Oh shit nigga watch out, there gonna go drop some red pills on us.
Oh shit nigga watch out, there gonna go drop some red pills on us
Other urls found in this thread:
rabbi wacha doin?
Nice OC Tyrone, Keep it up!
Lel. Keep them coming, OP. A board that can't laugh at itself is as good as dead.
It's pretty pathetic that whoever is making these can't even chance the format or the artstyle. It's painfully obvious only one person is making them, but the question is is it JIDF or /leftypol/?
This is at most 1 person and If you don't live out each of these roles on a daily basis you're a normie and should off yourself
>that passive-aggressive asshurt
lefty/pol/ really can't meme
Hi /leftypol/
>left wing memes
...they all seem like stand-up guys, though.
fuck. Sup Forums btfo without a single doubt.
so this is the power of lefty memes
>leftist memes
couldn't be funny if your life depended on it
Your missing the sickfuck who will actually kill and his cousin the natsoc.
Not to mention the ethnically motivated serial killers...
Happeningfags eternally BTFO
Didn’t even squeeze in a spot for us 56%ers. Fucking shameful.
I like the race realist personally.
Did the Donald finally fuck off back to re ddit?
... I wish someone would mention them, I need more names to put on my hero board.
Even the dog is fat.
this isn't as good as the magapedes one
Literally nothing wrong with natsocs
the anti T_D one was sarcastic horrible shit and funny, this is really toothless desu
>mfw I'm both alt-right and third positionist
>When they have a GET, you know they're not LARPing! Nice quads!
Only good part.
I'm all of those guys, except without the degeneracy.
Ebin meme, friend. Well played :D.
Edit: Will give you gold next time, for now I hope the upvote is enough.
Try harder kike lol
>tfw did cardio listening to erika today
I've never seen nazis endorse homosexuality or democrats.
i lol'd at how accurate this was
nice bait faggot
Where's the original with Reddit and mr shekelberg?
I also hum Horst Wessel Lied.
weakest meme i've ever seen
keep it up!
how much for the fumo
The one with the dog looks like she shouldn't be there, however I assume she's a shitty person based upon how obese her dog is
arent they the same thing
answer me
Nice just bought 100k!
No originality
Wearing flip flops should be punishable by law.
being a freakin brony should be punishable by law.
miksi lopetit ylikselle postailun?
I guess you also wear cargo shorts, le ironic t-shirt and a baseball cap backwards...so unique and so you.
It doesn't manage to hit home in the way that some of what the original did.
Intellectual versus instinctive fascist, I think. You can be alt-right and still think another kind of social order is ideal, third positionists are full fash and probably Euroboos.
Fucking hell could you imagine the smell
Now for the original
that poor woman trying to hide behind that leaf in embarrassment
fucking ace lad. well memed.
>No originality
>meanwhile Sup Forums frogposts for 5 years after it stopped being funny
that was shit -tiered, the only true part is the ethnic cleanising from kikes
>stopped being funny
Lmao I literally hum Horst Wessel Lied in public
> more plausible ones
At least you have the self consciousness to admit your bullshit "theories" aren't real.
Pepe is used in a completely different contex than the shit pic I used as the OP pic.
The point of him is to be used as a reaction image and be edited to our hearts content.
It was never funny.
its funny because you dont like it
It's still a copy of a copy of a lame-ass character.
once again leftists can't meme
self-awareness: zero
You mean like how every leftist meme is a carbon copy of a right winged meme.
The left can't meme
Screencap from commie discord raiding Sup Forums
ahahahah saved
Its more like one of us is self aware. If anything these stereotypes in his edit are true and actually hurt any real discussion on Sup Forums.
That still doesn't make it anywhere near original. All your "meemees" and "art" are unoriginal pieces of garbage. Just look at
> F A S H W A V E
or the oh so funny Benjamin Garrisonberg edits.
what do you mean?
Trash forced meme
10/10. I started working on my own OC because of this thread.
The responses here are pathetic, I see you clearly struck a nerve. Good job.
This board has no self awareness and is afraid of introspect and criticism, either self criticism or external criticisms. Cowards.
ms paint is great. spergey bullshit non art became the new art in a world of shit modern art that became non art
I take your pain, I put my straw in it, and a drink it up. The left can't meme.
>being a brony makes me unique
Im not even a leftist, I just thought posting it would be funny.
This is proof that leftists CAN meme
I applaud the ally who made this comic, Sup Forums was btfo yet again
better get used to it Sup Forums, we're going to make you regret voting for drumpfold tard
its just comics bro. fashwave is just photoshop. deal with it bro.
They do it just to get a rise out of you. They're probably not even "leftists", just trolls. They copy your shit because you do the same. They're intentionally shitty to prove a point. If you don't get that you're a special kind of stupid.
Oh well, at least you've still got your memes.
Dumb ass faggots.
They try so hard too. It's sad really. You can see the passive aggressive butthurt in all their shitty OC but hey, it gets upboats in r/PoliticalHumor.
very nice my friend
you truly are a normalfag. Happeningfags and gets has been around before Sup Forums, sonce post numbers on forums was a thing. What? You think you are the first faggot to apply Jung's archetype thinking to online behavior?
*tips fedora*
That's you now.
Its more of a face palm than a "reeeee". The only point they can prove is that the artist has no originality.
does it not remind you of a subversion of warhol? an trancendance beyond pop art and a true revolution of post goym conciousness
That one is actually good. And kind of painfully true. See? That's how you use good ol' ms paint
One of the tranny shills
Irony is no longer your ally it once was
>mfw i opened that in a new tab without seeing what's in it yet
Is this Discord connected to /leftypol/ or any subreddits? We've been attacked by groups like this before.
and pepe can be this too, or something completely different all the same. each instance of a meme represents itself. some are good some are bad. dont be racist to memes bro. thats not cool.
Whom so ever made this faggotry needs to rot and burn in Haiti
>The only point they can prove is that the artist has no originality
Says the Sup Forumsack. Go post some frogs and howling wolfgirls in some other thread, you cut-rate memelord.
And for one last time, they make them unoriginal to show that you are unoriginal. Is that too difficult a concept to get through your fat head?