Who here thinks that feminists like Islam because dominant Islamic men have a backbone, whereas
Western culture has been promoting liberal cuck values?
Who here thinks that feminists like Islam because dominant Islamic men have a backbone, whereas
>Islamic men have a backbone
gr8 b8 m8 r8 8
m8, think about it tho. Contrast radical soy boys with women beating Islamists who promote Sharia law. Use that burger brain of yours
Sorry Jamal-bin-Laden, Muslims are shit and have no spine.
They are also kiddie diddlers.
We will purge them next.
I dislike Sharia law. Don't get me wrong. I'm just contrasting soy boys, which seem to be normal in our culture, to Islamists who are strong believers in Sharia law, which is the norm in Islamic countries. I'm then questioning why feminists like Islam so much. Could it be that Islamic men seem stronger?
Absolutely, women crave dominant men. It's no surprise they love Muslims.
Sharia Law is what makes Muslims so high-test. It's essentially codified tribal law, transplanted into the Medieval Age, akin to the highly masculine Vikings for instance.
White Sharia when?
Deus Vult
Some like it only because they've been conditioned to think it's better than whatever white people believe/do.
I don't think they like them, they fear them.
They should be afraid of what happens when the white man gets fed up at loses his shit.
Soy boys are only seen in big cities, they mostly don't exist in the rural land.
No OP. If this was niggers with the Jew media big sick meme it would be true. But Indians and Islamic is the same. It’s purely from a plutonic pity area.
There's a copypasta about how, historically during/after wars, the majority of men were executed and the breedable women were kept alive. This caused women to evolve to be passive and adapt to whatever the prevailing males wanted. It makes sense when you look at Europe today.
If this is true, the short answer to your question is yes, but not just because the men are cucks and they find dominance attractive. At some instinctual level, they see that their society is about to have new rulers, and they're switching teams early.
Deus Vult
Deus Vult
seriously, fuck islam and their desert religion
Soyboys arent the norm. They only exist in cites like Seattle or Jew York City. And trust and believe for every soyboy there are 2 Chads. Cant speak for your cities tho bro
Feminists don't like islam. Infidelity is forbidden, and without that, women have almost no authority.
Islam is a feminist religion
Oh, it's fucking true alright.
You don't know woman do ya bud? Woymen like there men to rape them willingly. That is there #1 kink. Not cheating. They just fuck the stud and date the cute guy for facebook likes
That guy looks so much like Jewt it's not even funny.
>Has his own viking law.
>asks for white shitskin law
top kuk
Listen to this convert and tell me Islam can't produce good.
That's a big part of it.
Viking law transmits less info than White Sharia
Top kuk. Sharia is the gap between alpha and beta. Paganism is alpha+.
Heres a you, Shlomo.
White Sharia is essentially asking for the white man's version of Islam, AKA Paganism. Either way, Pagans and White Sharia advocates are one and the same on Sup Forums, united against Judeo-Christcucks.
And alternatively, if Islam prevails, white people can co-opt it and turn it into a White Sharia ideology. Just as Christianity was co-opted.
Yeah, that's my theory as well. Women haven't updated their primal nature at the same pace as men have been forced to update. Men have refined their CHAD-related skills to be supportive of a civilized society, women are still hunting around for the biggest swinging wallet they can attach themselves to just like they've been doing since alpha male tribal warriors were a thing.
Pick one
feminists like islam so they can't be called the names they use for everyone else. What I find funny is feminists and LBGTQ are at odds with the Traps. Men acting like women pisses them off to no end.
Both work and are allies of each other. Preferably Paganism should be attempted first, but if it fails to take off, Islam can be used instead.
Either will save the white race from degeneracy and cuckery.
Of course... Im talking to a nazicuck who worships a nerd trying to larp as ragnar lothbrok fucking over his people in the proccess.
Everybody is wrong. White women have been indoctrinated by feminism into believing white men have squandered their inner potential, they're basically WUZs themselves. So, their personal war is against the white men that wasted generations of incredibly talented women, and whatever weapon they can use against these men is a good one. Diversity bothers them? Immigration? Go for it. Islam destroys white men's environment? More of that. Gay marriage and adoption? Where do we sign? If feminists were told literal shitflinging monkeys free to wander in the streets are bad for white males, you'd have that put in law in less than a year.
t. lolbertarian who would gladly let a nigger rail his wife as long as it doesn't violate the NAP
deus vult
You do know that “white sharia” as you call it is basically just Christianity, right?
>who here thinks
>subversive because
you're just posting this because because is persuasive. Fuck off shill
women are literally a meme
With the exception of Pastor Anderson (who unfortunately supports race-mixing), there is essentially no Christian group that advocates for the same ideals.
Pastor Anderson is the only Christian I respect and he gets blasted all the time from his fellow Christians, even Evangelicals.
t. nerd who tries to make everything exept a beta nerd person a cuck one because only a cuck is lower than him.
