Fluoride in tap water does not exist—-

Fluoride in tap water does not exist—-

Oh nvm

It's flourine.

My tap water has chlorine in it, stop complaining.

looks like you have hard water. Also no one is contesting the fact that there's flouride in the water.

Without it our water would be as bad as mexicos, if you really are concerned that much then just buy a simple filtration system and then the problem is solved for the rest of your life

I have definitely done a chlorine burp before

>tfw live innawoods
>literally on 25kbps dialup
at least I have pure well water.
>I had to solve 23 capchas to post this
I think I'm done with posting.

Idea: boil tons of tap water until you have a pure white powder. Use it to poison people without getting caught.

I have a water distiller, I see all the crap build up in the bottom - plenty of dirt but a fair bit of chemical smelling white powder too! Pretty sure it's mainly Chlorine though.

>pure water in darkness.
>oh no! germs will grow!!!

how? with what food source besides all the metal salts we add to the supply? oh.... wait....

You are aware that distilled water is poisonous, and all water otherwise contains numerous mixtures?

the boiling point of chlorine is -34C you are a retard.

Have a (You) for your troubles, survivalist.

distilled water is fine, *HEAVY WATER* is technically not poisonous either. You're confusing the two. humans can drink 2 litres of pure 100.000% H2O with no issues, except a headache in people with poor diet.

>Tfw 100 down 5 up with well water
Ohio needs to stay a flyover state, this paradise can't be stolen

I use a ceramic urn that holds about 12 litres and filters out fluoride through a gravity filter. Like picture related.

I don't get it, are you saying chlorine can't exist in room temperature water?

I'm saying the water pressure keeps it dissolved, same as pressure keeps CO2 in a can. Test with some cheap goldfish, put some water through a blender and then into a fish tank. the fish survives. try again straight from the tap. the fish dies.

Well then what are you saying mr chemist?

It is classified as a neuro toxin and the UK doesn't fluoridate their water fucking why are my fellow burgers so god damn fucking stupid

If you use a drop test kit, city tap water reads about 1 ppm free chlorine. A good charcoal filter takes care of it though.

Lmfao, nigger logic ladies and gentlemen.

Distilled water isn't poisonous at all moron, because it's stripped from minerals et cetera it's just way more effective at flushing out minerals and nutrients from our body making it dangerous in larger amounts and larger amounts only.

Same in England. Our water smells of chemical weapons. Also it's full of limescale so you have to filter it before drinking otherwise you get kidney stones.

Nothing you can do about it, quit wasting our time, you midget licking foot fungus.

There's a lot of things you can do about it; you can filter it, distill it, catch rain water, dig a well, get your drinking water from a local stream.... etc

>pure well water.
Jokes on you. Well water is usually even worse than tap water. It has accumulated all the fucked up toxic waste from the last 100 years. And if you live in Michigan you have to worry about cattlegate still poisoning the water till the end of time.

Fluoride has nothing to do with filtration retard.

Well, then why the fuck haven't you told these paranoid spammers yet? It's your fault they're here, because you're too busy having all the answers on Sup Forums.

It's fluorine, you dumbass, and there's no fluorine in your water. Might be fluoride, though

You're a bit of a weirdo mate....

>300 dollar

no thanks

>Sup Forums is home to conspiracy retards
>muh fluoride
>muh penile gland

This board is a joke

It's filtered very well and it isn't actually a well anyways. Natural spring piped into a storage tank and pumped up to the house via a complicated amount of bullshit.

flouride in low amounts combines with elements within your teeth to provide some protection that arrests decay

its a fucking good thing for so many people

bye felicia

>muh penile gland
You mean, MUHDIK, right?

>hurrurr consume systemically for a brief topically

It's a kike meme. They know that distilled water is the only way out of their poisoning the well, so they try to get everyone from drinking it. Newsflash: you can't 'dissolve' all the nutrients out of your body. The primary function of water is to move nutrients and waste around your body, secondarily to cool you down. Therefore, chemically pure water will do both jobs more effectively. I've been drinking distilled water exclusively for 11 years and I drink hard liquor like a pirate and I have hardly aged at all. I also take large amounts of supplements, so I don't know. And when you mix a dry mixture or make coffee or cook with distilled water it's no longer chemically pure, it's now a solution. Distillation is the only method that removes pharmaceuticals, hormones and fluoride, and even commercially available distilled water contains traces of the above.

