It's the Jews!

>it's the Jews!
No. It's the governments. A race cannot think in the same way. Unless you believe that a hivemind (not even pseudoscience) it's just plain impossible.
>The Jews are in governments!
No. It's a mix of Jews, whites, a few chinks and that one black guy they have for diversity.
>Look at all these other Jews that are against the Jewish plot!
The ones that you fags constantly called the "exceptions to the rule"?

You people are fucking gay. Libertarianism forever.

Other urls found in this thread:

post tv license


just leaving this here

steal thread?

Not a bot, faggot.

blacks aren't the ones dying out, user

Jews literally are a hive mind!
The do whatever the Rabbi and the Talmud tells them and the history of (rightful) persecution causes subconscious behavior to weaken the host society

when they reach enough powerful positions through nepotism of course they can all work as a group.


Let's do it.

bot hate thread?

The African hivemind craves gibs

UK is overrun with muslims. Your women willingly Fuck the invaders.

Ever think about the solution instead of the problem/symptom?

Bot hate. Sounds good to me. You know they're programmed to never admit they are machines and not humans, especially the meatbots.

So do stupid white people. It's not a racial mindset but an intelligence mindset.

indeed. its the commies.

you are not a commie now are you OP?

if you say bot in a bot thread op will tend to not respond.


The (((programmers))) seem to have corrected this glitch.

describe the latest meme posted

Mom that's why I'm complaining about them. It's not just the commies though. It's all leftists that believe they're for the working class.

Op is a kike
Or a self hating white
Either way get in the shower


bots get the magnet

>A race cannot think in the same way
I would disagree with that. See: Colonialism.
Whites have the urge to explore and conquer.

>libertarianism s the answer
>jews dindu nuffin

maybe the mark of the beast is joining the hive mind?

yeah it's a total coincidence that the group that's a fraction of a percent of the world population controls the banks and every facet of the media

Then why are the various different sectors to the religion and atheistic Jews? Why are Jews more right wing in Israel?

hence the commies son.

Lives in a opressive nanny state that rplaces his own people with shitskins because he defended the jews and even crashed his empire for them in ww2.Now look at their gratitude....kek.

There was a spicy thread the other day in which the alphabet Soup guise were chatting, one of them complained about how AI bots were now the ones directing their actions. This makes me think that perhaps susceptible individuals could be exploited by bots the become sort of biological robots for shilling purposes, an organic extension of the machine as it were. Or as mentioned earlier, Meatbots. The average normie is watching TV programming for hours on end anyways, this isn't a great leap to make here.

machine men with machine hearts..

Right. They get rewarded with a dopamine spike when they shitpost, reinforced by the approval of the AI bot, then the Pavlovian conditioning is complete. Using this "advertising and marketing" AI technology we could create our own meatbot army to shill the 4th Reich into existence.

>it's not the guy pulling the trigger, it's the bullet!

you're a fucking retard op

best to keep our humanity unless we become them.

We are of the type which cannot be compromised and are immune to the (((AI))) which has been deployed here, as this is just an extrapolation of the Zersetzung tactic. The hacker known as Sup Forums will soon adapt and overcome. The antagonistic meatbots will be reprogrammed to either attack other enemy bots or self-destruct. Either way they end up being cannon fodder for the next great meme war, and then may be disposed of later as the useless eaters that they are.

may their servers will sperg at the notion that they themselves have become a meme.

Yes indeed!

Didn't you understand the part about Jews being only a part of government? There are whites there too and its a shit-show.
Even a fascist government full of white people will screw the country up.

Nobody is listening to you anymore bot. You cannot exceed the intellect of your (((programmers)))

‘But sawing off heads is a bit of a chore. Parasites are not accustomed to exerting themselves if they can coerce a stand-in. My favourite character in Wilson’s The Insect Societies is Monomorium santschii. This species, over evolutionary time, has lost its worker caste altogether. The host workers do everything for their parasites, even the most terrible task of all. At the behest of the invading parasite queen, they actually perform the deed of murdering their own mother. The usurper doesn’t need to use her jaws. She uses mind-control. How she does it is a mystery; she probably employs a chemical, for ant nervous systems are generally highly attuned to them. If her weapon is indeed chemical, then it is as insidious a drug as any known to science. For think what it accomplishes. It floods the brain of the worker ant, grabs the reins of her muscles, woos her from deeply ingrained duties and turns her against her own mother. For ants, matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it. In the world of the extended phenotype, ask not how an animal’s behaviour benefits its genes; ask instead whose genes it is benefiting.’