>become a mindless raging sand nigger muslim to save the white race! white people deserve it!
no its just political maneuvering. they want to import votes. nothing more. given how few show up if they were drawn to these men there wouldnt be a single "single" refugee. as is the domestic populations avoid the areas frequented by the refugees and actively flee the cities they inhabit. its how london was emptied of all the white people. white flight is a thing
Nope. Muslims are seen by feminists as wretched little toads that hate dogs because dogs have better qualities, a feminist told me.
You've got to admit that Orientals, Slavs, even negros are less vile and repulsive to feminists than Islam. You won the rosette for 'most repulsive in show' and you've been getting more inbred every year for 700 years now according to main stream science.
The thing with feminists is they are destructive and have a 100% track record of doing and saying the stupidest things. So for a while they couldn't help mouthing off in support of something as craptastically awful as Mohammad's weird inbreeding cult, simply because it's just so damn toxic.
That's what feminists think anyway.
I think you're just spiffing. You can fuck off now if you want.
(Pic related. Simply horrible)
White Sharia is basically hardline protestantism
Young hardline protestants are all anti-zionist and don't let their women wear pants, and they have been shooting guns together preparing for the happening
naw Christianity got us to the moon and when America was literally cucking every other country it was a Christian majority nation with a Christian president. It's only been with the rise of fedora tippers and cultural marxism (and the main doctrine of cultural marxism is to destroy Christianity) that you've seen degeneracy rise. Also the most based warriors throughout European history were Christians... at least at some point. Some of the greatest writers and philosophers... I mean it was a catholic priest that first theorized the big bang. Christians also have the highest rate of kicking Jews out of their countries. Not even Muslims can boast about that. Plus Mohamed was a kiddie diddler... Christ as a messiah makes infinitely more sense.
America was never a Christian nation, it has always been a secular nation. That's what led to its downfall, actually. Its secularism allowed atheism and degeneracy to spread without check. Communism existed as far back as the 19th century in America, after all, and atheism even predates it. The Founding Fathers were mostly agnostic, some even outright atheists.
The process of degeneration is Religious Government > Religious Nation, but Secular Government > Secular Government and Secular Nation
Secularism in Europe and America began in the 17th and 18th centuries, and contributed to the end of traditionalism and the rise of degeneracy.
This was only possible because, unfortunately, Christianity at its core is a cucked religion, and eventually the cuck teachings seeped through and caused the Church to lose power, and heretics and secularists gained influence and spread instead.
you're entirely wrong. it's the complete opposite, it is a small minority of Christians that aren't anti-zionist. and those Christians can easily be turned with a closer look at the NT where Jesus clearly states that "Jews" aren't God's chosen and are the synagogue of Satan. He literally calls them the sons of Satan, because they reviled in lie and Satan is commonly known as the father of lies throughout the bible.
I think women don't like Islam, I think they fear it. I think there's no question they're biologically inclined to submit to that they fear.
Christianity isn't scary whatsoever, the egalitarian west isn't scary, they don't have to like those things because they aren't worried.
Take the pagan pill; women don't know shit about paganism and assume because of propoaganda it's just Nazism. They're scared of that. They submit to that.
I'm thinking there might be a way to save western liberalism, AND stop men from being a bunch of pussies.
>Less men in tech
Now here me out, this is not about some feminist agenda. This is more about, tech guys tend to be soyboys. They don't work out, they don't do anything physical. Playing a video-game may be competitive to something like an asian boy (basically a female with a penis), but a boy can't become a man without physical competitiveness, without getting hurt and learning to deal with pain. Techboys sit around and get wide hips like women all day.
>Stop paying so much for tech
In all honesty, the tech-market is over-saturated. There's no reason why tech people should be making so much. Let cunts have their tech bubble, and let them get paid 70% less than what soyboys got years before them.
>Make certain college curriculum female only
You know, like anything related to the humanities. Don't poison a guys mind with that bullshit. Let it be a women's only club, and some women will be smart enough to gtfo of there.
>reset the rules of relationships
I think this is the main thing that can help us defeat islam.
You MUST reset the rules of a relationship. You mean some thot at a club, you take her home, make her scream (if you don't know how fucking look it up), and keep her number all that. If she suddenly starts talking about a relationship, you let her know you're not a one woman man. These cunts need to start accepting that men will not have just one. It's the same with islam. Christianity needs to bring back polygamy imo.
Lol are you 14 years old? There is no way you can be this misinformed about actual History without being a fedora tipping retard from lebbit. en.wikipedia.org
read up dumb ass and check the sources, America has been historically considered a Christian/Protestant nation even during the rise of secularism in Europe. The founding fathers practiced Christianity. Literally kys you faggot meme flag wearing niggerkike
This is the correct answer that we all independently came to.
Christianity is still monogamous, so that's a key difference. Islamic nations are unstable precisely because Islam supports Polygamy.
White Shariah is destined to fail because Polygamy is destined to fail.
SJWs only defend muslims because they're brown. That's literally it. All it would take for them to turn on Islam is for it to become a majority white religion.
