
Is this cuckoldry, or will Trump be able to extract major fucking concessions, such as ending chain migration, guaranteed wall, end of lottery visa, making English the official national language, and adding a minefield in addition to the wall?


>citizenship in 10 years
Keeps them out of the 2020, 2024 elections

>Amnesty Don meme becoming reallity

What kind of deal does Sup Forums want?

>inb4 get everything, give nothing

Aren't Republicans the majority in both houses? Why does he have to concede anything why not just steamroll?

>will Trump be able to extract major fucking concessions, such as ending chain migration, guaranteed wall, end of lottery visa, making English the official national language, and adding a minefield in addition to the wall?
What do you think user? Who blinks first - the dems or the Don?

i think we should build TWO walls on the mexico-USA border.

amnesty would make the wall pointless

this , any amnesty deal kills the republican party in the future. better to kill DACA

By the time Trump's done negotiating, the deal is going to be: they can become citizens after 12 years, but during those 12 years, they are fair game for deportation / arrest at any time, and will be actively sought / hunted by ICE and other federal agents for all 12 years.

Don doesn't have eyelids

Because even his own party thinks he's a retard

A deal where the democrats are all thrown in a spike pit

I would accept if it was permanent legal residence, cannot vote in any federal election, and chain migration was ended. Maintain the same standards as DACA and be subject to deportation if broken.

>Because even Republicans are globalist crooks*

None of this matters when non whites win in the medium to long term. Even if the wall stopped 100% of illegal immigration, we've already lost simply to the breeding of the ones already here.

Demoturds already backpedaled,


Terrible idea, Trump and his fucking wall will be a meme talked about in history classes (in spanish).

I mean only for the 700k Dreamers, not the rest. They can fuck off.

if they went with the house bill i'd be satisfied with that. not that any of you have read it since letting one illegal stay means amnesty don! subversion threads are all the left has anymore. You can't weasel what you want so you're only play is to get trump's base to not like the plan because muh dreamers!

NUCLEAR minefield.

They never really had a chance, the shutdown was totally ineffective from the start.

Families with more than 3 kids is pretty rare across all races at middle class and above.

dream on dreamer

Offer free sterilization
>condoms suck, essé

Don't worry. I got this shit covered.

whatever sings ya to sleep at night princess


How does that make sense? They're already beyond the wall.

If DACA passes, Texas will be blue in 2020 or 2024.

You nailed it. They flip Texas and it's over. It's about a 7 point margin right now.

Exactly that. NO Citizenship to shitskins

Gee, it's not like Hispanics fall heavily in the category below or anything! They'll win due to birthrates, that's a fact boyo.

Texas is turning blue no matter what. You ain't factoring in legal immigration and liberal cucks fleeing Commiefornia and bringing their soft liberalism with them.

We just need to enjoy President Trump while we can 3 or 7 years more years 2024 is the end.

as opposed to clinton mainstream or republican option total anmesty open border no wall timelime. goddamn you guys expect Trump to totally do everything against all opposition on his own? goddamn man up up and help him then put your balls on the line and make a stand.

One step at a time, dogfucker.

I will take DACA.
But i want a fully funded wall.
End to chain migration.
And a new immigration act that minimizes third world immigration and favors Europeans and the Anglosphere. Maybe a few east Asians to stay under the radar.

We dont get these things, then fuck DACA. Deport all of them.

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>Trumps idea of DACA codified into law is making it so kids under a certain age right now can become citizens if they keep their nose clean for 12 years but deport anyone who tries this shit again or has already been here too long
So he is going to get an end to chain migration visa lottery's and fund a wall in exchange for... 50 brown people in 12 years? Because thats what the end of that article is saying

And what will stop Dems from overturning all that shit as soon as they have enough votes to do so?

>already lost
No. Wall is built, immigration is curbed, middle class jobs are built back up, white families now have an incentive to have more kids.

If you're not on government assistance, having more than one child is extremely expensive to the point to being illogical.

While I'd never accept a no consequence amnesty bill, I would back a 'pathway to citizenship' bill that requires them to do some actual fucking work and isnt an automatic guaranteed thing. If they claim to love this country they should have no problem putting in the effort to stay. I would ONLY accept this though if it came with ending the visa lottery, ending chain migration, AND full funding and approval for the wall at the VERY LEAST.

The dreamers are so entrenched in society that it would be difficult to get rid of them even if DACA was repealed entirely. The ones with kids have already permanently made their mark on our demographics. If what we get in return stops more in the long run its a win for us. I'm not so delusional that I thought we could get everything we wanted without giving anything at all.


Nothing. But the wall, no more chain migration, and a new immigration act slows the bleeding. I think slowing the process is important to give people time to digest what is going on. Otherwise we go Brazil tier. The dems tearing down the wall in a couple decades would be quite the red pill.

I dont know a single middle class hispanic family with more than 3 kids, and I know quite a few.

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>t. apathy shill

i hope we get a national voter ID and national concealed carry reciprocity and automatic deportation for any illegal

i really dont want to compromise though, the last time we did this, brought us to where we are now.

deport illegals, build a war and solid defense, start shooting people crossing into the border illegally. problem solved

I'm tired of blaming Jews for everything. We're in trouble now because people of our own race want to see our downfall. Hitler 2.0 and Right wing death squads our only hope now and we'll have to target our own


That's like telling water you won't drink it up and piss it out if it can stop being wet for twelve years

Not even that.... Unironically, medical and bioengineering is going to exponentially go up in breakthroughs, with the help of A.I. There will be cosmetic genetic manipulation therapy engineering in the foreseeable future. This, with absolute certainty of mass covert sterilization programs for the low IQ and male feminization of 3rd world population, I see hope. Do you really think this geopolitical shitshow is for nothing? No. The world will be unrecognizable and unfathomable in 25 years..... In a good way.

never underestimate trump's desire for 3 hours of positive coverage on CNN

majority =/= supermajority, you need a supermajority to get things done

It's a ploy to give the Dems shitty optics once DACA expires. Schumer already said no wall funding. Therefore, no DACA (there wasn't going to be an amnesty anyway.)

