If you had the chance,if you had just one question?
What would you ask?
Other urls found in this thread:
How many testicles do you really have
Why did you trust himmler and reject your european brethren instead of converting them to Nazism?
why _didn't_ you holocaust those filthy fucking jews * tehe* :)
Did you know in the future your artwork is considered beautiful and true art?
Yeah im not joking...so you really dont need to destroy everything...you have a chance to bring beauty into the world, fuck the critics trust me.
Is male dragon porn gay?
why did you have to go so soon Uncle Hitler :(
Found the jew
Assuming it's peak A E S T H E T I C Pre-war Nazi Germany.
Where do you see the world in 100 years?
do you like my shoes Uncle Adolf hehe :)
what are we having for dinner Uncle Adolf
can you read me MK again :)
why do you think of my Aryan Alpha baby
can you please pass the cerulean blue crayon Uncle Adolf
Why you didn't gas the jews? they're worthless anyway
Can you actually gas the Jews please? They're going to blame you for it anyway.
Fuck man
>fpbp i guess
>fucking Sup Forums mind readers
He always loved his European brethren. Even days before death in his bunker, he still had hope the allies would see their wrong and protect Berlin from the Soviets. It was his European brethren that betrayed him, and look where it got us.
Can you kill some blacks and actually slaughter the jews pls
do you like my braid Uncle Adolf
pls come back with me?
>Bitte komm mit mir zurück?
Hitler didn't speak English so he'd probably just be starting confusedly at you if you were.
>If you could ask one question
>asks five
Can we gas this dirty Bolshevik rat first Uncle Adolf
Ok seriously, what happened with Geli? She was such a cutie.
If you had to fight 20 duck size horses or 1 horse size duck, what would you choose?
No, true Europeans sided with the Axis.
Amerikikes and Anglos can never consider themselves European. They will forever be known as backstabbing traitorous pieces of shit.
that's why they have never and will never win another war again. They signed their souls to the (((devil)))
Do you think it would be wise to simply surround Stalin grad and make sure nobody gets in or out and starve everyone/everything instead or wasting soldiers then send an elite stealth force to sabotage the USSRs oil supply chain further down the road thus completing the goal of the invasion and then just walking to Moscow? That way we kill their jews and communism never has the chance to spread
oops, I made a poopy hehe, can you change me Uncky
That's not how Hitler felt. He always respected and loved Europeans, even from the Allies. It's their leaders he was disgusted with.
Hitler was pretty socialist, he seized the banks, thus the means of wealth creation and turned it into a system that worked for all german. Nazi flag no longer represents national socialism, just like how feminism no longer fights for equality
How much time do you have to spend on Sup Forums to get a baby daughter fetish for hitler?
Keep pushing that "we're all mixed race" meme you fucking Soviet cunt.
I understand that and I often get "communist" leaning results on the "markets" 8 values tests.
that flag you have will never represent anything but Bolshevik Soviets.
I'm NatSoc regardless what it's been memed into by (((media)))
Wild aussie. Do you like it rough?
What do u think about australia
Very true, I'm just waiting for a strasser flag
that was well before the Amerikikes firebombed innocent/undefended women and children. That was well before the Amerikikes raped millions of women AND children.
fuck their face saving attempts
>if only those Amerikikes would have known
>they wuz only following orders
motherfuckers knew they were dropping incendiary bombs on civilians.
I always laugh at these
America, the first country to begin rejecting zionism and begin promoting the people of the country, and euros reject americans, and the idea of nationalism
not very long :)
why do need a flag anyway?!
and if you're going to us one, why not NatSoc?
That was mostly the British, and Hitler was always very public in his forgiveness of the British people.
According to his personal bodyguard, who was with him when he died in the bunker, he still retained hope that the Allies would wake up and see their wrong.
Now go fuck off back to /leftypol/ you delusional D&C kike
Why did you like to touch little girls?
The absolute state of mongrel nazis.
That wasn't Geli... it's the eldest Göbbels girl.
Go back to whining for your jew reparations like the nigger you are
Random lames finally found a meme they that is not about them.
idiots, many of the US Pol posters are European born or first generation.
Poland it's rather ironic that you're memeing about purity of all Europeans lmao
finish the job, old man
Fucking shame about the Goebbels girls, but if they hadn’t been poisoned they probably wouldve been raped to death by the Russians.
No, I’d ask about Angelica Raubal.
>It rose up out of the sea thirty years after America went dark and the black, impenetrable, othewordly shroud prevented all contact and transport to the United States of America.
>It was almost impossible to make out except for a sickly red glow emanating from its eyes, its slimy rubbery lips from which dripped a foul substance that smelt of rancid fast food and a myriad of tentacles - too many to count. It lunged towards the French coast. This was like watching murder. Defilement. And it was something worse than either of those things.
>"You're... not... WHIIITEEEE" it boomed. An ear shattering and terrible sound that shattered cliffs, crumbled buildings, turned roads to gravel - yet what was to happen to those innocents caught in the blast was almost impossible to imagine... le abominacion....