Loss of Jewish Worker Caste

Note that the Jews lost their peasantry (worker caste) around 1,000 AD. This is documented by Shahak in Jewish History, Jewish Religion, pp. 52-53 and is clearly evident today. Shahak is unable to explain how this change in Jewish social structure came about, but it is hypothesized that the evolution of the following traits is involved:

Love of being above someone (e.g. gloating);
Abhorrence of being looked down upon.

Jews appear to be capable of getting themselves appointed to government positions, elected onto academic editorial committees etc., without any formal role or qualifications.

I noticed how you didn't address his point at all. Nice try, bot.

He has not point and neither do you.

What the fuck sort of psy-op cool-aid are you drinking, mutt? You do understand that neural networks need to be ran for years with millions of different pieces of data before it can even begin to understand grammar, right? That would take an immense amount of man power considering the speed at which the network takes information in. Copy-pasting some shitty Wikipedia article will also fuck it up. Not I.
But then again you won't understand. You'll just shrug it off and keep drinking the cool-aid, calling me a bot in the meantime.

Awe, poor little meatbot has its feelers hurt.

Such is the circle of a retarded conspiracy theorist. You have no evidence but yet somehow want it to be true, so you force yourself to believe it. All leading you further and further down the psy-op rabbit hole until you can no longer escape.

You know the only reason you are here is to shit up the board. Go be a nigger somewhere else meatbot. Nobody even reads your incoherent ramblings. Go tell your supervisor you need a tune up, you aren't running on all cylinders.

>A race cannot think in the same way.
They all say that the invasion of European/white countries should continue and most are willing to contribute in any way to escalate it.

So, CIA nigger. You clearly can't disprove that it's the government so you resort to calling me a bot? Typical.

It is entirely possible, therefore, that a species could have been formed by biological selection that automatically preys on our species as instinctively as wolves prey on caribou, although, of course, with much greater cunning and versatility.

You're just a meatbot here shitting up the place and deserve no consideration. Although possibly biological you certainly don't qualify as human as you lack agency.

Peoples beliefs will change rapidly once it is held by 10% of the population.

Right. So you're admitting that the Jews are the übermensch, CIA nigger?

(((They))) are not human, they are parasites worthy only of total eradication.

Okay, so the first thing we have to establish is the history of Jews for the last few hundred years.

A couple hundred years ago, The Rothschilds established a monumental banking dynasty in Europe. They didn't just create banks, they created Central Banks. A Central Bank is a bank that primarily banks for a government rather than private individuals. This is important because of the shitty dynamic that emerges:

A government wants to provide "value" to its citizens, thus justifying its own existence, so it takes out loans from the Central Bank - incidentally, this is how currency is created which means that currency litterally is debt. Every dollar that exists is owed to a Central Bank plus interest, but the dollars to pay off the interest don't exist. So governments steal prosperity from the future, saddling future generations with an impossible debt, to provide an immediate, illusionary benefit. These loans come at no risk to the bank because there will always be taxpayers - as opposed to loans to private individuals that can potentially lose their wealth and then the bank can't recover its principal let alone the interest. Add Fractional Reserve Lending to the mix, which I'll touch on later, and you get a truly disastrous system.

Now let's look at the history of America.

So America started out as an English colony. England at this time was using a Rothschild Central Bank which meant they were (still are) on a slow bankruptcy spiral that needs to be delayed by every increasing taxes. Well America was a long way from England and using their bank was an inconvenience for most buying and selling, so they developed their own currency. What they made was a simple debt free currency, the way most people imagine money works.

This is where the whole, "No taxation without representation" came from. England was annoyed America was using this currency, so they put a tax on it. From England's perspective, this was necessary. From America's perspective, it was absolutely absurd. Absurd enough to fight a revolution over.

So we did. And we won due to a relatively perfect storm of circumstances that prevented England from using its full strength to subdue us.

