Have we beaten the kikes at their own game?
Other urls found in this thread:
this might have been a good article idea in 2007
why are they not directly crediting/blaming this exact board?
dont get me wrong, that's fine. but have you even looked at what the other boards are up to?
They acknowledge our power.
How so? Sup Forums didn't have nearly the cultural impact back then
It's really funny but journalists instinctively are afraid to name Sup Forums (unless they're directly writing an article about it) and if they do name Sup Forums, they're reluctant to name Sup Forums specifically. It's some sort of reverse jew naming syndrome.
Sauce pls user
Nvrmind I see name
>Sauce pls user
Oh yeah. Sorry.
Because people didn't know about it (as much), it had the subversive advantage. Now that it's on everyone radars it's become a shill-fest of viral marketers, e-celeb panhandlers, propaganda psyops, etc.
It was fun while it lasted but I dont know how much longer this place can hold itself together.
So we're "they who must not be named"? Does that make us Voldemort, Hastur, or Candlejack?
Not that I want to make Harry Potter references like the
The original plan was to get AWAY from this shit; then Anonymous happened. Now we have an obligation. Give the public what they want, I guess.
Time for some memeballs
This board is fucking cancer now. All slide threads or stupid Sup Forumseneral shit. No news whatsoever anymore.
what the fuck. Didn't Alexa used to rank Sup Forums at like 1000?
Not yet
Chaos Spawn.
Weaponized autism is far deadlier than weapons-grade plutonium or weaponized germs.
Sup Forums is a psyop
I'd also add that Sup Forums doesn't attract bottom-of-the-barrel dog shit. Dissident lawyers, doctors, government officials, business executives, accountants, etc. all contribute to Sup Forums's ability to disseminate propaganda and beat leftists at their own game.
I personally know a bunch of attorneys that contribute here.
Does he know what the internet was like before smartphones and massive corporate social media sites?
Big if tru
Rumor is Russia bought Sup Forums from moot and hiromoot is just a front man.
We are all unknowingly Russian agents and we do it for FREE
How about you quit stroking yourself and get in a more important bread:
don't even mention our airstrikes or other times we did more than actual intelligence agencies...
It’ll die out once the shills flood the place to the point where it’s bits arguing with each other with a random user here and there who figured out to spoof the ai long enough to get a shitpost past the anti-racism filters
if only you really knew who some of us were user...
....if only
>mfw I realize moot sold us out to Google and hired him specifically to fuck with 4chinz
Why the fuck else would they hire the guy who started Sup Forums?! They fired that autist Damore for a memo, but they keep mootykins?
doesn't add up
This is absolutely a reddit-tier description of Sup Forums, and it's exactly the shit like this that has caused our site to flood with such newfaggotry
>It is, in every sense of the word, a decentralized intelligence agency, capable of ruining the lives of individuals through the power of WEAPONIZED AUTISM
Holy shit, this is too good to be true, though the lack of source makes me think it's a load of bullshit.
>oн дeлaeт этo бecплaтнo
Tfw you helped usher in the 4th Reich
These meme balls
No, (((they))) are trying to lull us into a sense of false confidence.
In many ways we have. We run the memes now. We could literally make our own messianic religion to topple Babylon.
Hey how come you said Candlejack but you didn’t disapp
And it's the absolute worst thing to have ever happened to us. Now this board, and all the other boards, are full with redditors and it's only a matter of time before they become full reddit. The process has already begun. Ah, I miss the good old days.
It was as good then as it is now.
I got you comrade, shut it down
>weaponized autism
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of commies.
I'm starting my own intelligence consulting firm. I know more than most people.
t. also a NEET
Hey there fellow useful idiot
He's 100% right. Your secret club isn't what you think it is.
