Sup Forums humor thread
These fucking memes i cant.
Russia doesn't comply with (((our))) agenda, let's create (((Poland))) meme.
mutants from stalker?
i dont get why poland is fucking russia
underrated af
>common sense gun laws
fuck you, you retarded libshit faggot
chill out man it's just a screencap
rip thread
Too soon
is this the fruit of a thousand poland ball and poland hate threads?
pol, friend. delete this.
Someone make that one where Poland rapes Russia in 1612, 1921 and 1986?
Russian propagandist started posting garbage donutsteel polanball memes bragging about how great Russia is over on Krautchan. People started making edits with the intent of humiliating the maker of the comics, giving rise to glorious poland dick.
I don't even understand this meme but this one rekt me
yeah i dont either but lost at
yeah i dont get it but its been a while since i laughed so heartily
it's fucking amazing
i have no idea how this slipped past me but i guess it is very new output
i don't click those fucking anti-poland threads
>implying I don't know that
Except that we don't according to the statistics from the recent years.
how the fuck have these all cropped up so fast? are you all meme machines or no?
best one imo
>the tiger
saved from old threads
fuck u
Heil Putin
i browse pol every day and ive never seen this
my captcha is broken, it lets me make like 3 posts off 1 captcha solution. Serves gookmoot right for disabling legacy captcha
ya so is mine
You really don't know about the Kent State shooting? National Guard shot a bunch of students on campus.
Might wanna look that up.
Usually these threads get deleted quickly.
we're talking about the poland dick thing, not the state shooting
Yeah I know about Kent State, I mean the polandball with a huge flaccid dick raping a tiger
I wish I could get paid by the gov’t to shoot up a campus wtf
ok that pic makes sense now but gernerally no...
Sides in space now too...
i'm spent
This one got me. Fucking kek.
The explanation is that this is not a Sup Forums meme, someone just saved all the pics from another board and decided to dump them here.
>awaken, my masters
Gookmoot didn't disable Legacy Captcha, Google did. Google got rid of it.
I saved all mine from other Sup Forums threads, but afaik the meme is from Krautchan