That we’re on the verge of one of the greatest happenings of our time? Left or right, for better or for worse, this memo is going to change the way Americans look at their government forever.
You do understand
What memo?
Tbh, I thought government spying was much easier and more commonplace than this sounds like.
I don’t doubt it, when it reveals what anyone with a brain knew from day one; concrete evidence that Trump collided with Russia in order to win the election. At that point Americans will wonder how they got duped by such an obvious fucking ruse.
I have a brain. What was Russia's obviously apparent role in this collision?
This memo is about Obama using a FISA to spy on Trump campaign using the DoJ and FBI to perform this action.
Meaning FBI/Obama DOJ colluded with HRC campaign.
They already proven they gave her the pass by not investigating her for the private emails, then planned to use her as President to cover up the illegal activity they did to spy on Trump. They used the Trump/Russia narrative as an "insurance policy" just incase Trump won the election to delegitimize his presidency.
The real threat to our democracy has revealed itself.
But go on and keep thinking the evidenceless Trump/Russia thing is still valid after the most bias group pretends to look for "collusion."
Instead they are using the investigation to hide their trail of treason.
>inb4 nothing happens
Sometimes I forget how stupid Sup Forums is...
Shut the fuck up about the Memo if you ain't going to leak it.
>this memo is going to change the way Americans look at their government forever
Congress already has an 8% approval rating. Everyone knows they're corrupt cunts. Don't think it can get much lower than that.
I like how you compare Trump to Hitler than immediatly go into Nazi mode and blame Jews for anything you can.
Can I get a tl;dr on the memo and FBI text messages? I've been too busy for American politics.
his daughter is a kike, his son in law is a kike, he wore a kike hat and kissed the kike wall.
I would say so. There was a very drastic and seemingly permanent change in Devin Nunes countenance since exactly the day of his first shocking press conference,March 2017
Yeah yeah, give me more talking points you hook nosed kike. Fuck Israel faggot.
>awwoooo maga xD
No. Nothing will ever happen. You had so many recent major happenings - Assange, Snowden. You all know what your government does to you yet majority of Americans don't give a fuck, because you can't live out of comfort.
Nothing. Will. Happen. Memo is released - you'll wine for some time and forget about it in two weeks at best.
Well it's not only American problem, everybody knows what people in authority do, yet citizens allow it. We are soy.
Read my message here.
The memo has not been released.
The text messages show FBI involved in the investigation formed a "secret society" and planned on using the Trump/Russia as "insurance policy" incase he won the election.
Then they deleted messages for 5 months up to the day before the investigation started.
He undeniably has kikes in his family who he uses as advisers
Who is she
Pretty sure we've all been ready for years on end now, so many people have proven to be above the law and untouchable...
yup. trump and mattis.
keep your friends close and your enemies closer
when digits this year massive happening
not even. The Jews in his administration are anti zionist.
I believe you
We never had Trump before
>I swear he'll just seem to cater to Israel for 7 years but in the 8th he'll totally 4-d chess awoo maga xD!
>muh memo
If it were anything of importance that would affect real change or a habbedingz, you and the rest of the public would never know about.
Important it may be, nothing will change. Nobody will go to prison or be indicted.
Because the majority of people do not care. And they never will so long as there is food in the fridge, and Nigger Collision is on the TV.
Sick argument
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this memo? What is it? Is it legit or more Qanon like bullshit?
Tech companies used apps to spy on trump
Israel is behind it all
Not anymore user, that all stopped when trump became president.
Fuck off boomer. Use google.
boomers is like niggers but with less hair
My waifu.
>being this r e t a r d e d
okie dokie let's get it over with
>Trump can magically make the public care about a memo.
If the masses didn't care about what Snowden fucking laid out in spades for them, then it's highly unlikely Trump will get anyone to give a fuck either. Especially because half the country thinks he's the reincarnation of the Fuhrer.
How does it feel to be this retarded?
