Wake the fake up. The language and culture of this site has gone from a beautiful and mysterious expression of user's own subjective truth and artful shitposting into a gayer edgier version of reddit. Why did you let the redditfugees in? They taken over
Your culture is dying you cucks
Example please?
>a public space
>"why didn't you build walls"
As long as I can say nigger without being banned we're doing okay
The walls used to be the perception that posters here would roast newfags and reddit was hunted down and gassed.
Thats the problem. This site is now just faggot edgelords who want to say nigger
The wall is already here. It's this site's BBS tier shitty design and its users frequent misuse of N I G G E R.
Saying N I G G E R is about more than being an edgelord. It gives you the comfort of knowing there's a place populated with hundreds of thousands of other people who don't subscribe to the milquetoast politics proffered by mainstream society.
Debating which of anarcho-capitalism or pure libertarianism is better is no better than debating the identity of the strongest shitcape. Thinking that question or any question of similar complexity is answerable within your lifetime is retarded.
All I have for you is the same response I have for young ladies who say they want deeper conversation: suck my dick.
>this site is an ugly reddit only you can say nigger.
Used to have a unique culture that was hostile to reddit tier faggotry. This isnt your safe space
I barely come here anymore. Its all e celeb threads from fatherless losers. 8c is better.
I was on end its too slow moving but vintage quality
Why would words ever stop people from being faggots? It's well known to be genetic.
Its just being constantly bombarded by liberal shills. Stop being a fucking sperg and pussying out. Put them in their place every step of the way. They're in it for the long haul because their narrative is being destroyed.
Take a break from visiting here and when you come back you will smell the rot
Plenty of people have woken up, but these same people have others counting on them, what do you expect the "woke" to do? Go on shooting sprees? Go out marching and get ignored and ostracized by everyone else and the media? Start a civil war and be destroyed by the Government?
"Woke" people are already doing everything they can without ruining their families' lives. Go to reddit and tell people to wake up there instead, Pol is home to the only woke people on Earth and no matter how much they want to go bad to bed, they can't.
I wish i had your optimism user
We can't keep out narrative-skewing (((shills))). They're one source of the board's degeneracy, but as long as tumbl r exists, and as long as pan-sexual trans-lesbian university professors of colour see half chan as the festering underbelly of the internets where the nazi radicals are cultivating their new crop, subverters will be here, shitting up the board.
With respect the the newfriends: i think it's great more and more people are being repilled about the jews and saying nigger. If you want purity, go to doublechn. This place is the edgy bridge from being a blue-pilled cuck to the land where all things are possible: gore, misogyny, conspiracy theories, racism and the JQ. It's not ideologically pure, nor is it as insular as it used to be, but I, for one, welcome our refugees from thedonald, as one day they too may become the national socialists we can all be proud of.
Maybe you just got older, buddy?
I agree. That is why we must fight off the reddit cancer and shills that are becoming the majority here
I see your point. The feels tho
Once you are woke, what can you really do at that point? Redpilling doesn't work in the real world and you will ruin your life if you try. How can you even make a difference? All you can do is come here and shitpost.
I redpilled the whole finearts department at my uni but it was a completely different approach. You have to hit them with the language of focault and nietze then subtly concern troll them into cognitive dissonance and let reality do the rest.