>The victims convulsed at first, they screamed and howled. Their bowels emptied again and again. Black, foul greasy shit. It poured out of them. Its consistency between cottage cheese and vegetable fat.
>Within minutes their white genetics had been drained, or destroyed. They were changing into something much less than human. Large population centres started off a chain reaction - the shartstorm that would lay waste to Europe and sentence the world to everlasting darkness.
Exactly when did we begin rejecting Zionism? We're not only Israel's personal ATM but their private army as well.
>America, the first country to begin rejecting zionism and begin promoting the people of the country
LOL, what an ameridiot. Monglres who are pretending to be nazis are the most pathetic people on the internet.
Polish women love italian cock.
Which bodyguard? Rochus Misch? Cuz he was a telephonist. Kempka was his driver, Wünsche his adjutant and Linge his valet. None of them had a a private "last words" type of interaction with der Chef
Furious Pete is polish, which is not white sorry bro.
well his hope was proven misplaced in the end now wasn't it?!
Amerikikes did the following after they realized "they defeated the wrong enemy" meme
>allow Communists to divide the country and people after the war for 60 years
>stole 30,000 German patents without financial restitution
>installed puppet regimes
>implemented mass (((media))) reeducation
>all German media is owned by the GmBH group which is controlled by Amerikikes
>force all Germans to pay filthy rat jews billions of dollars for crimes they never committed
>still occupy German bases
and worst of all
Amerikikes portrayed Germans are monsters for 80 years while larping as the saviours of the world.
fucking disgusting.
>Furious Pete is polish, which is not white sorry bro.
Oh I gotcha, you'd ask him what happened to Angela, I don't think he'd appreciate that at all!
Yes, I was speaking of Misch. He didn't have last words with him, but he was in the bunker with Hitler for all of his last days, and even witnessed his dead body.
Why the fuck do you keep going on about nothing but America? Yes, kikes did all those things out of America, but I don't see how any of that is relevant to how Hitler felt about Europeans.
salute your fucking brave heros
now your mulatto grandkids don't have to worry about speaking German, they'll speak fluent Ebonics
what was your endgame?
Is that The Daily Stormer's Andrew Anglin?
>gasmind is strong with you anons
26 May 1940
Mein Dear Führer,
Could you please exterminate each and every single one of those Anglo-Saxon invaders at Dunkirk?
Meine Ehre Heißt Treue.
Heil Hitler!
because I've never heard one American say they are European. muh (((pride)))
How Hitler felt about Americans or other Europeans is irrelevant as of 1945. If you knew anything about ww2, you'd know Hitler refused to visit Berlin after it was bombed specifically because of the horror and how it would affect him/his views on his foes.
you might be a decent European American, but I'll never trust you or ever consider you my brother ever again.
Can you triforce?
I have the autobiographies of Misch, Linge and Kempka, and while they all agree on the major details of Hitler's death, they all disagree on the minutiae. While be was there daily since the move from the Wolfschsanze to Berlin, Misch only saw Hitler's body very briefly proor to it being taken to the chancellery gardens to be burned. He himself stated that he rarely got a chance to leave his telephone switchboard as it was the only way to communicate with OKW and the outside world.
>TFW you realize Merkel converting Europe to Islam is just carrying out Hitler's Orders Of Succession meant to lead a reunified Germany in the aftermath of WW2
Do you know da wae?
would you take a question from an amerimutt
when are we going to the park again
I'd probably tell him to avoid genociding anyone if he wants National Socialism to outlive him.
Also tell Goebbels NOT to kill his own kids. They're just too sweet to do such a horrid thing to.
>*deer noises*
thank you
What do we do, mein Fuhrer? What do we do now? How do we save our people?
His spirit is still with us, brothers. He's still here.
half the confederacy was jewish pic related.
Dr. Goebbels spared his kids the rapes and deaths they would have faced at the hands of the honorable Allies.
Pictures like this break my heart.
thank the gods this didn't get digits
"Why did you sabotage yourself?"
can you believe that Goebbels saw that the world was so degenerate and sinking into eternal darkness that he killed his children to spare them from living in it and being tortured by "the good guys" of the allies
please mister, could you move up your suicide by at least five years, prettty please, with cherries on top!
you War until Victory
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
he's in this thread
Not even close.
But how do we war? What tactics? How do we do it? That's what I'd like to hear from him.
What would Adolf Hitler do if he was here right now?
you should definitely not watch this (but you should)
Or this...
ah you poor broken hearted nazi slob, here's a new one for you ..
pic related
Sigh, this has been refuted a million times over but it’s always funnier to shill I suppose. There are studies on this Pedro. Absolute fucking projection from a nation that was literally MOORED for centuries.
>Absolute fucking projection from a nation that was literally MOORED for centuries.
Go project your cuck fetish somewhere else, mutt. You have a director that caters to just that.
Quick! I don't have much time! Hurry up and secure the Suez canal. Don't attack Russia on winter and don't go easy on Stalin because he won't give you a separated peace. The Ukrainians and other people from the USSR you conquered can serve you more than just growing your potatoes stocks. Uboats are efficient and London's about to shear.