method. I like knowing the truth, no matter how inconvenient it is, so I like to research things and don't just accept what society tells me.
If anything, /pol slowed down my acceptance of the truth because of the resistance I felt to the negativity. Even though black people have a lower IQ, they're still people, and it's not their fault, and I wouldn't advocate treating them like garbage. Your dog has a low IQ, do you abuse it? I don't. We have to find a way to deal with this and ideally I hope it doesn't involve mass killing/genocide, etc. If you can't empathize with a black person, if you don't feel bad when you think of/see another person being harmed, imo you're more fucked up than someone with just low IQ.
Connor Stewart
I mean, there is a reason it was called "white man's burden".
Juan Wood
Yeah, humour destigmatizes the topic of races to enough degree to allow critical thinking. Being ''sensitive'' on the topic might be good idea when out there with your face for reasons obvious, but out in the internet wonderland there's zero reason to pull back on shots.
I think there's a reason Sup Forums has been so effective. People have normally zero interest to challenge their beliefs so randomly reading up on race and IQ is a no-brainers, but jokes about race plant the seeds of objective thought in one's head, and a person will be more receptive to the biological truths.
About 5 years ago, I had no idea what a massive thing race really is. Normal people simply don't think about it and see no reason to think about it.
Lincoln Bailey
Eugenics works, castrate the spics and niggers and the average IQ of the population will rise quickly
Ayden Green
Am I a spic?
Carson Morgan
yeah? And what happens when your son fails the government IQ test and is told to report for mandatory castration?
Not a feasible solution. If people are just open and honest about this, white people can be free to breed with each other, for example, and the government can stop trying to make sure people of colour are represented in government and higher education to a proportional degree.
Caleb Parker
are you ?
Cameron Roberts
I don't know. You guys use spic to refer to South Americans yet it's supposed to be any spanish speaking person.
South Americans are not Spaniards god dammit. We are as white as the average white american...
Bentley Ortiz
I was much like you, I have never been a ''racist'' in the sense that I would have treated negroes worse. Redpilling went really fast as I've been naturally fluid and quick to change positions if I've found facts in counter of my previous beliefs.
But after years of being embroiled in redpills and seeing everything only go for the worse, you stop empathizing with your out-group. I don't want bad for black people, but they are not my people and I've zero empathy for them anymore. It's about prioritizing what matters in life. Out-groups do not matter and empathy is a luxury brought by wealth and decadence.
Racerealism will never be a positive idea. Nobody will ever like in our egalitarian times to face the cold truth with love in his heart. The cold shower is necessary.
Jose Watson
The only way to answer these important questions is to establish a White Ethnostate, then we use modern medical technology and vivisection to scientifically prove that Jews and niggers are different species.
Robert Sanchez
Personally I think our ancestors fucked up.
Imagine we take to the stars and visit other planets. Imagine we meet a race of aliens that are a little bigger and stronger than us, but dumb as bricks. What should we do?
Should we enslave them and force them to do shit jobs we don't want to do? Hey, maybe they even enslave themselves so we can just buy slaves, right? Sound like a good idea?
It's a terrible idea. I'd take the Star Trek TNG approach to something like that and I'd say for the most part just leave them alone. Maybe visit them once in a while and say hi, and keep an eye on them, but don't fuck around with their society, leave em be.
Our European ancestors made an enormous mistake by buying black slaves and shipping them to the Americas. I can hardly think of an example of a bigger mistake. Is there any?
Nicholas Thompson
Rejoice, OP. When AI is in charge, it will make accurate predictions about people's capacity for smart, lawful, productive behavior without calling the input factors "race" and "IQ".
Juan Peterson
TL;DR Losr
Michael Parker
African slavery was indeed one of the biggest mistakes of Western civilization. I do understand if they would had built refueling ports around Africa for Euro-Asia trade, but otherwise we should have left Africa to it's natural state.
Daniel Morgan
>lots of claims >no sources
The Sup Forums way.
Aaron Ward
>Black people never met Neanderthals. >Black people >Black... people