Is this the direction whites are heading towards?
Polygamy 2018
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Polygamy and Polyamory aren't the same thing
And honestly there's nothing wrong with polygamy as long as it's consensual and the importance of the marriage is held high (you still have to take care of and provide for all the wives)
Societies with polygamy usually fail miserably.
Hedonistic fucks like you are the reason the west is falling.
direction? death and hell? yes
I can't imagine dealing with two women... double the whining and double the expenses. With two guys it is manageable because you can have a agreement and as long as the balls don't touch it isn't gay.
We already have it The top 1% (Chads) are having sex with the top 80% of women. In the past betas could at least play the provider role, but now the state has taken over.
Examples? And is that related to the polygamy?
Muslims and mormons with multiple wives seem pretty happy
mad betas get their sexbots
Too late. Culturally, you should have as many wives as you can afford.
White wealth has been in free fall since the extension of the franchise.
Whites are heading toward automated reproduction via artificial wombs, and the obsolescence of the female gender.
It doesnt seem like a stable foundation for community
Emotions are subjective. As long as you are happy in your position you are happy, regardless of the objective status of your position, and especially regardless of someone else's subjective opinion of your position.
I think the opposite will happen..Removing that power from women will force them to find value.outside of their sexuality.
>doesn't seem like a stable foundation for a community
lol you mean the soys who women settle for will suddenly be deprived of pussy
good luck to him paying child support
In terms of resources, taking care of an entire harem of bitches, along with kids is too taxing for one guy. One man working with a wife looking after the kids is most feasible.
Can the bag microwave him when he is ready.
Is he a cu-
>We're closed
He's alpha as fuck. It's degenerate sure but at least it's somewhat respectable.
bottom tier men get sexbots
top tier men get two or more wives
future will be fucked up
Love wins.
honestly will lead to a stronger gene pool. although society will break down because betas have no incentive to work
Mormons are the strongest existing pure-white culture, and growing.
I just watched it. Him and the middle chick with darker features work full time while the other girl is a stay at home mom for the kids.
Well you faggots are always talking about there needing to be more white people, but yeah the human brain is not designed to love two moms. He should have just married one and had the other chick as the "care giver maid" "godmother" while he's fucking both of them. This is just weird.
And the bullshit at the end "we all love each other equally there are no favorites", yeah right. There's always a favorite, however slightly it may be one.
Statistic keeps getting more extreme, I see.
>implying pennyless soyboys could afford sister wives
All rich and powerful people throughout history had more than one wives/concubines. The rest could just afford one, or none and become a clergy or monk.
>conflating certain people in enclaves in big cities with the rest of the country
user, I...
I honestly want a polygamous marriage. I really like a chick who is 10/10 and ABSOLUTELY mental and schizo. we really like each other but we know that she shouldn't conceive. She's already said she's down with me having a second wife, and it helps that we're both Arabs that come from a Muslim background who aren't practicing whatsoever... but at least our culture supports what we want to accomplish.
Just improve yourself faggot.
Are strictly monogamous nowadays.
>Polygamy was gradually discontinued after the 1904 Second Manifesto as no new plural marriages were allowed and older polygamists eventually died, with polygamous LDS families cohabitating into the 1940s and 1950s.[8] Since the Second Manifesto, the policy of the LDS Church has been to excommunicate members who practice, officiate, or openly encourage the practice of plural marriages.[9]
I honestly think now that a bastardization of Islam is what is needed for men all around the world.I plan on having more than one wife for sure.
There aren't enough women to make it work for all men brainlet. You are going to be left out. BTW, it's clear that these women are just in love with each other and they are using this man for his money and sperm.
If you're unable to have two girlfriends in a modern sexually permissive society then you'd have zero wivves in a future polygamous society.
>but we know that she shouldn't conceive
Sister or Cousin?
You realize surrogacy is a thing, right Amir?
Yes it is
Polygamy ruins nations because it causes multiple women per man, and it will favor older wealthier men.
Since there's a 50/50 ratio of men to women, that means that there will be a huge population of 20-35 yo men with no outlet for their excess labor. They essentially become gangs out of sexual necessity.
Any nation that doesn't punish polygamy always has a huge problem with single men roaming around. China has a somewhat similar problem with their whole "only have boy children" policy, but theirs is a bit less pronounced for now. It might grow to be a huge problem for them, but they're pretty willing to just execute cities, so not too big a problem
bout tree of muh gf want 2 be wives
cri if you like this evry tiem
Who the fuck would want to grow up in that type of environment?
Having so easily rolled the transgender shit out, are the Jews moving on to polygamy? What’s up with all these threads now?
Yes, except the other way round, with the woman having a bunch of cucks and one chad.
we don't want a kid to have her genetics because she's schizo...shame since shes a goddamn genius.
neither, it's my goat ;_; she's a baaaaaaaahhh'd bitch.
love? love is a fairy tale. They'd have a good life, but under an Islamic rule they wouldn't dare cheat, they'd have my kids and they would be proper mothers. Obvioulsy not everyone would follow suit, but the options should be available. making it illegal altogther is a crime against humanity.
You can do anything if you have enough affluence, perogi.
Sure but you don't even have to be wealthy to have 2 girlfirends today. So are you living like that now? If no then why and what makes you think that you'd in a different societal order?
Who are these dysgenic bunch of fucks?
>Are strictly monogamous nowadays.
Hahaha. You really believe they tell the truth to the government?
Dealing with one women is hard enough as is.
>muh mormon conspiracy
So gay
Typical cucked American youth. What you don't realize is that this used to be the norm, yes even here in the land of the white picket fence.
The only difference between now and the 1950s is that the wife used to be prioritized over the mistress. There's a very good chance that your father, or grandfather had a mistress and second family.
>t. I can’t find 1 woman and this guy wants two.
That's because the women who would have settled for you have gotten hitched up with a superior male. The only problem with this system is that it probably magnifies the number of mutts born to coalburners and the number of children born to shit-skins.
Otherwise denying the majority of /Pol the ability to reproduce is one of the best things to happen to mankind.
If you want a successful society you want a productive society, and the best way to have a productive society is to make sure every man has a wife and X kids that he'll work hard to provide for.
Polygamy should be legal. Only the soyboys would be left to be khv’s and would greatly improve the gene pool
Not even wont you get a girlfriend you little cuck, if you get one you probably wouldnt be capable to provide for her or your children.
The reality is, you little faggot, will end up in a polyamorous with some fat roastie and two guys and her black child isnt the son of any of you.
Because of not hating islam its bound to happen to you and you DESERVE this.
they don't need government supply marriage licenses to have sex or live together, this is 2018
marriage by state is pointless
the betas incentive to work is to maintain their sexbots and buy new ones
Nothing wrong with a closed 3 person relationships as long as MFF and not MMF. Most can't even handle a monogamous relationships, so there's no point in attempting anything more honestly. Monogamy is fine and should always be encouraged, but if it's the 1 in 100000 that succeeds in a MFF then why not. Good for them.
die namefagger
Why are you here?
Is this OK too in your opinion? Where do faggots like you draw the line?
Men will think since they have 3 Xbox controllers they can support 2 wives.
>practicing eugenics
Why bother? You're already a product of generations of incest.
And the baby's probably half nigger.
there's nothing that'd suggest polygamy is still practiced by LDS legally or otherwise
try again