Was bladerunner 2049 /ourmovie/?
Feminists and communists got butthurt because it proved low iq men and even most women would be entirely irrelevant once artificial wombs and sexbots of any sort existed.
Was bladerunner 2049 /ourmovie/?
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My personal best movie for 2017 and it did an excellent job portraying many of these topics. Absolutely (at least to me) was a must see for Sup Forums. Don't know if its a (((Hollywood))) plot or just slipped by.
I didn't see it as any particular redpill but it was refreshingly free of commie bullshit, yes. Best true sci fi movie in forever since everything in it was perfectly technically plausible and it addressed the impact of all that tech on humanity in the true spirit of science fiction very poignantly and with a great respect to the lineage not only of the first movie but of Philip K. Dick's book. This is an absolute rarity with drooling leftists ruining the rest of cinema these days.
I can't tell whether the subplot about his hologram gf was meant to lambast the social isolation caused by AI or to be a parallel to the modern day, but if it was meant to be a parallel definitely one of the most red pilled movies of the 21st century.
It was a fantastic film. But I don't think it pissed anyone off.
Ill never understand this board always saying that roastie snare getting outraged over sex bots. I've never seen it. Must be subversive propaganda like the Blacked threads.
Nah /ourmovie/ for 2017 was the MLP movie.
Have u watched electric dreams? Another phillip k dick adaptation
I thought the gf was another what is human story, with her dying for the right cause and all.
I guess it depends on what we are considering a red pill. To me there are two pivotal points that I would consider pills. The first moment is when K finds out he's not special. He has no importance, and his life is designed, and he truly has no idea what is life. Its a huge black pill, as he watches a copy of his holo gf point at him and say he's special. The two characters we get to see as unique are just made by design, and easily replaced. The red pill was what came afterward. Instead of being a nothing K decides to do something. He wasn't the special one, but he throws his fate to the wind and decides to not only get to Harrison Ford's character, but also decides to once again go against his commands and save him. To me its a massive red pill. It means to stop standing idly by. This is going to sound so fucking lame I'm sorry. You're not special, and won't matter. Its going to be your deeds that give you purpose. Also I likened the gf not necessarily to the current day, but instead to the idea of the perfect woman. She was to the viewer the idea feminine figure and was K's match. In the end we just see that she was "What you wanted her to be." We're left with a question now. Did Joi really love K, or was it just part of her program.
Did you see some of the more liberal sites responses to this. They were saying that the lack of speaking roles and feminine lead was a return to the 1950s.
What is human but also commentary on corporate control and social isolation.
There's a lot of examples of mad roasties complaining about bladerunner 2049
I wasn’t totally distracted by a ZOG or Hollywood agenda throughout the whole film and I could actually watch a movie and enjoy it so yeah it’s pretty refreshing
>California is a multicultural shithole
>The only black character is a pedophile slave owner
>Officer K is presented as the white every man
It was /our movie/
Three black guys. One was a shitty cop that just yelled at K (He may have died but I don't remember). The other one identified that the horse K found was real wood and told K he could get him a real horse if he wanted.
This and good time were the best of 2017
reminder 50% of teabaggers wanted social security to keep existing.
But yeah lads if any of you have not seen bladerunner or 2049 go see it. Also prevent yourself from experiencing or engaging degenerate media, including social media or in person propaganda such as Trump being a Russian puppet.
Best film of 2017.
Because they already were forced to pay into it. They just want their fucking money back that the government stole from them.
A blood black nothingness
A system of cells
Within cells interlinked
Within one stem
And dreadfully distinct
Against the dark
A tall white fountain played
>it proved
It didn't prove anything, it's a work of fiction.
I watched the movie and thought "Weird. Why doesn't anyone speak English on thr streets?"
Recently, I learned that's already the case in a lot of parts in the US and thought "Oooh, I see"
So when did we end it and how do we fund it lmao. By taxing the young? The young will want it then because they've been taxed.
Nosteponsnek are literally poor and low iq when compared to ancap and you can see it in their ideology. I could have social security run out today and retire early because I made good decisions.
Present a plausible future in which low iq and unproductive folk continue to exist in the long term.
>Feminazi kills the perfect AI waifu
Zing! Nice one Muhammad!
Why did I laugh?
>mfw when I just want to revert back to 1776.
Tell me ancap friend, do you believe that your neighbors have the right to do whatever on their own property as long as it does not harm you? Lets say they were harboring immigrants and giving them a place to stay. Is that okay to you? I'm a snek because i believe in a small close knit community. I don't want social security. I want men to engage in charity with each other when their fellow man needs help, and for that man to do his best to give back as well. Is that a welfare state to you?
I think its an accurate representation of what living in alienation feels like. I think a lot of people on Sup Forums can relate to that feeling of isolation inside ones own head, and knowing unspeakable truths. He's forced into a certain kind of behavior by society because of what and who he is, forcing him into an unfulfilling life.
