Are we Numb?
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Yes. The sick society we have creates these situations. Gun laws have been more restrictive than ever and you used to be able to buy a full auto uzi in the mail.
These people put the effort in to kill their classmates, their reward is smaller-tighter knit communities, lower crime rates, higher wages, and larger plots of land.
Children are a forced meme and we should all murder as often as possible in order to keep evolution on its toes and the world free from populism.
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
(((Public Schools)))) need to be protected by the National Guard or Regular Army.
It is bad but not 11 bad
>Jan. 3: East Olive Elementary School in St. John's Michigan
Suicidal man commits sudoku in parking lot no kids injured
>Jan. 4: New Start High School in Burien, Washington
Likely a stray, 1 shot only was fired no one injured.
>Jan. 6: School bus in Forest City, Iowa
Man fires pellet gun into school bus, breaks window no one injured.
>Jan. 9: Coronado Elementary School in Sierra Vista, Arizona
14 y.o. commits suicide in bathroom
>Jan. 10: California State University, San Bernardino in San Bernardino
A (one) shot was fired on campus and hit a wall no one injured.
>Jan. 10: Grayson College in Denison, Texas
Dumbfuck mistakes real gun for training gun no one injured
>Jan. 15: Wiley College in Marshall, Texas
Drive-by/ gun fight at dorm parking lot. No reported injuries but 1 bullet entered dorm.
>Jan. 20: Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Football player shot while on campus.
>Jan. 22: NET Charter High School in New Orleans, Louisiana
Some guy in a truck shoots into a group of students 1 guy sent to hospital with a superficial injury
>Jan. 22: Italy High School in Italy, Texas
1 kid shoots another kid at school
>Jan. 23: Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky
1 guy shoots 2 and injures 18
Not to belittle gun crimes or getting shot
Out of 11 maybe 3 are actual "school shootings" the rest are nothingburgers
Public schools need to be converted into gas chambers so that sell-out parents can try again to make a successful human being.
We need stricter pussy controls, it's time for a real conversation on pussy control.
Rollin for only liberal casualties
Rest of the legitimate school shootings were probably nogs shooting other nogs over drugs and stuff like that. They always leave out that part.
Give me a couple days warning before you do this, please.
breederfags & legacyfags btfo
Christ, that's an insane edge breh
11th school shooting? 11th mass shooting? 11th overall shooting? Which one is it
A school shooting is just a politically correct term for it. Back in my day, we called it a "bang out". Anyone who's anyone wore a level 3+ protection vest to school and there were always throwaway guns hidden all over the school, and guys from neighboring schools would show up and try to start shit
There is nothing wrong with school shooting. It teaches kid to not fuck with the wrong guy
Idk school shootings keep bullies honest
Let's be honest, anyone who wants to have children is selfish and lonely, nothing more.
We just need to redpill the shooters into targeting niglets and yidlets
>kid blew his brains out at school in Sierra Vista
I don't blame him, fuck SV.
No! Bullying is an important safety value. Bullies have miserable, abusive home lives. Heaping similar misery on other students is a small but necessary release. Without it, they might bring a gun to school or something.
More people have been killed in single gang violence attacks in Kentucky this year than were killed in that sperg out.
I never gave a shit about these mass shootings. I'm glad more people are feeling the same way.
This is how I'm starting to feel, I couldn't imagine going to school in the current climate
Pure degeneracy all around you and constant teasing for not partaking in it, they are creating a hellish experience for the outcasts
It used to be you missed out on sex and alcohol / weed, now the people around you are taking prescription pills and wearing fucking dog collars calling each other trash and sluts, romanticizing things like benzos and opiates, chopping off their dicks or anal walls to change genders
You start to see the world in a very disassociated way, you're so far removed from the popular degeneracy things stop feeling real, like they matter
This. Got breaks from the relentless bullying whenever a big one happened. Cho gave me like a full week.
i never got bullied and it was by all accounts alright, but waking up at 5:30 just to sit around taking the occasional easy multiple choice test made me want to at least kill myself
then you had gym class where you'd sweat and then have to sit in rooms without air conditioning all sticky and nodding off, trying to hold in farts
this was mostly pre-columbine but even then i can totally understand why someone slightly more austimal than me would just snap and start blasting everyone. school is a fucking nightmare. should be outlawed making kids wake up that early. i still feel mentally ill because of it
Same. The biggest ones like the vegas shooting are started by the jews for some nefarious purpose.
I and some other friend who's also a Sup Forumsack can't watch normie TV anymore. If its not anime (which has always just been tehe in nature) there's a good chance its straight up propaganda when you take a second to actually fucking look at it. I can't even remember the last time I sat down to watch modern TV its such normie brainwashing garbage.
>man commits sudoku
That's so puzzling...
That's how I started to feel to. I had a really good friend from second grade who I used to fucking call on my moms cellphone past 9pm for free minutes to play runescape with all night, now he's a young Dem socialist member and he stopped talking to me completely. I don't care what his political beliefs are I just want to hang out with my friend, but now I'm painted as a nazi by the popular media and I'm divide and conquered away
Never even talked politics with him besides the middle east shit, and he still ghosted me over supposed beliefs. All because tv guy says the word nazi over and over. The media polarized fucking everything and soon the toll for it will be paid, you can't polarize people to change their beliefs, you need to actually talk to them
>fuck SV
Place is weird, I was there for AIT for almost a year and I was afraid to go off post. Not to mention being stuck in a flash flood alone, like the dumbfuck I am, during monsoon season on the side of a mountain is fucking surreal.
Eventually the Nazi's will come back. This world is practically demanding them to the way they're trying to enslave whitey.
He's right you know.
Get out of my head nigger
Pharmaceutical companies WILL pay for this
No; unlike Europe, we aren't pussies and shrug shit like this off like it was a fender-bender.
>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>be european
>go outside
>get raped
>rapist given cash prize for their service
>be canadian
>see a woman drop her purse
>excuse me ma'am you dro-
>get clubbed in the head by a cop on a moose
>wake up in prison
>life sentence for using wrong pronoun
>live in other shit hole country
>you can't read this because you live in a mud hut
>AIT for a year
Nigger what MOS takes a fucking year to train, even being moved to a class that started a month after I got there, I was in that hell hole for about 6 months.
As if security guards weren't enough. Are public schools prison camps now?
It's a perfect storm from a really sick society op
>constantly exposed to bitch women
>low sex value males competing with high sex value males
>no father figures in society
>barely any father figures at home
>broke as fuck families
>kids aren't taught toughness and kindness they're taught political correctness and pussification
>media is a constant barrage of sex, murder, money
>social media is nothing but posts of perfect pictures making people long for a perfect life without the viewer knowing that person's whole story
>makes it easy to stalk everyone and anyone can stalk you
>ostracized if you don't use kikebook so people can know your story.
>classrooms not conducive to learning anything
>class is basically niggers being loud all class and teachers can't do anything
It's enough to drive everyone fucking crazy it's a wonder more done happen desu
Nah, I just think people are tired of using mass shootings as distractions and as a way to toss things down the memory hole.
>small community
>beneficial in any shape or form
I guess building cities is yet another Jewish trick and not what a normal healthy person would come up with.
Sure is sweet imagining a world comprised entirely of drug-ridden, skill-less country dwellers.
I'm so jealous, wish I could've experienced real freedom and got shot when I was a kid.