Illegals are something I've only heard about in America. Never in Canada. Why is this?
Illegals are something I've only heard about in America. Never in Canada. Why is this?
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Because your country is rarely worth mentioning in any context.
You're paying terrorists not to terrorize you
Illegals don't want to go to shithole countries.
because no human is illegal in canada
I had one of those erasers in schools and walked over to the Canadian girl in class and rubbed in on her forehead. I felt bad about it for years and now it's a meme on Sup Forums. Fuck, feel like apologizing again to her throughbfacebbok or something but she wouldn't get my pain from this Micronesian rice paper collecting forum.
>four US born children
cause we're the greatest #1 country on earth
only good people live here
it's too cold for them to comfortably loiter outside Home Depot here.
In Canada faggot msm like cbc use newspeak and calls them refugees or undocumented migrants.
because canada doesnt have chain immigration anymore and mostly process economic immigrants. about 70% of immigrants to canada are work ready vs only 5% in the US. the US practicies "family reunification" immigration. while having family in Canada does help your immigration application it does not nearly gaurantee approval like it does in the US.
really makes you think.
I have no fucking clue why trudeau told all those border jumpers that they were welcome to come here, theyre literally being flown the fuck out of the country to where they're from on a daily basis
my brother is married to a leaf. their daughter as born there. im not sure of the exact details, but the queens government makes it super hard for people to work there. it took years even after their marriage for him to be able to do it and i imagine for illegals it would be almost impossible. although with the amount of poos and arabs in ontario it seems like they might have a policy of ushering shitskins to the front of the line
Because Mexicans are electric to maple syrup and mousses.
Do you guys have "geographic" classes there in Canada? If not then let me help you out:
West -> Ocean
East -> Ocean
North -> Frozen nothing and polar bears
South -> The land of the dream and basically open borders
You are welcome
> I've only heard about in America
>Meanwhile it's the biggest issue in the EU
You should read a little more... if Turdo still allows it
See problem here is the children are granted birthright citizenship too. If his wife (or baby mama) is also an illegal, the kids need to go. If she's not and the mom is a coal burning white liberal, the mom needs to go.
I'm sure that with just one more year he probably maybe might have tried to become legal
First,who would 'want' to migrate to canacuck. Two, just wait till the flood of illegals leaves the US. They'll either be heading home(south), or to canacuck(north, your neck of the woods).
Oh, Haiti is a lovely country! Maybe he can go hang out with Conan Obrien!
Deported Illegal says “Haiti is a shithole country!” In 3... 2... 1...
Where the fuck would they illegally come from? They'd either have to sail there or cross over from here and they seem more than happy here.
>He lived here for 31 years
Did he pay taxes?
Yes but his method of payment was in theoretical diversitybucks. Yes, he's donated a wealth of knowledge about how to drag an illustrious nation down into the habits of a third world shithole.
PEACE nigger
Another canadian inferiority complex overcompensation thread? People might actually like you guys if you stopped trying so hard to matter
Who cares? He lived here for 31 years. All that means is instead of breaking the law for 2 years(if he lived here 2 years), he broke them for 31 years. I can't wait for them to all be deported, or self deport(go home). Hell they don't even have to go home, I don't really care, let them go break the law in Canada(they can become illegal immigrants there), since canacuck already said they would take them all. Wish I knew where that sauce was, I could trigger a lot of leafs with it.
This, even tourists are extremely suspect
Yeah except "economic migrants" means they have upwards of 500 grand in liquid money to start with, drivign real estate values up and putting native borns at a disadvantage compared to the wealthy arabs and chinks showing up here. It's not some brilliant system wait until you have to buy a house in some backwater for over a quarter million like i did and need to renovate the entire place. fuck this gay country
That's RACIST!!!
Yeah, don't draw attention to yourself idiot. You presetn yourself as Mr. Bland to border officers. You don't talk about your love of Manga, or any other shit that some low IQ judgemental shit can use to search you.
He has such a punch-worthy face.
ha what are they bitching about. they have send him back to paradise.
How is the first post always the best post?
because in canada they get quietly deported and never make the news
>i know of 3 kids in highschool who's entire families were deported right back to albania
because they get fucking deported retard
whoa there, buddy!
Ive been getting dozens of mexican and south american girls on my tinder lately. They are all legit mexcians as all their photos show them in deserts and south west architecture, and their schools are all spanish names. Never had this level of this before. I am wondering if illegals are leaving the US to come here, or avoiding the US and heading here.
Because in Canada we have immigration laws, if you have drank and drove in the US you can’t even pass the border
Most liberals who wanted to come here realized they can’t because we don’t need them
Americans love their Mexican diversity and are too fat and stupid to deport people
Time for Jean to chop wood and eat copper poisoned fish.
Because people don't give a fuck here. Live in a very conservative farming town. We get a huge infulx of mexicans every year. One of the nurserys even bought and renovated an old hotel for housing.
Family and friends were discussing it and the general consensus was that the farmers are such great people for giving the mexicans a chance to make more money and better their lives.
They misspelled "anchor babies" in their title...
fuck off canada, most of you live near the border and one day we will put up a northern wall your cucked land isnt even worth plundering
Because your countrymen are more than welcome to drop their pants and bend over for every slimy and greasy person of color or slit-eyed chink that steps foot on your land.
>Hurr durr is this what you wanted DRUMPF??
Yes, if this dumbass didn't even try to gain proper citizenship after 31 years then he doesn't deserve to be in America.
We also have a lot of illegal Aussie immigrants too. They pracically run the tourism industry in BC.
>Mexicans still the most deported in Canada
lol it's true, look it up
Why weren’t his kids deported too?
I can only hope/dream that's what's happening. Enjoy the 'diversity'.
Luckily he's not going back to a shithole.
those cunts are ok though.
> immigration policies where not enforced for 30 years
Fuck kfljwqernf.
Because you don't fucking live near vancouver
When your only tool is a small brain everything starts to resemble a stupid meme, I guess
That's because he would've been deported a long time ago, retard
Better weather
>Underage b&
>Feeling bad
>Having a kikebook account
This board is lost
>having rights in a country that you aren't a legal citizen of
Really tickles the ole noodle
how muslim canada is going well?
we send em out immediately
Because Canada has much, much stricter immigration than the US. So does Mexico. Did you know that? It's harder to get into Mexico than the US. Every other country, pretty much. America is literally the easiest country in the world to immigrate to. But when they try to tighten their borders just a little to be more like Canada and Mexico, suddenly it's noooo they're all NAZIS
Because not even spics want to live around Canadians.
Probably because Immigrant poos in Canada are more educated than your brother.