Is this real life?

>Absolute Madman
Absolute Madman

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I like this

Getting this man into any Office would be the biggest attack on ZOG since 1945

Is the media scared to cover him?

Agreed. I wonder if Jews realize that there's no putting the lid back on the can anymore? Too many people are talking about the Jews and asking questions to ever go back to days of hiding behind the curtain, so to speak.

He will never be given a platform. Until they absolutely have to - even then he will be branded as the second coming of Hitler for even asking the JQ which will redpill many as he looks like a normie conservative.


The media won't cover him because they are scared it will be Trump 2.0


Oh shieeet

Dont even care because MY DOG is MAN OF THE HOUSE



Fuckin gold

controlled op

JQ is now in full swing here.

This 100%. There's just too many people who know at this point who are unwilling to shut up. Just keep redpilling people one-by-one. We're getting pretty to close to some kind of threshold

Oh how I wish this was true. Hey maybe he has made a few people face the JQ at least a little bit, but most normies just don't want to believe (((they))) control almost everything.

He's controlled opposition.

it will end in blood, they wont go out quietly

jwakening of the JQ

not buying it

Absolutely. Think about this for a second. What if Paul Nehlen had been on Twitter mouthing off not about Jews, but rather about blacks. Think about how quickly the media would drag him in front of the camera to talk about how this Trump-loving Republican hates black people. The media would have a field day.

But Jews on the other hand...hmmm maybe it's better to keep that one quiet. What if people start wondering what Nehlen's issue with Jews is, and go to check out what he's actually saying. Well we wounldn't want that, would we.

That said, they can't help themselves sometimes. Jake Tapper retweeted the Nehlen Tweets of the media infographics

>Same /leftypol/ idiot posting this shit in every thread
We get it. You've read Rules for Radicals

How many threads are you going to post this in?

The year the Zog won?

Yeah obviously, that's why jews will call you anti-semitic when you point out that they're jewish
20d dreidel spinning


Not incredibly obvious divide and conquer tactics.

spencer, enoch, weev, anglin =/= loomer, thernovitch, milo

Jwakening is now a word. G-d bless this man.

Go fuck yourself

Youre absolutely correct. With niggers it's easier to coddle and downplay evidence. With Jews being in higher positions of power in finance, media, and government.. Open discussion is a kill shot.

>temp banned from twitter for listing 100+ Jewish fake news anchors and media executives

>"controlled opposition"

Not you....controlled opposition guy

they are going to nuke the world this time if anything happens . look up the sampson option

I'm seriously considering making a t-shirt.


Fuck off shill.

Let them.

Better civilization start over than be controlled by them. If they nuke the world out of spite and blackmail, THEY will be the ones remembered as causing the real holocaust.


This idiot knew he never had a chance at holding office so he went full retard.

He's gonna have to settle for a spot on the daily Stormer hall of fame... Which I swear is just as good as wielding institutional power...

Your OC isn't that good user. Stop posting it.

What timeline are we in?

The world deserves it for never killing them off.

someone post the they are scared meme for this faggot

Podhoretz blocked me. I don’t even remember why. Same with Keith Ellison.

I must be doing something right, but I don’t know what it is.

He must win. What happened last time anyhow It's not as if Paul Ryan is some kind of prize.

Make two and I'll buy the other

Please keep posting it faggot.

The second best, user.
Right behind German V-day with a real holocaust timeline.

>Alt Right memers please respond

How fast do you think this would be Shoah'd and Warski thrown in Leaf-jail for hate crimes?

I almost wanna print it on a blue monkey vest.


This man is going to become the new American Führer within the next decade, I guarentee it

is this his gab?

Yep. He got temp ban from (((twitter)))

He is completely insane. He says stupid shit like "Traps are gay" and uses Sup Forums lexicon like the pill suffix for example, "Poison pill" on his YouTube channel. His chances of winning are exactly zero.

Statement from his lawyer.