25 billion isnt even enough. fuck you nightmares...
Americanos haso dreamos too o...

Close immigration untill we put more americans to work..

> IT

not gonna lie former trump supporter here, it's hilarious watching him crash and burn like this

Illegal spics deported and Mexico/spics have to pay Uncle Sam $100 trillion in restitution for shitting up our country.

Build railways not walls!!!

How many of you faggots were banned from The Donald for naming the Jew?

Liberal talking heads won't know what to do if he gets the wall. It will be delicious.

Because if you change the demographics. Votes in the future will be to destroy the wall.
The wall is 100% pointless if you give amnesty. Because it won't last.

They're the majority, but funding needs 60 votes, not 51

That is a fantastic point.

Still no way Dems will agree to the wall.

Build a hyperloop from Mexico to Canada, with no exits in between.

This was always the deal. Get rid of DACA and hold the remaining dreamers hostage for concessions from the Democrats. It's brilliant.

Trump is a deal maker

this was all part of making a deal

>not knowing about the Spic-span

Mexico is already paying for the wall through corporate tariffs, increased levies at port of entry to the US and rising VISA costs.

At least get fucking informed before you pretend to be smart.

Finally someone gets it

You realize that if people in government wanted to stop border control, they could, right? They could just open the gates, destroy the wall, or offer plane tickets. It literally accomplishes nothing when you have 50% of the country as traitors who want open borders - it's only a matter of time.



What’s the point of a wall when libs will tear it down the instant they get back in power

Now that tariffs have been added to foreign solar panels anyone here think he's going to add them to the wall to future proof it against being torn down by democrats?

Dems ultimately won’t take it
>change senate vote rule to simple majority
>blame dems for being obstructionist
>prove to dems own base they’ve sold out Americans for illegals
>pass budget legislation without conceding a goddamn motherfucking thing.

How many people would DACA encompass? I've heard 50-100,000. Now ask yourselves if that small number of people are allowed to stay in exchange for ending every other terrible aspect of immigration. DACA does not mean every illegal gets amnestry, just these few. It's actually a hilariously bad deal for dems. They get absolutely nothing out of it except being able to pander more to the spics.

>prove to dems own base they’ve sold out Americans for illegals

If they didn't figure it out by now, they don't give a fuck.

He better make them pay for that wall ;after passing that caca shiet.

What am I looking at here?


tfw f-14 tooling was destroyed
tfw no swing-wing f-23

He's not offering citizenship, the republicans have been offering residency. That means they can't be citizens. They also want to kill chain migration, preventing the spics from bringing in their fucking extended families.
Chain migration above all else needs to fucking die, I don't care what we do as long as that shit and the diversity lottery are fucking gone. Everything else is gravy.


>trump gets wall
>democrats get dreamers
>dreamers turn Texas and Florida blue
>democrats obtain perpetual power
>democrats tear down wall
>right wing cry and do nothing because they're short sighted fucking retards

>>citizenship in 10 years
>Keeps them out of the 2020, 2024 elections

and would require no criminal activity for that 10 years

Doesn’t allow them citicenship for 10 years. Meanwhile chain migration ends, overall immigration decreases.

Balls...lmao. your dealing with eunuchs here

>this is misleading

The Graham bill has a pathway to citizen ship. Trumps does not and the leaks are always wrong btw.

1st generation legal immigrants commit less crime though, the people sent are educated and selected for their skills.



>"DACA recipients" and "Dreamers" are not synonymous
>"Dreamers" encompasses any of the millions of illegals who were brought over by family
>we DO NOT want a bill granting citizenship to all "dreamers". only the 700k or so DACA recipients

well if some of you autistic fat fucks went out in the fields and picked some cotton then maybe there would be no demand for labor south of the border...just saying

1) DACA qualifiers get probationary permanent residence. Probationary period lasts for five years - during that time if they're convicted of a felony, or are unemployed for a period of more than six months, they're immediately deported. After the probationary period ends they get a green card and can apply for naturalization after another five years.

2) End of sanctuary cities. Cities interfering with enforcement of federal immigration laws or imposing penalties on residents who cooperate with authorities will be heavily fined.

3) End of chain migration, lottery system, and diversity immigration quotas.

4) Legal annual immigration cap is set to 100K.

5) Wall gets fully funded, non-negotiable.

That's good. It said he wasn't sure about the parents. Send the parents back! The parents broke our laws and got their kids into a situation where the kids could've been deported.

I don't know what Sup Forums wants. but what I want in the short term is to have the boarder secured. We stop giving amesty to people who criminals and unskilled laborers, and instead give amnesty to people who are skilled in the STEM fields regardless of where they come from (except Iran, NK, and China).

My way I think is comprimisable enough to the democucks at surface value, but once you analyze each point more things emerge.

>Many illegals from mexico and latin america are criminals and have no valuable skills in a western country.
>Generally world wide "shitskins" also have no valuable skills.
>We start getting intelligent people from Europe and Asia again to immigrate here.

700k DACA recipients would still vote Democrat.

When texas turns blue, they will try to pass state gun control, and there will be blood.

Don't forget Canada. Just look at them crowding up to the border, trying to build up the courage to make a break for it.

Isn't that what Sup Forums wants? Wait for the laws to enacted then start your race war