I think we can also relate to K's craving for genuine intimacy, which is shattered by the realization that something that he thought was special was never really special at all, which was his "relationship" with Joi. I think a lot of men feel this way about intimate relationships with modern women in the west. To add to that is the realization that he is not as special as he thought he was when he discovers he really is just a replicant and the memories aren't his.
Its an amazing film but it makes me feel pretty black pilled.
I'll fix it for you user. I got the words mixed up and going off my head not the source material.
Try to write a sentence without the word 'pill' in it
Think about his gf joi\joy...which he cannot touch....think about the synthetic/skinjob love .... when he gets close to her she tries to kill him....quite the analogy ......that is just one small analogy of a huge story.....best movie of 2017 in my opinion.....
>Laughs when boomers coopt a flag two hundred and forty two years old and thinks that all it represents.
If you want to throw away the history behind the flag that's fine. It just means you're a faggot who can't even look further back than 20 years. Good try though. I could be like any other ass out there who waves an ancap but doesn't understand how ineffective it is, but I'd rather stand with a banner that means something.
End it now, but allow the people that were forced to pay into to get their money back. The government stole from us, we just want it back. Idk why an ancap would have a hard time understanding this.
He said there weren't any "redpills" in the movie. I gave two examples. I was using the terminology of the previous poster.
yall faggots just liked it because of the sex robots
>It didn't prove anything, it's a work of fiction.
>Why fiction’s narrative and emotional integrity will always transcend the literal truth
>speaking of war stories, consider Tim O’Brien’s collection of stories, The Things They Carried. The book renders the myriad horrors, exhilarations, doldrums, and tragedies of the Vietnam War with vividness and intimacy, and because the author is a veteran, the book’s power might be assumed to emanate from O’Brien’s firsthand knowledge. And maybe it does. But in “Good Form,” one of the short-short stories in the collection, the narrator says, “Story-truth is truer sometimes than happening-truth.”
>O’Brien writes:
>Here is happening-truth, I was once a soldier. There were many bodies, real bodies with real faces, but I was young then and afraid to look …
>Here is the story-truth. He was a slim, dead, almost dainty young man of about twenty. He lay in the center of a red clay trail near the village of My Khe. His jaw was in his throat. His one eye was shut, the other eye was a star-shaped hole. I killed him.
I didn't like the 3rd act at all. felt way too rushed and the ending wasn't that great.
I read the lion's share of Philip K Dick's more well known stories, watched the original, and entirely expected this one to be garbage. Is it really that good of a film plot wise or is it visuals?
I'll probably watch in on TV soon either way but wondered what the merit was.
>But I don't think it pissed anyone off.
Are you retarded? The movie was constantly bashed by leftists and females upon its release.
>entirely expected this one to be garbage. Is it really that good of a film plot wise or is it visuals?
Me too. It's excellent. Everything about it. The plot, the visuals, the music, the emotional resonance.
There is one thing about it I didn't really like. Later in the movie, kind of in the vein of CGI Leia in Rogue One. Jared Leto can also be annoying, but he does a good job, and I heard David Bowie was originally going to play that part until he died.
tfw when you think you find out youre special but ur rly not but u dont know it yet
Low iq men and most women are already entirely irrelevant in most respects. Their only relevance is a social cost burden.
this is actually a good point. and most certainly worth of further discussion. Maybe they try to implant a sense of "pushing back" if I were in marketing i would surely explore this for better sales. if i were one of ((them)) i would explore this so, the majority of men would have something better to "resist" to then actually resisting things that matter. good point burgerbro!
>Ill never understand this board always saying that roastie snare getting outraged over sex bots. I've never seen it.
Oh, well, if you've never seen it then it must not exist.
Have you heard of his great new website called Google?
he is talking real life...one day you might understand
Sexbots: Why Women Should Panic
Sex robots: innovation driven by male masturbatory fantasy is not a revolution
Sex robots epitomize patriarchy and offer men a solution to the threat of female independence
The Sex Robots Are Coming: seedy, sordid – but mainly just sad
have you spoken to those people? nope. have you ever heard anyone talking about said subject? nope.
you need to get out more in the real world
the foreigner is the best film of 2017, br2049 is a cheeto flick with some decent photography
>cuck message about humans being replaced by illegal replicants
>anyone who wants to save humanity and stop the illegal replicant immigrants is evil
>sexbots to stop human breeding
>Deckard in the sequel is a cuck who never sees his child and lets her be raised by a brawny alpha male replicant and his wife
Cuck movie. Absolute shit tier.
Was surprised at the lack of cultural marxist shit in BR2049. In a way it reminded me of a Nolan film. It's movies like this and Dunkirk that still give me hope for cinema.
what are you going to say next?
"not enough black people"
quality bait
Also, Israel is our greatest ally. *squeaaaak*
>the threat of female independence
>independent females require males to be subjugated for them to be independent
Am I reading this wrong or does this woman genuinely believe that men fucking off on their own leaves women helpless?
Okay, tell your wife you're buying a new sexbot and see how well that goes over.