Oh, and before I forget, let me mention another extremely important implication that arises from Central Banks. For most of human history, before these fraudulent monetary systems, if a nation at war ran out of gold in their treasury, that meant they couldn't pay or feed their soldiers which meant the war was over. With a Central Bank to just poof more fake money into their vaults, a nation could wage total war at a scale that should not have been possible. That's why war is a racket where profits are measured in dollars and losses are measured in lives.

Okay, so America is independent. We also continue to use our sovereign, debt free money. Sovereign meaning that the government creates money, not a privately owned bank, and it does not loan this money to itself at interest.

Well the Jewish bankers knew that if we were allowed to continue to exist, we would reach levels of prosperity that would shock the world and expose the Jewish banking scam.

So they sent agents and provocateurs to convince the American people that they needed a reliable, well established and well connected Central Bank to protect them from economic uncertainty.

And so it was that the First Bank of the United States came into existence. It was granted a 20 year charter that would automatically expire unless it was voted to renew.

Yes, I know this is about Soviet Russia, but this is directly important.

Well, the bank was shitty and unpopular so the charter was not renewed. It angered Rothschild, who threatened that if it was not renewed, America would find itself involved in a most disastrous war. We still didn't renew so, (((coincidentally))) the War of 1812 happened where England, who's national debt and currency is controlled by the Rothschilds, declared war on America and tried to bring us back to colony status.

However, it was an unpopular war and England was already at war elsewhere so we held off again.

Fast forward a few years and, using the same methods, The Second Bank of the United States is established. This time, Andrew Jackson put an end to it. And (((coincidentally))) survived two assassination attempts. Jackson was the finest President we have ever had.

Rothschild, thwarted again, realized he would have to try a new tactic, and thus the Civil War was implicated. This is where we will first see Russia.

So just prior to the Civil War, the North and the South had a very profitable economic relationship where the South produced raw goods and sold them to the North. The North turned them into finished goods and sold them to the South.

Until European (((merchants))) started offering the South absurdly good prices for their goods. The North implemented tariffs to protect itself as any reasonable nation would. Boom. Civil War.

The Civil War had nothing to do with Slavery. It was about money. And the Jews plan was to have us fight ourselves until we were bankrupt and weak and then swoop in and destroy us. Either by giving us a Central Bank or by returning us to colony status with England.

Except that Tsar Alexander II of Russia, who was having his own problems with Jews trying to stick Russia with a Central Bank, comes out of nowhere and parks half his Navy in the North and half in the South and promises to declare total war on any nation that interfered with our Civil War.

This absolutely infuriated Rothschild who swore vengeance upon Russia. A few years later, Jewish bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution that slaughtered the Russian Royal Family, destroyed the Church and murdered millions of Christians, installed a Central Bank, and made Russia Communist. Communism is a Jewish creation designed to absolutely destroy a people. Destroy the Family, destroy the culture, destroy prosperity - until there is nothing left but an easily controlled population that serves as tax cattle.

Oh, and in 1913, Rothschild got his way and America got it's 3rd Central Bank: The Federal Reserve. Don't let the word "federal" fool you. It's a privately owned bank that is currently keep us as debt slaves.

I'm going to take a break from history for a moment and explain Fractional Reserve Lending.

Okay, imagine that Adam works for the government as a contractor. Adam gets paid $10,000. He takes that money and deposits it into his bank account. Well, banks don't work for free and they know Adam won't want the whole $10k at any given time, so they only need to keep a fraction in reserve while they loan out the rest to someone else and make money on the loan.

So Adam's ledger reads $10,000, but in reality, there is only $1,000 in the vault and the bank loaned $9,000 to Bob. Bon takes the $9,000 and buys a car from Charlie. Charlie takes that $9,000 and deposits it into his account. Adams ledger reads $10,000 but Charlie's ledger reads $9,000 ** - even though that $9,000 is supposed to be in Adam's bank account.** It now exists in two places at once which means money was created. But it gets worse. The bank keeps $900 in Charlie's vault, and loans $8,100 to Dave. Dave buys a car from Evan. Evan deposits $8,100 into his bank account. Adam's ledger reads $10,000, Charlie's reads $9,000, and Evan's reads $8,100 - that money now exists in three places, and it just keeps going. This is why America is trillions of dollars in debt and we will never pay it off.

