Why do people not believe in the wage gap? Everyone knows that for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 79 cents. As a woman, I know first-hand that this is a huge issue in our society. Why don't more people acknowledge it? I've yet to see any evidence against it.
The wage gap is real
Other urls found in this thread:
Bigger gap between ceos and workers
We could give all the money in the world to women it wont make them work harder.
So why bother? You don't ask for a raise, you don't get one beyotch.
I know you’re looking for attention, but the wage gap is only 1-2 cents when you control for the type of job and the hours worked
> wage gap is real
> single variable analysis
kill yourself faggot. Load up Netscape navigator, type askjeeves.com
search for: "What is multi-variate analysis, aka How long have I been gay?"
Where are the lawsuits?
Are we to ignore how much easier it is to get a job as a woman? Okay fine you might get abit less pay, but at least youve got a job, women can easily gets jobs, men cant, end thread.
>wage gap
It's an earnings gap and it exists because women are lazy cunts.
It's not a wage gap, it's a work gap.
This stat is going to swing so hard the other way when the old boomer men retire and leave their corporate harems.
If the wage gap were real then why wouldn't companies hire only women? There must be two possibilities:
1. The wage gap is bullshit
2. Women do not work as hard as men (generally) resulting in a lower wage
I have yet to find anyone who can refute this.
>A woman
>I know
Lol. Nice try.
News Flash: Electrical engineers earn more than kindergarten teachers.
because women should be making 0 cents
Weak bait. sage. There is wage gap. There is no proof. All statistics are skewed to prove their point. Gtfo
Piss off, low iq / leftist / female scum.
Create your own companies then, parasitic, useless, female scum.
women actually get higher wages in electrical engineering, with all of the cuck tech companies tripping over themselves for diversity.
t. electrical engineer
More like a merit gap
I've been looking for this everywhere but I've never been able to find it. Thanks.
Because women are retards and never work hard enough to deserve a raise
Wage gap only exists at senior and managerial levels which is based heavily on experience, merit, and the size of the company. Every wageslave or mid level office worker and engineer has their position’s wage set in fucking stone regardless of anything else. That is why this is a bullshit complaint only brought up by actors and executives.
That being said, when I worked as a bartender, women make 2-3x what men do fucking easily. I have no tits or a qt face so no guy was going to tip me $50-100 on a $30 tab just because. I have no sympathy for the cunts that believe there is a wage gap.
Younger women have this and already make more than their male counterparts.
Yeah there's a gap that these bitches aren't getting fucked everyday when they decide to get out to the place where there is no male figure to look for them.
sage this slide shit
We should do a thread for image requests.
If you're wondering; yes that is human shit.
We need to fight gender inequality in the professional poo diver occupation.
Just because there may be a gap doesn't mean there's a problem.
If equal talent was out there for a cheaper price, every company would begin a hire women only policy and immediately save that 10% on staffing.
This never happens becasue it is not real.
The bigger gap is between your legs from taking nog cock in the ass.
Ignore this thread —- it’s fucking Ben Shapiro again. Un-fuckin-believable.
The funny thing is that'd drastically flip should the government mandate 'gender equity' policies. Men would become the first choice as you could legally discriminate against their wages and get improved productivity to boot.
>1 post by this id
Please dont fall for such obvious bait...
that 79 cents is a dollar in leafistan
perhaps you should seek equality there?
>Everyone knows that for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 79 cents.
Citation needed. once upon a time it was common knowledge the earth was flat
>As a woman
you know the rules
>I know first-hand that this is a huge issue in our society.
no it isn't if you would look up some statistics and read them OBJECTIVELY you would know why it seems that way.
>I've yet to see any evidence against it.
read my previous answer
The study that shows the 79 cents bullshit doesnt account for:
1) Men generally prefer jobs in the STEM field that are usually higher paying and Women generally prefer jobs like teaching that pay less.
2) Women on adverage are more likely to be more agreeable (the trait) and therefore are less likely to ask for a raise or to ask for as high a salary as a disagreeable person might.
3) Women leaving the work force to have children, many of whom either never return, return to part time only, or return in a less demanding (and therefore lower paying) job.
And it usually assumes the fundamental flaw that there should be equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity.
I believe its rule 30 that says that there are no girls on the internet except when in the exception of tits or GTFO so... Tits or GTFO!
>The wage gap
Not a wage gap.
But a work gap.
Women are lazy parasite types.
This thread,even proves that.
If women werent llazy parasitic diseases, they-d simply create companies n to their own (((wage gap))) n shit would even out, right ?!
But no, ofc they dont.
Because women are just lazy, toxic, ying cheating parasites, basically diseases to society
(Which btw is also the reason western society collapses)
It's simple.I'm in a department with 3 collegues,2 men and 1 woman.The woman has been working here for 10 years I have been working here for 6 months.After my contract renewal I now have a bigger sallary then her.But why?During those 10 years she got pregnant 3 times and spent 6 years in maternal leave.In the last 6 months I personaly made 4 project proposals for my research institute and 3 got funded.She has 0 in 10 years but expects to be included in every single project we get funded.This is the kind of woman that bitches about the wage gap.
Not only is the wage gap not real, but for work where men and women are paid equally dollar for dollar, women produce FAR less that 79% of the value their male counterparts produce.
>sage this slide shit
so many faggots can't detect obvious slide thread
Most statistics on the pay wage gap is not for the same position but the average income between men and women men work more on average hence they make more money