>Clean up your room and get a high paying job, someone has to be the cash cow for these third world immigrants
Clean up your room and get a high paying job, someone has to be the cash cow for these third world immigrants
Other urls found in this thread:
>collects $700,000 from donations
It must be infuriating to be a leftist or a stormer.
You literally can't do a thing against Peterson.
>100k a month in donations
>Great debater and speaker
>Offers empowerment and positivity rather than trolling and larping
All larpers have done is send young men to jail or lose employment.
>get a job
Nice try
>get a job
I will the minute you find me some cheap workers, cunt. Starting on the bottom is so passé
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
His entire shtick is calm polarized feelings so you keep being a good little worker bee for Mr. Shekelstein as he continues to import millions of third world immigrants into your country. Canada is only 70% right now and falling. He's literally Canadian Intelligence.
He does this through his "deep" philosophies targeted at young people and their pubescent angst.
thats because american foreign policy is responsible, and you are white just like america's foreign policy makers.
At least you acknowledge that white people exist, since you used the word "white" in your reply to me. But did you know that some anti-whites deny even that saying "how do you define white?" "one race, human" "race is a social construct" etc.?
He epically BTFO'd that bitch.
well if you want to call yourself white you necessarily need to be oppressive.
I disagree, his lectures and words have turned me into a far more red pilled and masculine person. I was a fence riding faggot a year ago and now I'm a white nationalist because of the building blocks laid by Peterson. Didn't have it before because the language barrier between my father and me is too great to actually communicate any decent life lessons of discipline or getting your shit together. Peterson doing more good than harm for the white nationalist/anti-jew cause by making boys into self sustaining men
>white nationalist
>language barrier
what language is that?
>Clean up your room and get a high paying job, and then maybe you'll be in a better position to influence politics
ftfy shillbrah
Why are you accusing people of leftism when Jordan Peterson is a leftist? He is, you know. He's not a right-winger, he's not a conservative, he's a moderate liberal who is fed up with the radicalization of liberal politics. He's basically a well spoken, educated Bill Maher, and you should not be surprised to come to a place where most people are some manner of actual right-wing and they don't receive this liberal as if he's the second coming.
Finally Sup Forums figures it out. Who do you think is going to pay his cushy pension if you white goyim don’t get off your asses and work - the immigrants?
Polish father and a polish mother, I understand Polish but I can't speak it too well unfortunately, I hope to return to the motherland soon
Absolutely true.
Radicalism is a pathetic escape from responsibilities.
my favorite peterson interview
I watch this one every morning to start my day
Fair enough
You should learn to sustain yourself, grow your own food, live off solar, build and repair your own things - this I can agree with. But I'd be wary of ideas that you need to become a cash cow for this system that is designed to destroy us.
That's essentially Peterson's entire message - society is becoming too polarized and people are unhappy. It couldn't possibly be that our sense of community has been destroyed with "diversity", no that's not it...it must be that YOU don't have fulfillment in your life and you need to go find a good meaningful career so you can keep paying your taxes and things can carry on the same. Basically what he preaches is that we should stay on this current path, diversity and acceptance for all and you just need to bite the bullet - it's quite ridiculous.
>being such a fucking loser you get physically angry seeing people have jobs
I have a good job, I'm just not a fucking idiot to this man's agenda. I recognize being a shekel slave isn't going to fix anything.
>I have a good job
Good goy, someone has to pay for those immigrants.(now you see why nobody believes you do anything but live with your mom and be a faggot online)
>You literally can't do a thing against Peterson.
Huh? You can prove his anti-science views on human genetics to be the bullshit they are.
>beard peterson
I feel violated
Fuck that faggot.
I think his message isn't necessarily society is too polarized, it's that we have distanced ourselves from what actually makes society function(family,meaning,religion,not being hedonistic). I think both you and him are correct, yes massive shitskin immigration is a fuckup for our society, but you can't ignore the fact that families are being fucked in the ass my single parenthood and people live meaningless hedonistic lives. You could just chock it all up to Jewish suberversion but I think that is just a part, be it a large part, of why society and whites are crumbling. As for your advice, the complete self-reliance is kinda what I'm aiming for because everything around me is just getting more and more fucked up, I don't want my kids to be trannies or leftists just because I sent them away to a public brainwashing institution to be taught by degenerate post-modernists and neo-marxists.
>no mention of "roughly speaking"
> Hahahaha, fucking retards, you can't stop Peterson, we're his paypigs, oink oink we'll make sure he stays forever with our money, oink oink
You realize that he hates you as a white nationalist right
>but don't you dare close those borders
at least he did the work first, unlike all his detractors who live off gibs
I don't know why somebody would go and be this autistic and butthurt over someone they've never even heard speak.
Oink oink, paypig.
He ran the fuck away when Spencer said: "let's debate".
I've never paid anything. Move out of your moms house.
Of course you haven't. I can smell sunken cost fallacy from a mile away.