Him or Barron, either is a win.
Remember Georgie leveling Iraq because of a thwarted assassination attempt?
Barron will wipe the planet clean, including his in-laws.

You are they
Concern troll faggot

Holy shit, the guy already has honorary Aryans.

>Getting this man into any Office would be the biggest attack on ZOG since 1945

more like since when David Duke was elected to the Louisiana House in 1989

>mfw the incessant shillposting has only served to make their tactics painfully obvious
Looks like it backfired again, schlomo.

The virgin enoch

>as a jew
>semitic liaison
my sides

>can you feel that?
It's a groundswell of support as tens out of thousands of people line up behind Paul Nehlen.

>Can you hear that?
It's the sound of a million white men rushing to the ballot boxes in order to free themselves from Jewish influence.

Nehlen's gonna win boys. I can feel it in the air. We're totally not fooling ourselves.

>l-look bae I posted it again
>m-maybe the alt right is btfo now and we can go back to easily beating controlled op republicans again
>*sounds of african penis in the other room*
we’re not going anywhere and we don’t believe your lies anymore

You kikes are mysterious
Are you finally going to fight the kike civil war and wreck the commies?


>His chances of winning are exactly zero.
Not the point. He was always a long-shot. He's being tremendously valuable in terms of shifting the overton window and redpilling normies on the JQ (including his 90,000 Twitter followers)

Please God I really do hope so because that can only be a good thing

They are going to nuke the European capitols
This actually helps us a lot.

True but Sup Forums is the vast majority of his followers on Twitter and on other social media.

Glowing in the dark like ETs finger

>Mike Cernovich
Are you implying that a jew could come up with the Monkey Mindframe?

Howler Headscapes

Gorilla Gesticulations

Baboon Brainwaves

Harambe Headspace

Lemur Lifestyle

Mandril Mindframe

Orangutan Outlook

Silverback Suppositions

Ape Attitude

Simian Semantics

>semetic liaison

wow, what clever semetic semantics

This may be the funniest serious thing I've seen in awhile

How could they not be? Would you let him within a mile of any news camera?

He has a gerbbles wtf is he the new HITLER!

A decent chunk of 90k might be Sup Forums, but idk about vast majority. Even still, even if we assumed 80k of them were Sup Forums, do you know how much value there is in redpilling 10,000 more people--who are the type to be on Twitter--on the JQ? There's a multiplier effect with these things. Not to mention all the people who don't have twitter but nonetheless will hear about this.

The issue for them is he's still being completely rational about all of it and only bringing up points that can't be refuted.
He's not falling into any of the traps they would normally cherry-pick to paint him as a kooky conspiracy theorist.
He's also not backing down one bit. If he did, they would sense weakness and move in for the kill.

Why did DePizzo get suspended?

He is handling this as well as anybody could. No merchant memes or gas memes. Just pointing out and irrefutable double standard and imbalance of power.
Even normies can make natural assumptions if they accept these as true.

Better to die on your feet than to live on knees, right?

Lefty as fuck

Literally who? Why must OP always be a faggot, who doesn't bother adding background information?

lurk moar

t. egyptians, ~4000BCE
t. romans, 60CE
t. german nationalists, 1930CE

This is turning to a shitshow. If trump gets 2 terms, 2024 will feature hitler vs. stalin as the left and right grow further apart.

The left is already as extreme as it's physically possible to be. They just keep pushing people to the right, so the gap widens.

I'm not a shill and tend to agree. This is to outright. I don't see how this is good in our current environment.

OY VEY GOYIM, just stick to shitposting on your Ethiopian flatbread baking forum. Never reveal your power level like this, it will only hurt the cause

Indeed, we should be sticking to tried and tested conservative values. As long as we maintain our principles the jews will eventually see they have nothing to gain by eliminating the white race.


honestly, who do you think you are fooling with this obvious D & C shillery? it's sad you guys get paid for such low energy propaganda.

CNN did a few segments on him