>new international Pisa test designed to assess respect for other cultures, challenge extremism and help identify fake news.
>The new "global competences" test will be carried out alongside maths, reading and science, as part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s influential Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) tests.
>But some Western countries including England, the United States, Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Ireland have decided not to take the global competence test, although they will take the other core academic subject tests.
>Schools in Scotland, Australia and Canada are among those that will take the global competence test, which is being launched this year.
>The OECD's Pisa rankings have become important international benchmarks for education systems.
>But the economic think tank has decided to introduce a very different kind of test, addressing the type of skills young people need to navigate a world of "post-truth" and social media "echo chambers".
>The concept of global competence was intended to test how well young people were prepared to work alongside people from different cultures and with different beliefs.
>The test will measure tolerance, cultural awareness and how well teenagers can distinguish between reliable sources of information and fake news. It will consider issues such as racism, cultural identity and prejudice.
International cultural Marxism coming to schools near you!
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>Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's education director, said the success of education systems had to be measured on more than exam results. Speaking in London at the Education World Forum, he said there had to be a greater awareness of "values".
>Andreas Schleicher says social media can encourage people to stay within their "echo chambers". Alongside globalisation and the rise of social media, he said, there had been a "polarisation" in beliefs, which meant that some teenagers could be left with little awareness of the views of other people.
>The test is underpinned by the idea that young people should understand other cultures, show respect for "human dignity" and be able to objectively analyse information.
>The OECD has been trailing these plans for a new kind of Pisa test for the past year.
>But Mr Schleicher said the "crunch" point was that some countries were reluctant to be compared on these measures.
>And there had been a "hesitation" about moving from discussing students' beliefs to "hard data" from testing them. "I take a different view. The only way to get serious, the only way to get started with this issue is to look at the truth," said the OECD's education chief.
>Mr Schleicher said that the test would reveal the countries that paid only "lip service" to the ideas of tolerance and inclusion. "What do students actually think? What do students actually know? "That's the aim of Pisa, to confront us with the real world, not the world of words and beautiful theory," he said.
>The most successful education systems were often the most open and diverse, Mr Schleicher said, giving Canada as an example.
Bump, leafs especially should be concerned.
>"how did the holocaust make you feel"
Subversion of education is the most important issue of all and it only gets 3 replies, while the same old bait threads get 200 (you)'s every time. Sad!
Why the fuck are we so high
Our education system is shit.
>The most successful education systems were often the most open and diverse, Mr Schleicher said, giving Canada as an example.
How the fuck can this faggot prove this if tolerance test hasn't been carried out yet
Not enjoying the diversity buddy?
We need a wall.
It's very telling that most standardized exams have no history section, but then again, if they do it's perverted like the AP World/AP US history exams, too focused on women and non-eurasians.
What's bad about it?
Absolutely nothing.
Absolutely everything.
Don't you want to be able to experience the world when you walk in your neighborhood? Isn't that beautiful? Hearing so many languages as you walk about your day, seeing people from every continent walk among you,
Why would you want the monotony of a uniform, monolingual, monocultural, monoethnic society?
At least Bongs opted out of this bullshit.
Being in a group of people speaking a foreign language makes you feel aliened more than anything else. What you say sounds nice, except most nonwhites are ugly as fuck.
So basically they want to test how cucked and brainwashed students are.
Don't forget to study for your goodthink test, otherwise we'll have to sick the thought police on you.
And you know full well that the test results will turn into policy recommendations to further subvert the education system. It is the explicit mass production of diehard globalists. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
If you control education, you control the future. This is one of the most important subjects in human civilization, but everyone but the leftists seems to be ignoring it.
This is such a blatant show of indoctrinating in schools, that our government probably opted out to save face. Make no mistake that this shit is going on though and has been for years. The focus is on raising children with the 'right values', rather than to be more knowledgeable, critical and inquisitive. Stripping power away from parents, universal value teaching, gay acceptance and gender equality lecturing, anti racism week, diversity week, state mandated visits to places of worship (read: church and mosque), pressure to conform. Our schools do pretty much everything other than teach kids knowledge these days.
People often lament the decline of university teaching, and that all students are sensitive children, but too few people wonder how they ended up so weak and narrow minded in the first place. Schools have become the marxist parent to a whole generation.