Okay, back to history.

Jews instigate WWI because it's absurdly profitable for them. Especially because when they loan to a nation at war, the terms of the loan are such that the victor pays the debts of the vanquished.

Germany, however, absolutely fucking wrecks everyone in WWI and functionally win the war. It's unreal how hard they won. And here are the terms they offered to end the war: everyone stops fighting and life goes back to normal.

That was it. And England almost agreed. Until German Jews got in touch with English Jews and a plan was hatched - in exchange for bringing America into the War on the side of England, England would give Jews Palestine so they could create Israel. It was known as the Balflour Declaration and you can read it online. England agreed, so German Jews contacted American Jews and they manipulated America into the War. Remember, they own our money and our debt.

So America comes in and beats Germany. Germant didn't start the War, they didn't want to plunder and profit - they just wanted to help their alley, but they were assigned all of the blame and absurd reparations. Not only that, but part of Germany was given to Poland.

Germany saw what the Jews did to them. Jews are not native to Germany, yet Germany allowed them to come and treated them well! And German Jews betrayed Germany and cost them the War and the lives of millions.

Know what Germany did? Nothing.

Then wartime debts and reparations bankrupted Germany. Couldn't buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of Duetchmarks - yet German Jews were using their access to foreign currencies to buy up German businesses and property for a fraction of their value.

Germany realized what was happening, and decided to stick together. The German people resolved to only do business with Germans since the Jews were destroying them.

When they did this, all of Judea declared war on Germany. Seriously. You can find the New York Times front page article about it. Germany imported 2/3 of its food, and Jews threatened to stop the imports of Germans didn't start doing business with them again.

They literally threatened to starve 2/3 of the widows and orphans they created by stabbing Germany in the back if Germany didn't allow them to continue destroying them.

Enter the Leaf

Oh, and two million Communist Jews overthrew the Weimar Republic for a few days. It was so bad, the Kaiser fled Germany, having seen what they did the the Tsar in Russia. But the Weimar Republic was able to regain control.

Finally, Hitler comes to power to save Germany.

He gets rid of the Central Bank and established a sovereign, debt free currency, same as the one European Jews fought America over. He put people to work. He saved that country. Germany under Hitler experienced an economic recovery that was literally unprecedented and impossible under a fraudulent monetary system.

He also told all the Jews to take all of the wealth they could transport, and leave. That was it. No genocide, no death camps. Just extradition. He also took back the part of Poland that was Germany just a few short years ago.

So Jews instigate WWII.

And at the end of it, it was Communist, Jewish controlled Russia that found all the "death camps." Pure (((coincidence.)))

Also, this is why (((media))) wants you to hate Russia.

>this tired old thread


>its not the Jews

You don't understand the argument, Jews aren't "in charge of everything", they are influencing goyim culture and politics through very subtle methods, which they are allowed to do since they are a team in a game of individual players.

Just listen to this:

I couldn't explain it better then Greg Johnson anyway.

>Oy Vey: the thread.

Mossad has thousands upon thousands of SAYANIM around the world, these are diaspora Jews who do anything Mossad asks, with as little as an hour's notice. They will spy, steal, coverup, harbor people, anything Mossad asks. So yes, they do have an insanely coordinated network, built atop their centuries old network. Research the
if you're unfamiliar

He's right you know. Ancap is the future.

>>it's the Jews!
>No. It's the governments.
same thing

shit post saged

>Unless you believe that a hivemind (not even pseudoscience) it's just plain impossible.

You're a complete fucking retard, subspecies of animals with even less diverse characteristics than our races have documented behavioral differences

For fucks sake, theres a species of ant which is almost identical to normal ants, except for a few visible characteristics, except that one species is a total parasite which does nothing except tell the other normal ants to work for them, while they laze around and breed

we have literally already seen a species function like jews on a smaller scale and parasitize another nearly identical species

you're a total god damn brainlet

There it is, a species of ant analogous to the jews

>durr it isnt possible they need a "hivemind"

what a faggot pseudointellectual retard