Rich culture

>Rich culture
>Beautiful language
>Sexy women
>Delicious food
>Great music
>Hard working
Why do Trumpanzees not want Latinx in the country? Are you just mad that they actually have a culture, unlike you? Why don’t you spoiled, sheltered edgelords leave your parents basements and actually go meet some Hispanic people? Try learning Spanish and culturing yourself?

Other urls found in this thread:

because you're a faggot


No matter how successful or how shitty you are we don't want you here. You could be rich you could be poor, you could be good looking you could be ugly. We don't want you here because you aren't us and we don't want to get replaced.

Sup Forums is actually full of spics and plenty of white guys here brag about having sex with latinas. Your whole thread is wrong.

Awww, is the little boy scared of the scawy bwown ppl? :(

Grow the fuck up, you spoiled brat. Go meet some new people and stop listening to your racist parents and faux “news”.

>no flag

fake news

Build your straw-man somewhere else
I don't care if you are black yellow or blue. I don't even hate you. Societies are more peaceful and happy when they are segregated.

they also skin each other alive that's a good bonus too


You need to get out more, boyo. The most successful societies are the ones that are diverse. You’re just scared of change.

white countries are the most successful, we could do without you brown and black guys i promise

This guy gets it

all mestizos look nearly identical to each other lmao


We have enough LEGAL Mexicans making Mexican food for us now, your country has nothing else to offer besides pestilence and death.

Also Spanish is a filthy pig language and I wouldn't mind if it were erased from human knowledge.

Yeah just make up your own facts
Did the blacks get a man to the moon?
Did the Arabs turn Germany into a prosperous economy?
Did the (noone) turn japan into the third largest economy in the world?

All I know for sure is that places with a lot "diversity" also have a lot of conflict. India South Africa, the US now Europe more and more.
Also why would you change something that isn't broken?

even if i was generous and said the other things were true, this one is categorically false

Whoa even Gollum is transitioning

Mexico and Brazil are as ethnically diverse as it gets and they're total shitholes. Whites or castizos from both nations usually segregate themselves from the rest of the population. Same can be said for modern-day South Africa and Sweden (in certain parts). You're full of shit, memeflaglet.

Such rich culture....

Such a wealth of cultural enrichment waiting ahead of us.

>>Sexy women
If you liked being shouted at a lot.

if it's all so great, why even leave and go to a country that is not welcoming you?


I can hardly wait!

Have you ever even been to Mexico? It's an EXTREMELY segregated country, with European descendants and/or jews running things. They hate niggers more than any White person, and are an extremely ethnocentric people in general.

Then there's Uruguay, at over 85% White, it is the most peaceful and successful country in South America. In terms of standards of living, education, healthcare, etc., it's the the 3rd best country in the Americas after the US and Canada. Chile is also way at the top, and in certain metrics, better than the US or Canada. Want to guess why? Yup, demographics. Argentina also has a huge European descended population, though like ALL once White countries it is also getting drowned in a brown tidal wave.

Why must successful nations be made to accept and absorb the detritus of corrupt ones? Why when these people have their own countries which are not at war and by all matrices, are also making great strides to develop? Perhaps because it's about destroying anything implicitly White European at any cost.

>mfw all are in Latin America and none are from the wartorn middle-east
>"race-mixing is good, guise..."

Oh god, not ANOTHER autistic loonix distribution

Because Negroids are mathematically too retarded to keep statistics.

The Statistics of South Africa are kept by white people.

>meme flag
>advocating for latino's
I thought Sup Forums would be better than this.

Did orders go out from Shill Central telling you to use the "Democrat" flag today? Anyway, Selena was born in Texas, so fuck off.

>Sexy women
¡Chinga tu madre, cabrón!


You're probably right to an extent, but those cities listed are probably still worse in terms of homicide in metropolitan cities in Africa like Lagos or something. South Africa is worse than the others in the continent because it's welfare state, one of the biggest on Earth, and Bantu warrior descendant niggers were taught to hate whites by their post-apartheid leadership. The destitution and a necessity to work unironically keeps niggers from killing each other.
This. Mexicans literally categorize each other based on how much European ancestry they have. Their president is a castizo, 75+% European admixture.

because those shining examples of humanity should be making their own nations great, and building a prosperous future for their own people. Braindrain is real and its seriously fucking over the third world.
Why do democrats hate the third world so much they want to steal all their competent workers?

I thought it was irish + negro = mulato

One year later people still don't understand what immigration means.

Niggers treat each other like animals all the time.
They enslave each other.
Some of them are cannibals too.

There is simply to statistics over these animals.

>Why do democrats hate the third world so much they want to steal all their competent workers?
because they're pawns of the banks who benefit greatly from mass-immigration from the 2nd and 3rd world that think they're being progressive and altruistic.

oh I know, im trying to get OP to consider how much damage they're doing to the third world. I assume he isn't actually a democrat but just shitposting but still, it might change the mind of some people on here.
and it's not just the banks either.