You are very bitter and angry for why I do not know. I can only imagine it's aggravated by soulcrushing loneliness incited by your insecurities about being a virgin due to your unlikable personality, autism, and insipid opinions. Nobody knows what you're mad about, but you're dead-set on showing everyone you're mad.
Stop responding to bait.
>y-you can't even stop me from giving money to a middle aged man who spouts obvious truisms that most people get from their families
>b-bet that really rustles yer jimmies nazi shit pigs!
>>at least he did the work first
You mean Jung and Campbell did.
You mean Nietzsche and Schopenhauer did.
We could do this ad-nauseum.
>Jung and Campbell applied their philosophies to 21st century society and publicly opposed the resurgence of Marxist ideology.
I don't think so memeflag
he should be a father figure to his thot of a daughter instead of strangers on the internet
I think Spencer is a persona non-grata. Though the debate would have been a way to for Peterson to say he isnt alt-right but at the same time such a debate could be cherry picked over just for him agreeing on some points with Spencer.
>Hating a conman huckster is bait
> Autistic screeching and woman-tier social shaming
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Petardson fans
He talks about order and the grave responsibilities our men have as if he were a fascist but goes full cuck whenever someone tries to pin him on that position.
People like this are the obvious kikes.
If anybody says anything that might make moderate right opinions palatable to a large number of people you always get these kike controlled faggots coming out and trying to force the Jewish shit into it knowing full fucking well that it's career suicide.
>muh fascism
Because he's not a fascist. He advocates for men growing up and assuming responsibility for themselves, not fascism.
Dummy. If enough Sup Forumslacks get rich then we become the anti-Jew. Just because you’re too lazy to do business doesn’t mean you should discourage others from fulfilling their destinies.
Id call him daddy eh.
>trusting a man interested in raising another man's children
No thanks.
>bitches and moans about loss of family, meaning, religion, order, and responsibility
>"hey DOCTOR Peterson why don't we do something with a chance of restoring those values?"
>hey there bucko let's not be too hasty here, let's just keep doing what cuckservatives have been doing for decades
>surely the Overton window will stop sliding left this time
>surely the demographics don't actually matter
>surely those values will return this time
But he made me a good lunch yesterday and drove me to school two weeks in a row.
>being this much of a pathetic loser to defend such a huge crypto kike Boomer
Is that an argument against what I said you retarded fucking kike? You don't take people who subtly bring people over to our position and sabotage them with GAS THE KIKES shit becoming associated to them and genuinely try to make us think you're helping anyone but the establishment.
Fuck off.
It takes a Peterson fan to think that paying for immigrant gibs is "part and parcel" of having a job.
Truly this is the face of conservatism and the saviours of western civilisation.
Why don't people read the source material for Petersons whole gig? He's just parroting back to you what others have already said. There's nothing original here, and the books are cheaper than keeping that leaf afloat with your donations.
>Is that an argument against what I said you retarded fucking kike?
Yes, it actually is. We've reached the point that a fucking CLASSIC BRITISH LIBERAL is routinely labelled as far-right and you think we should be happy he barely broke into the Gated Institutional Narrative on the right side.
If you are happy with that you might as well just take the black pill
>Classic liberal
Nah m8 he's a bog standard lefty
Jordan Peterson is an anti-white faggot you retards
He's talking about Sargoy
>peterson telling people not to close their borders
[citation needed]
People who want bigots to bake the fucking cake are not classical liberal either
Ugliest teeth in history.
> Clean up your room.
such a hypocrite faggot jordan is
*tips hat*
peterstein fans are truly the new fedoras.
I was talking about peterson. He got booty-blasted when journalists called him far-right and let them know he identifies as a classic british liberal and wants them to respect his pronouns
That's right we should praise the six million and remember the holocaust like Dr. Peterson Christ.
Would you rather he named the Jew and be out of the picture completely? The only reason he's still in the public eye is because of the behavior you're pissing and moaning about.
That's right. Preach it brother, Dr. Peterson Christ will save you from schizophrenia and racism. You just need to read all the books about evil nazi's and the holocaust.
He grew up in a rural part of Canada, and back then parents didn't think orthodontics was essential as they do today. Even my own dad is planning on finally getting braces in late middle age.
It has to happen eventually. It's not like it would make him destitute it would just end his career in his meme field of study and on tv
explain pls
>I-I-if he didn't deplatform Faith Goldy after pretending to be a free speech advocate, and throw all semblance of his individualistic platform out of the window and suddenly become the biggest tribalist when it comes to Jews, HE'D BE OVER!!!
If I may be so bold, our Lord and Savior, Dr. Peterson Christ has decreed that the white race must die because if they don't there will be some majorly hurt feelings in certain segments of society. Also, jews are awesome and no free speech for you!
Come home white man
I fucking love this smug asshole.
>suddenly become the biggest tribalist when it comes to Jews
>tfw i jejed but i wish i didn't
>It's not like it would make him destitute
>it would just end his career
u wot m9
nice strawman, expat. try a real argument next time
Please, please kill yourself you sub-human wretch.
Classic liberals are technically moderate right with how fare left the political spectrum has swung. That's part of the reason why Sup Forums has such a following too.