Where is the national church of America? Where are the laws mandating religious observance of Christianity and curtailing the spread of other religions? Freedom of religion, the first Amendment, is inherently unChristian...
America was not founded as a Christian state you brainlet. I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm saying that's a bad thing. America would have been better as a Christian rather than secular nation. But Christianity, inevitably, leads to secularism, and secularism leads to atheism, degeneracy and feminism.
Mormons practice polygamy too and they're not unstable.
Actually, one key note.
Polygamy resulted in Muslims invading non-Muslim lands in search of wives and concubines to breed with. This is why Islam is inherently expansionist. Islamic born women tend to seek high-class men, so low-born Islamic men go on jihads to find women. This means they're always attacking their neighbors. However, this is inherently unsustainable. Eventually there will be no neighbors to steal women and turn into wives. Once this happens, the society becomes very unstable as the low-born Islamic men now look inwards rather than outwards for a wife.
Found you achmed. Also, no women, not even feminist or toasties like you. Go aloha snackbar your goat after you have a 'good time' with it one last time.
That's like saying one nigger being smart makes all niggers smart.
>In cultures that permit men to take multiple wives, the intra-sexual competition that occurs causes greater levels of crime, violence, poverty and gender inequality than in societies that institutionalize and practice monogamous marriage.
>That is a key finding of a new University of British Columbia-led study that explores the global rise of monogamous marriage as a dominant cultural institution. The study suggests that institutionalized monogamous marriage is rapidly replacing polygamy because it has lower levels of inherent social problems.
>"Our goal was to understand why monogamous marriage has become standard in most developed nations in recent centuries, when most recorded cultures have practiced polygyny," says UBC Prof. Joseph Henrich, a cultural anthropologist, referring to the form of polygamy that permits multiple wives, which continues to be practiced in some parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America.
Western cuck culture is limited to certain regions on the West Coast and the Northeast as well as in pockets of the largest cities elsewhere. Foreigners usually recognize the difference when they leave cucktopia.
I quote something from school many years ago, female Lebanese guest speaker:
"Thank you for holding the door. They do not do that in my home in Rhode Island. No real men. Just this new thing. 'Metrosexual' they call it."
did you just save this meme as some nz diss?
hamilton aint even that bad brah
>Be literal mindless drone
>Have a backbone
Pick uno
But we don't want to save western liberalism. It allowed for this insanity to take hold and it will again.
Fair enough, but muslims are out breeding everyone. Christianity needs to allow for men to marry multiple women again.
>your'e wrong muhammered they hate mudslimes and everything you stand for go try one out for size.
Agree with other user, don't really care about saving liberalism. It would be nice to not have soyboys though, so I don't disagree with 90% of what your sayjng
Feminists don't like Islam, they just hate the West more.
They're applying "Enemy of my enemy" logic, which will bite them in the ass at some point.
Any of you lads had success getting women and telling them you don't respect feminism or women generally? I have. It's the best thing ever. You need to be strong and assertive though and I'd say 90% of men are not both.
This is the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Do you hear how stupid you sound?
>Less men in tech
Yes goy, give women control our dominant sector of the economy.
>Make certain college curriculum (like anything related to the humanities) female only
Yes goy, let the women run amok in their marxist echo chambers. What could possibly go wrong?
You misunderstand, m8.
>Yes goy, give women control our dominant sector of the economy.
How would it be dominate if men aren't in it and the pay is shit? Did you read what I said?
>Yes goy, let the women run amok in their marxist echo chambers. What could possibly go wrong?
Men will not be poisoned, men will laugh at these dumb sluts, and smack them around like they should.
Are you ok?
>Muslims literally have to live as beggars in Christian countries
>They have to seek asylum and life in the pity of their hosts
>somehow this is dominant
So close, but you're a cuck so enjoy getting cucked by kek
> dominant islamic men
You mean those 5 foot tall guys who wear v-necks and have temper tantrums that can rival a woman on her period?
>Implying women can do the actual work generally.
Shockingly, a lot of nu males and soy boys have girlfriends
I used to somewhat believe this until I realized how much of a pussy they are.
Like, they make their women wear masks, so as not to entice other men. That's the pussiest thing I've ever heard of.
If your woman is going to go after another man, than you are a faggot beta. If you are afraid of other men going after her, then you are also a faggot beta.
Real men aren't afraid of other men, or of other women.
islamic men doesnt have backbone, they think they do. What you have in mind is blind zealousy , their values are no better than those of sjws. Both are poison.
Why would you let your woman dress like a whore?
Why not just get her drunk before she leaves the house? Or ring up her single girlfriends and plan a night out for her?
Exercise some ownership of your property. Feminist faggot.
I own this house, now everybody come on in and live in my house. I have this money, everyone else share my wealth. I have this woman, everybody else come and check out her tits and ass. I don't mind sharing, I don't even want to be selfish and exclude people from my things, I'm a commie marxist feminist retard and I have no concept of ownership and the benefits and responsibilities that come from ownership.
>Women get what they've been asking for
>Don't want it
Checks out.