It's usually most effective to attack them directly with accusations.

Accuse the lefties of being evil when they braindrain, or when they let Niggers rape Asians without consequenses, it will shock them for a moment while they struggle to argue you.
Because they are not used to think of themselves as evil.

I feel like accusations generally make people more defensive and double down, while questions help attempt to re-evaluate their norms.
That's just anecdotal though.

>rich culture
Lel, cartels abd drug wars ≠ culture
>Beautiful language
Ah yes, the language of Mexican. They don't get credit for Spanish the same way Americans and Australians don't get credit for English
>sexy women
That will pull an Asian and go from 20 to 60 in 2 years, at around 30
>delicious food
>great music
Don't get me started on the two mariachi songs which everyone knows but doesn't know the name of, such great music
>Hard working
Yet apparently many feel entitled to cross into America at their own whim, law and order be damned, and claim they aren't criminals? How humble

>rich culture

niggers have a wildly different system of morality than Europeans, dude. Their kids aren't taught to be ashamed of any wrongdoing/crime they commit or have sympathy for those they've victimized like Europeans; this has been the case in sub-Saharan Africa for thousands of years before there was a European presence there. Niggers are apathetic when it comes to committing a crime, they only care about the consequences that come with it. In African societies, they have a more tribalistic system of morality, where those who commit a crime will be met with extreme brutality, and this depends on how severe the crime is in their eyes. the hierarchy of African societies in their unadulterated states requires complete obedience from all who live within it. If you dare to commit a crime you'll have your hands painfully removed or will be publically burned to death. Once that threat is no longer present, they'll have no issue victimizing someone they had no personal quarrel with. Welfare makes this problem even worse imo, as their minds will be entirely composed of thoughts of "muh dick" since they no longer have to worry about surviving.

Como la flor
>Como la flor
Gas the Jews
>Gas the Jews

I eat the flower?


What the fuck is that? Is it a race neutral term for a race, so, completely fucking pointless and whoever uses it should have their limbs slowly shot off from tip to torso with a shotgun?!

Because Latinå on average cost more to the society and commit more crimes than whites do.

Anyone dumb enough to look at "Latino culture" and say "Yeah, I want that here" deserves to die from that stupidity.


you think people dont get fed a steady, rose tinted pop culture version of latin culture in the mainstream media?

They didn't used to. Sadly I agree that they're doing that more and more now.

they've been doing this since the 90s when they tried to relabel mexicans as latins and give them a sexy image

True, but it doesn't always lead to the other part doubling-down, in fact, it's used as a strategy to silence an opponent who has more intellectually sound arguments or take the conversation into different direction. Sophists use this harsh accusations all the time to have the opposing side retract their statements and defend themselves and their ethical/moral doctrines instead of talking about the topic at hand. Destiny, that e-celeb fag does this a lot. The other guy makes cogent points about race or something, destiny realizes he's outmatched and goes "omg are you implying the blacks are dumb? you're a racist bigot, therefore you're wrong because you hate black people."

use harsh accusations*

A significant amount of Latin folk within the borders of the USA have been here since the Spanish conquest. Others immigrated here legally, before 1965 even, or at least without benefiting from some form of amnesty.

I have no problem with such hispanics, granted they respect the community (see: don't break the laws or otherwise commit petty infractions) and do their best to assimilate, assuming they haven't already done so or been raised in such an assimilated environment. It also helps if they don't vote Democrat.

Best friend's mom is a hardline Republican from the border region, retired law enforcement, and posts Sup Forums screencaps on fb. Legit /ourgal/. Also, she's hot.

This is now a Selena thread.

I donno about you but I dont really pay attention to ad hominems or accusations like that anymore, theyre so fucking common and always so completely unfounded I find it hard to give a shit anymore.


Well yeah, you have to rise above bullshit like that. Me being a "xenophobic racist" doesn't change reality.
Fidel Castro showed how "bleeding heart" America is when it comes to taking in political or economic refugees. He cleaned Cuba's prisons and let them get amnesty and seek asylum in America. Central Americans countries also allowed their worst to leave and that's why Hispanics here are especially shit. It's a net-positive for their societies but detrimental to us.

Cuban refugees tend to be adamantly anti-leftist and staunch conservative voters.

Central American immigrants are their own beast though. They're overwhelmingly illegal, have higher criminal tendencies than garden-variety Mexicans, are often affiliated with gangs in their native countries, and they speak neither English nor Spanish. They're the majority of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border in recent years.

>Posts Remy
what did he mean by this?

>delicious food

Dude its all garbage carbs. Why do you think all these beaners are fat?

Assfags in body bags.

Tits are the white man's fetish.

I'd like to hear more about this.

See those shitholes south of the border? That's how our country will become if we let more of them in.