I don't know that much about this guy, when did he say something like that?
He seems to be doing alright.
>Offers empowerment and positivity
Why are all Canadians are such gigantic faggots?
>Offers empowerment and positivity rather than trolling and larping
He sells dreams and hope to people, but at some point they will wake up and be more disillusioned then ever.
That's when they will come back.
he can still sell carpets
Feeding the system that is destroying your people will surely help. The more you feed it the faster it can afford to demographically replace you.
Well since you appear to be asking a legitimate question I'll try to answer.
So Peterson is all about free speech and being able to debate and talk things out. Unless you're Faith Goldy, in which case fuck you. Turns out peterjew is a hyperkike boomer who only cares about the way he looks to his jewish friends and he's aware of the irony. Also, white people working as a group is bad. Maybe because that creates Hitler. I'm sorry.
Petersons advice is worthless for the masses.
50+ years ago the average man with a trade job was seen as highly desirable to the average woman. But now because we have given women everything, and they never have to fear being homeless or penniless they want more, so this rules out the average man who could provide the basics. A large swath of the male population is becoming invisible.
Telling MILLIONS of men to improve is dumb. Because its simply not possible due to their genetics (IQ, attractiveness etc). There always needs to be men that do trade tier jobs. And most of the people that go into these type of jobs are the average man (average IQ, average attractiveness etc etc).
Now, not only does the average women want you to make alot of money, they want you to be better looking and have higher social status. Women's demands are becoming more and more insane by the day, and its only going to get worse. And again, this is all because the average man is becoming irrelevant due to equal rights and women being able to make the same money as men.
The destruction of the average man is being accelerated due to the emergence of social media. Soon the average man will wonder why he is paying taxes into a system that is completely rigged against him, where they get nothing and women reap all the benefits.
Escapism/neetdom is simply the symptom of hypergamy
WOMEN are the problem
What do you mean by Faith Goldy?
And where did he say this stuff, is it in his books?
Donate to my Patreon
Nothing of what I said is incorrect.
I agree with you so freaking much. He is too confined in this system and even praises it by calling it the fruit of western civilization.
Buy my 2000 shekel rug, goy. Throw a few shekels in my Patreon, gentile. Now get back to work, you think my roastie daughter buys her own handbags?
t. Shlomo Peterson
>Telling MILLIONS of men to improve is dumb. Because its simply not possible due to their genetics (IQ, attractiveness etc). There always needs to be men that do trade tier jobs. And most of the people that go into these type of jobs are the average man (average IQ, average attractiveness etc etc).
>Now, not only does the average women want you to make alot of money, they want you to be better looking and have higher social status. Women's demands are becoming more and more insane by the day, and its only going to get worse. And again, this is all because the average man is becoming irrelevant due to equal rights and women being able to make the same money as men.
You probably look like pic related or worse and have no education or real job. High chance that you still live with your parents and are over 20 years old. You have a shitty personality and nothing to offer. Then you wonder why nobody wants to be with you. Are you fucking retarded son? How of a fucking omega virgin do you have to be? And stop playing the fucking victim you loser. They didn't have losers like this back in the good old days. Do you believe that you would have a wife and kids right now if you lived in the 50s? Hell noooooooo. You would have it worse and nobody would have sympathize with your feelings or opinions.
Grow the fuck up, loser.
Normies don't give a fuck about Faith Goldy.
>Nothing of what I said is incorrect.
If Peterson followed your approach we'd have stopped talking about him months ago.
>Normies don't give a fuck about Faith Goldy.
I agree my brother. Dr. Peterson Christ was right. She should be burned at the stake and die.
>If Peterson followed your approach we'd have stopped talking about him months ago.
The gospel of Peterson Christ can only be spread if we praise the jews brother.
Do you have any ideas on how to raise a daughter?
.t honestly interested
I saw this picture before bud I didn't notice her name
now I get it
Red pill time:
Diversity is a symptom.
Reminder that the current migrant crisis is not the first, and is in fact just a process of the greater crisis: Muttgration. Every problem in your country can be traced to CIA Mutt takeover of the world, along with economic and military occupation. This first traces of this go back to the occupation and division of Germany, where Mutts were so jealous of the whiteness of Nazis that they destroyed any trace of its history.
And not only this, they turned families against each other through CIA's socialist practises, destroyed whole regions in the name of economic development, instituted mind control experiments, and forced globalist takeover of resources and industry. This financialisation of economic war is why your local culture has been subverted and taken over by Walmart-Burgerism. And if you had not lost your local cultures in the first place then you would not be as susceptible to takeover from Middle East Refugees.
Refugees created by the US wars for Israel and oil, wars which fund the most evil terror groups. The supposed communist takeover doesn't even begin until well after this, and it is well documented that the CIA was involved in the creation of these reformist movements in the late 1960s and 1970s; taken from models they developed in Germany intended to replace revolutionary groups with benign socialist movements.
Cultural Burgerism is the true scourge of this world. Replace everything you know about "Joos" with the "Eternal CIA Burger" and you'll be closer to the truth.