
Oh fuck oh god I am a slave

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I too am Pickle Rick

How do we fix this?
We live in a jail

>trusting pixels on a screen
I mean ink on paper was bad enough but damn young people are dog-shit-stoopid

The first step is to stop namefagging

Well I know now, what do I do?

shh don't tell him. just like the kid at school who smells like shit, you have to wait for them to work it out by themselves. otherwise they just become defensive and do the wrong thing even longer.

have you tried growing your own food? it's a good way to learn about who is really in charge.

Trust me I already deal with that, I'm a popular transgender game streamer so everything I've ever done is online for all to see

>i'm a transgender game streamer
sounds gay

you don't even know why it's wrong. amazing.

>it's an autistic sovereign citizen thread

Just so you know, us lawfags laugh at you.

Hi Cosmo.

If you're a transgender then you should first work on how to stop being an emotional slave to your mental degeneracy


how come we have laws if the most expensive lawyer always wins? should we just admit it's absolute plutocracy from birth to death?

Cool beans boot licker. Now bow to your Jew queen like a good slave.

if you can't accept yourself then others wont accept you either~

Don't worry, bros. Here's a guide on how to turn this against the government and become a sovereign citizen.



are they attacking you with directed energy weapons yet?

they can move your body as if it were their own, and perceive as you do (I think).

Just convert to Native Americanism.
Even the Jews are doing it.

this thread is, shall we say, "fake and gay".

that said, does anyone have the greentext of how to get infinite money by going into debt to yourself, taking advantage of this exact legislation OP highlighted?

> be poorfag
> file to create a c-corp with the same name as one's own name and the same address as one's own address
> obtain mortgage, credit card, utility bills, etc. as normal
> mortgage, credit card, utitlity bills, etc. are now the responsibility of "user" the c-corp entity, not user the guy who lives there.
> exercise your trustee rights under the public charitable trust act to issue debt to yourself
> specifically, give oneself a promissory note from the corporation on behalf of the public charitable trust, i.e. "user" agrees to loan user the amount of ten million dollars, bearing an interest of six per cent per annum.
> "user" declares bankruptcy, as "user" has a debt of ten million dollars and no way to pay it.
> debts assumed by the public charitable trust
> go into receivership
> "user" the c-corp's debt to user must be paid first, so other debts are not paid
> the public charitable trust refuses to release the millions of dollars due to user via "user" the c-corp
> but it's now enough of a legal headache for debt collectors to collect on user's outstanding debts that they don't bother...as those debts are claims on "user" the bankrupt c-corp.
> user uses credit cards to fund neet lifestyle despite never paying credit cards

it was one of those posts where it sounded like the guy almost definitely had schizophrenia but i could not be 100% sure.

tl;dr: financially sovereign citizenship is possibly viable but probably schizophrenia.

It's so fucking depressing that if Hillary had won we would probably be fucking with American tax funded shills right now.

At least they're only DNC funded under President Trump.

pls notice me cosmo.