1) how does she look Jewish
2) even if she was, how is that significant
3) why does Woes indulge in the Jewish meme when his heart isn't in it? Is he seriously suggesting that Europe would be racially homogenous without Jewish influence?
1) how does she look Jewish
2) even if she was, how is that significant
3) why does Woes indulge in the Jewish meme when his heart isn't in it? Is he seriously suggesting that Europe would be racially homogenous without Jewish influence?
Heil Hitler, But yeah she really does have a pretty Jewish face
In his own quiet way are woesy doesn't give a fuck
>1) how does she look Jewish
big nose and ashkenazi teeth
>2) even if she was, how is that significant
jews aren't white
>3) why does Woes indulge in the Jewish meme when his heart isn't in it? Is he seriously suggesting that Europe would be racially homogenous without Jewish influence?
he wouldn't be wrong if that is what he is suggesting
He's a loser. Stop giving him attention
I don't see a problem here
Woes might be a LARPing NEET faggot, but damn is his aesthetic on point.
what aesthetic?
Millenial Woes is Jewish.
Fore head and nose
The dark lightning/cig is pretty kino.
I'm aware he's a fat useless NEET, though. Kinda depressu.
>2) even if she was, how is that significant
whites don't care about other races mixing flaggot
This makes me love Woes so fucking much.
Woes is great, don't know what you're talking about.
+10 to woes
i chuckled at that zinger but shes still just an average attention whore
>ting chang ting pang POOOOW choy choy choy!
translation 4 her if she reads this
>fat, smkes, drinks cola
Still it's impossible tonot like the guy. He has so much charisma even with all his self-destructing tendencies. Same thing with InternetAristocrat, super-degenrate edgelord but so likeable.
Bottom line: it's extremely beneficial for the continuation of the white race for them to be /ourguys/
you talk like a fucking retard
spotted the minority
the pyramid slopes inwards as you approach the top
Bitter faggot that drinks and smokes in the dark while going on depressive rants.
nother nigger?
>how does she look Jewish
frog mouth
big nose
>ashkenazi teeth
You mean british teeth
Jew detected
>that enoch/allsup/nuanced bro stream where nuanced tried to claim alt-right thinks italians weren't white, because Woes was saying he was worried about having italian in his 23 and me and getting kicked out of the ethnostate
>the guy couldn't tell it was a joke
millennial woes is my spirit animal
>Bottom line: it's extremely beneficial for the continuation of the white race for them to be /ourguys/
You, sir, must be gassed. Hopefully with your dick tied to the dick of your favourite eceleb and you had to win tug of war to escape the gas but you both tied with each other in the tug of war and fuckedd your dick up and both of you got gassed anyway
She has beautiful British teeth
Dropping the fabled millenial wews "fanfics"
Part 2
Part 3
>ashkenazi teeth
quick rundown on this pls
She does kinda look Jewish. Big nose, but not exactly the traditional Jew nose. Maybe a halfbreed.
Pointy and misshapen. The plebs in this thread suggesting she has British teeth are clearly mistaken as British teeth are always yellow and usually missing a few. That kikess has clearly had work done by a kosher dentist.
Look at the nose
The nose knows
1) she's with a nigger
No daughter o mine is gun' marry no nigra!
She does look Jewish.
Would you rather you had the attention instead?
The funny thing about this drama is you can show the average normie all the crime stats, philosophical arguments and genetic information you want and they won't understand any of it and won't change his opinion and probably just call you a weird racist.
But ask him to imagine a beautiful white woman like Taylor Swift getting fucked by a black guy and having mixed race children and they will get instinctively uncomfortable about it and will be unable to deny their race matters to them deep down.
What. So is it a racial characteristic or did a doctor work on her teeth? Because what you wrote makes no sense
>I'm this pretty cuz both my parents are Jewish.
Who is this semen demon?
U made nosey?
she looks jewish
1 in 5 jewish women in America have been with a black man : D fugg : D
how the fuck have I not seen this before
Well they were on cripplechan for a start.
I can't see him pressing the gun against her pregnant stomach in OPs picture
Bug body
1) She is very Jewish looking
2) Who the fuck cares if Jews get blacked?
3) Who would disagree with that?
>white female
>black male
Every damn time.
I find it amusing how many women tell me they don't like Megan Markle, unprovoked too. Not so explicit as that UKIP bimbo but the subtext is clear.
Since NPI he's been trying to fit in with the Nazis. It's the only way to Richard's cock. *sigh*
He's resigned to what's coming. I hope he builds a nice NEET bunker stocked with cola and cigarettes to survive it.
He deserves to since he warned us.
>ywn sit in a disused air raid shelter watching boring 70s British TV drama with woes, toasting with some warm diet coke as you're faintly showered with plaster from the MIRVs airbusting overhead
why even continue to draw breath
He better lose that weight if he wants in to the ethnostate
She looks Jewish af man total legit claim
Every true european can spot a jew from a mile away. It is built in in our defence mechanisms.
Look at her nose, eyes and jawline, that says it all.
>1) how does she look Jewish
pear face, nose. she kind of does
>2) even if she was, how is that significant
not his problem
>3) why does Woes indulge in the Jewish meme when his heart isn't in it? Is he seriously suggesting that Europe would be racially homogenous without Jewish influence?
don't know. that would be accurate. pan-humanism and multicultures are uniquely jewish projects
isn't woes like 4 something
And how many white women fucked niggers in porn you memeflag retard
>look at her eyes!
>her eyes are shut
Yes we fucking can. Only those that can spot (((subversion))) survived.
That kinda kills the whole muh jews argument then doesn't it
lurk more fgt
nah he definitely turned 5 after the doxxing
>That nose
>Kike confirmed.
Fuck off, you dalit nigger!
>jews aren't white
Yes they are, look at their skin you fucking dunce
>Coal burner
Eventually they all pay the toll.
he's an obvious shill
>that nose
>kike confirmed
>race is skin color
News flash
Millennial woes is retarded
It's hard to describe. There's more to spotting a jew than just hook-noses and dark frizzy hair. Just look at pic-related. Blonde hair and light eyes, but still clearly a kike and you can especially see it in her mouth/lips/teeth and overall look.
taylor whyte isn't a kike you moron, way to shoot your own foot
He's Scottish, the only way to loose the weight would be to start heroin.
I haven't gotten a solid answer one way or the other yet, is best Emma a jew? I wish I had your J-dar
I don't know who this is but she clearly has a semitic look.
It literally is
how can someone look jewish?
It's a religion. They are european, arab and african jews.
Probably a counter troll? Jews don't like the blacked thing more than anyone else and MW thinks jews are behind the media's race mixing blitz.
Dodged that one. She's still a fucking psycho cunt, but at least she's a goy
normally I'd laugh, but my sleep deprived ass just wants to smash your face with a hammer right now
Are abbos and blacks the same race?
yet she isn't semitic at all, she's white; if anything pic related looks more semitic, yet she isn't semitic either. Really makes you think
She has an extremely semitic look and your jewdar is uncalibrated. If you have evidence of non-semitic origin, then go for it.
As an American Scotts, we are thick, but he could be hard instead of flabby
>If you have evidence of non-semitic origin
>if you have
How about you provide evidence of semitic origin, since the burden of proof is on you. Anyway, her name is taylor whyte and she's some porn slut. knock yourself out and search some info about her being a jew
Jews aren't white and you missed the point of the every time meme.