/our/ or not, it was better than the garbage we're used to getting from hollywood
>the foreigner is the best film of 2017
It wasn't even the best Jackie Chan movie of 2017.
You seem to have your cuck wires reversed. Wouldn't Sapper Morton (Bautista) be the cuck if he's raising Deckard's child?
Nice writeup.
Yep. Feminists are like children who say they're old enough to be adults. They want to believe it so badly, but in their hearts they know how dependent they really are.
I haven't read each of those, just skimmed the headlines. But I can assume that "the threat of female independence" means women choosing who they want to fuck, so sexbots offer men a solution, in that they don't need women to choose them, because men can choose the sexbot instead. They are saying that female independence is a threat to men. Which is really just a roundabout way of alluding to argumentwithholes.jpg
Women just became so fucking dreadful that men check out of relationships. After i got out of my last relationship and I took time to ponder the damage it caused me I really don't have any interest in women anymore. Unless one completely stands out and does all the initial work for the relationship i don't give a fuck. That will never happen either.
It's called Cinematography my friend.
yes it's definitely one of the best movies of the last 20 years
the way Hollywood is going with all the capeshit it might be the last good movie Hollywood puts out
Best film of 2017 cunts.
The paranoid bloke in me asks me why there were so many white people in 2049. We all know by then, by shear demographic numbers, the mud people would have taken over the state apparatus by then and put us in gulags.
Because that's the only possible figure where all this technology was even possible. If the world was filled with niggers then people wouldn't be able to tell if it was supposed to be about an ancient civilization with how destroyed the world would be.
>when a woman can unblock her own toilet then i would consider her independent.
>director of photography
>Is it really that good of a film plot wise or is it visuals?
The original Blade Runner is my favorite scifi ever. The new one, I've seen it twice. The first time I came out of the theater thinking it was too long, gosling's character was really boring and lifeless, and the plot was generally not compelling. what made the first BR great was the plot. It was very tense and the characters were so interesting, they really pulled you into their world. This new one, it's really pretty but leaned heavily on the cgi.
Shittiest movie ever. I actually bought it on iTunes because I thought it would be good and tried to rewatch it but it's just too painfully boring. Even the really nice visuals don't make up for the horrible pacing. Terrible terrible movie
>A Cinematographer
The Foreigner was the only Jackie Chan movie from 2017 I've seen. But Jackie Chan was in at least 6 movies in 2017. And judging by how bad The Foreigner was, I'm going to take a wild guess and bet that The LEGO Ninjago Movie or Bleeding Steel was a better Jackie Chan movie from 2017.
I have bad news for you user, you can't appreciate art and should kill yourself asap
Visuals and sound were amazing in cinema
Movie of the year, but won't get the credit from the award shows. I'm a fan of the original Blade Runner, and 2049 did it justice, maybe just a tad long, but well done.
OMG i am starting to think. yes i also think they should slap a label on it 21+
Is Bladerunner post-racewar? I guess the few blacks left were those who betrayed other blacks and got exception status.
>muh nice visuals
>muh art
Kys pussy it was shit stay bad
Blade Runner 2049 is up there for my movie of the year 2017, but Dunkirk is amazing and if you guys haven't watched it yet you should
The Leaf Strikes Back
>Women just became so fucking dreadful that men check out of relationships.
I agree. Which is why I see the appeal of sexbots and artificial wombs.
Consider the following
1) If all men died, could women design and build robot men?
2) If all women died, could men design and build robot women and artificial wombs?
That basic asymmetry may eventually make women obsolete.
Your shit taste in movies checks out considering your countrymen's shit taste in American presidents
Leaf posters are the best posters.
Dunkirk was so shit it was actually worse then blade runner. Directionless clusterfuck of nothingness with some nice sound effects at times. It was terrible
You can stop posting anytime, all of us think you're a fucking moron
my gf talked to me about sexbots about a week ago out of the blue. she has a lot of feminist friends she makes fun of though
Feminazi detected
as far as its artistic qualities, it most certainly was beautiful to look at. But when the lead character is as bland as K, I'm mean, really really fucking bland. Like he had one expression on his face the entire movie, that autistic Drive expression. Remember Harrison Ford in the original. The pain, the sadness, the fear. K was literally the most uninteresting character i've seen in a movie in a long time.
Speaking of the cinematography for Blade Runner 2049, Roger Deakins won the Critic's Choice Award for it, and he was also nominated for an Oscar for it.
He isn't human like Fords character friendo.
you cinematographer?
>They were saying that the lack of speaking roles and feminine lead was a return to the 1950s
They didn't notice his boss was a woman in a position of authority?
>The paranoid bloke in me asks me why there were so many white people in 2049.
Maybe the sea swallowed them.
Then again, white replicants probably sell better.
I liked Dunkirk a bit more since I am a WW2 guy, I'd be happy with either one winning the oscar.
you never watched BR2049. why are you even commenting?
Dunkirk will not win because nationalism is bad