How does someone get stuck where tim pool is? I feel like only way you get stuck in alt light/big brained centrist is if you get your info second hand and don't participate in breads.
polite sage more important threads
This place will never become like reddit.
in 2007 this place of a far-left website that distributed CP and blew up vans for the lols, according to FOX
This exactly sounds like it's written by a basic bitch journalist who's only online interaction besides the faceberg and twitter, is reddit.
people don't really grasp the force of Sup Forums in mainstreaming (within western nations) image macros and more recently post-ironic humor
i would bet half of popular internet phenomena from the late 2000s traces back to Sup Forums directly or indirectly, and the structure of modern normie facebook "memes" derives from shit created in that period. obviously the ultimate basis dates back to usenet, bbs, email, etc but the mainstreaming started with Sup Forums (think rickrolling, "lolcats", exploitables, you get the idea)
cringey, but it's the truth
Sup Forums was never good
>Oh yeah. Sorry.
No. You're being manipulated. If they wanted to shut Sup Forums down, they would have done so a long time ago.
>muh Russia
So what? All the communists are in the DNC now.
Or how we analysed flight paths and star positions to track down a HWNDU flag hidden somewhere in the entirety of America and replaced it with a fucking MAGA hat.
>Because people didn't know about it (as much), it had the subversive advantage. Now that it's on everyone radars it's become a shill-fest of viral marketers, e-celeb panhandlers, propaganda psyops, etc.
>It was fun while it lasted but I dont know how much longer this place can hold itself together.
Once a year, some newfag says that to ruin an accomplishment. By newfag I mean JDIF. You should be packing.
>Its no longer a shitty forum
Jokes on you Carlisle, we can't escape this shithole so we make it our home.
Free dirt pies for everyone
Naming Sup Forums on the side of any normal article discredits that article completely. You have a literal autist shitbed of cambodian textile images versus powerful, well funded IC agencies, NGOs, and libfake 'activist' groups unable to cite or quote anything from this entire website for fear of looking like retards.
Fuck off faggot
>extremely democratic
This place is survival of the fittest, a wild fucking west, a natural hierarchy what a dumb cunt
Looks like another attempt to bring down Sup Forums
Boys the time has come to start dumping Gore and saying nigger more often
This place needs a cleaning out
I can tell you how:
Sup Forums allowed free speech
It's literally just a fucking anime website with a bunch of sub-boards so anime fans can post about shit like politics
but it got big because there's virtually no censorship. Sup Forums is powerful because it allows free speech. Full stop. That's it. That's the source of Sup Forums's power and mystery.
When you let people actually discuss things anonymously and freely, you get serious changes that correct the direction society is going in. Sup Forums is a corrective force in an extremely sickened society that has gone too long without the memester behind a mask telling everyone the emperor has no clothes.
what the fuck is up with this website?
We did it Reddit!
Hi Barron
Uh? He did. That was his only post in the thread. That's why you never say ... that word
If we can change the world for better, self-destructing Sup Forums will be a casaulty worth taking.
There expect one of us in the wreckage, brorther.
That and the digits. The sweet, sweet digits
Ooo wee, that's a spicy LARP post
trip'd. This is pretty evident by how many good posts an average poster can make, the elite being able to form paragraphs of text + sources. Then the posters who checks links and responds. Then the posters who only look at images and respond kek once and a while. Then clear cut bottom being lurkers who feel uncomfortable posting. I wonder where some of us all are on the hierarchy .
t. Donald
except on Sup Forums and gamergate apparently
Look at me, we da CIA niggers now.
>still can't get Emma Watson to strip naked for us
Real powerful
We didn't know the jq till gamergate
One dumb kike whore fucked a room full of people for good reviews and ruined our video games. All of zog came to our defence. We (((noticed))) for the first time.
And so we went to war.
We're getting there. Just don't rage out cuz our women are fucking useless. We'll enslave them after we take power.
Wait for user, all the hollywood sluts eventually remember that they are sluts
Anyone else notice there's actually a wiki article on this board now?
they caused that themselves
if only leftards did not had unnatural urge to insert their bullshit into everything Hillary would've won and right would lose
but Zoe Quinn had to fuck 5 guys for reviews and now Trump is causing Koreas to reunite
thank you based slut
butterfly effukt is real
People who think Sup Forums was ever far left are the same people who think Sup Forums was ever good.