It's not about what the doj/fbi did but what they are hiding. It's total corruption and it just about involves every institution of our society.
I doubt it is about FISA vs public. It is about using FBI/DOJ as a political sword and comprimising the agencies objectivity.
Nah. If it’s anything more than a blip on the radar I’ll eat a bucket of clits
You're not helping the cause with your cringy blogpost.
>this memo is going to change the way Americans look at their government forever.
Happened to me a long time ago. Did you all know that we literally paid for Robert Mugabe? Direct money to him up until recently.
The people being bred at extreme numbers in order to march into your countries with genocidal intent? Yeah you're literally paying for that shit. The UN is a wonderful creation
Taxation without representation to say the very fucking least.
You sure about that, bro?
snowden told us what they were doing
most people hate him for it
concrete evidence
If the jew gets officially named I will write Trump's name on my wall with my cum
Memo isn't about what Snowden said.
Obama DOJ used a FISA order based on a fake dossier on Trump in order to spy on his campaign.
It would be a major mark against the FBI and many top officials who attempted to change the course of a Presidential election.
>Left or right, for better or for worse, this memo is going to change the way Americans look at their government forever.
No it won't. It won't change a thing. People don't have a clue. You could tell them the truth straight to their faces and they'd either call you a liar or not even care. We've been so inundated with disinformation, lies and half truths that the average person doesn't feel anything but apathy.
Yet everytime we still elect the same money grubbing faggots to office
You better order that shit right now, because the path were on is no longer a blip.
The memo is nothing compared to what comes out after it. The memo is skin deep. The rot goes to the bone.
Gotta go with this. As much as what appears to be happening it infuriates me, but nobody will care. People will still love Obama, and even if they did lock him up, they would get a bunch of soros bucks to riot in the streets.
The only thing that will change people in the west, is open warfare on the streets. And that too will be pointless. Instead of people organizing and going after the bankers, press, and elite, it will just be right winged poor people killing left wing poor people.
Please nuke us Best Korea.
desu senpai
We need ayys and the charges to drop the same day. Get some real action going!
Exactly, Kushner's dad got hung out to dry by Zionist Jews. As bad as Jews are, it's the anti Zionist Jews like Kushner and Roy Cohn that are and were most valuable to Trump and this country. You can't Jew the Jew without help from some Jews.
Ya, even before snowden and high speed internet I assumed I was being spied on. I love tech and do lots of shit with computers, but I don't buy webcams, get smart devices, and use a flip phone. When Alexa came out, I thought there is no way in hell I'd buy one. All these smart devices should be free to those that want to give away their privacy.
Today they finally put a smart meter on my house against my will.. and that bothers me.
real Sup Forums knows this.
Genuine question, why hasn't Trump declassified it yet?
What did kek mean by this?
A smart meter? The fuck?
Monitors your electric usage and tells them how much you use and when. They can derive what appliances you have.
They could email you that your compressor is going out on your A/C if they felt nice.
Very creepy.
Is it against the law to take that shit down?
No it's not you stupid fucking normie bastard, Lol. Please, by all means fuck off back to re ddit.
some allow you to refuse it, but i don't think you can touch it once it is on.
It's not important.
Checked again
>Then they deleted messages for 5 months up to the day before the investigation started.
Deleting 5 month's worth of texts alone is pretty fishy. Who the fuck does that?
Fuck off and take your memos with you you cancerous fagfuck.
So since you didn't buy a smartphone the government came along one day and installed this shit without your permission?
So since you didn't buy a smartphone the government came along one day and installed this shit without your permission on your house?
Don't listen to these idiots, the government can just remote view you with their psychic spies they can watch you at any time if you're important enough for them to take notice of you. All this memo garbage and Chump bullshit is re ddit tier normie bullshit.
That was the plan OP.
The left is soft, do they know how to play in a man's world?
If the memo is as juicy as it seems, is the perfect excuse for starting a full offensive to drain the swamp.
Exactly. My father said pretty much the same thing.
Fucking boomers man.