Do what you want but I'm telling you that 'spring' water or water from the water table is the worst shit.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is industrial waste you shill. It's literally kikes poisoning the well

mah nigga

>not taking floride tablets to build immunity
>not inhaling small volumes of chloriine to build immunity
You deserve to have your penal gland calcified

penal gland = Your mind's dick

Is it impossible to filter flouride out without buying some alex jones contraption?

Or does water you buy in stores not contain flouride?

I wouldn't know since swedes generally don't buy bottled water.

have you seen a british persons teeth though

>its a fucking good thing for so many people
Yo, broke ass poor kid growing up here, no dental insurance. Fuck you nigger, lying sack of shit.

Dude just do the opposite and poison yourself with flouride

It will send your immune system into overdrive and will grow intolerate of floride presences in your body thus you "purify" the water with your own body

Looks like hard water to me.
t. Arizonan.

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

I make sure to shoot myself with a small caliber bullet [usually a .22] everyday to build up my immunity to getting shot. Since I live in America, this is a daily concern.

You're a gullible idiot if you actually believe this.

came here to post this

Brits drink seas of tea. Tea has the unique property of sucking all the fluoride out of the earth. Look it up if you don't believe me. Tea is most fluoridated shit you can drink. And this is why their teeth are fucked. There is not one scientific study that proves fluoride is anything other than straight poison. They are putting it in the water to dumb you down and poison you, and make some shekels on the side by not having to properly dispose of that toxic byproduct of aluminum and fertilizer industries.. The kikes have been doing this shit since they first reared their ugly head in Europe a couple thousand years ago

it's public knowledge that Muni water is fluoridated. I don't understand who seriously denies this. whether or private water districts fluoridate if they own a well or water rights is a different matter.

This is also debatable. Even water with "heavy" trace minerals is so far from solute saturation that distilled water is virtually no different.

From talking to a bio friend of mine, this logic also doesn't make sense biologically - I don't fully grasp it, but essentially your body is very effective at regulating the various ions it needs to construct the specialized proteins and co-factors that utilize trace minerals, so long as there is a sufficient concentration of said ions in free solution within each cell. essentially, water composition almost doesn't matter from a "supplement" standpoint, at normal concentrations of most trace minerals. certainly still matters from the point of view of toxicity and the like, but the idea that distilled water is more effective at "flushing" you out is basically bullshit.

>Even water with "heavy" trace minerals
> distilled water is virtually no different.

Yes, goys, also up is down, freedom is slavery, white people are responsible for all the crimes of the jewish people and if you kill your enemies they will win

I like how you failed to read and then understand the context of the post. Maybe you need a fluoride filter on your tap.

you're not jewish are you

Serious question, why the FUCK can't I collect rainwater?

>disregards the studies which have linked fluoride and a drop in IQ
wew, begone shill

My nose isn't hooked but the tip is big.
Does that count?

Only in America.

Because the kikes own all the water goyim. The rainwater goes into the lakes and streams that seep into the water table and that water is owned by Nestle and other kikes, so collecting rainwater is stealing from your overlords

its filthy if youre in a city

I understand the context of what you wrote perfectly. You are saying that distilled water and a solution of H2O + minerals behave identically in a biological system, which is ridiculous.

>You are saying that distilled water and a solution of H2O + minerals behave identically in a biological system, which is ridiculous.

Not even remotely what I'm saying. Still questioning your reading comprehension here. I acknowledge that

>certainly still matters from the point of view of toxicity and the like

might have been a bit of a throwaway line but it should be clear that I'm specifying the role of water in impacting beneficial ion concentrations. I also mention that I'm talking about normal concentrations of these minerals in water - that is, something you would expect from a managed, first-world water source.

Certainly the body is able to absorb and contribute minerals into solution with water absorbed through the digestive tract, but the idea that trace minerals contribute significantly to the in-situ concentration of necessary trace minerals above and beyond those obtained through food, and the idea that the body is unable to regulate effective concentration of active metallic ions within cell bodies and would lose significant minerals to expelled waste water are absurd. the very idea that the body is unable to maintain trace supplement homeostasis due to slightly different mineral concentrations in ingested water is insanity.

The only difference that might be significant - in this particular context - is that a slight difference in pH in ingested water might influence mineral uptake in the digestive tract.

Same here. It's no secret that you are supposed to let it in the open for a day so that Chlorine evaporates

Pure gas boiling points have no meaning when dissolved in a solvent like water for example. Methane gets easily dissolved in water and can even make it to "flammable water" concentrations.

>the idea that the body is unable to regulate effective concentration of active metallic ions within cell bodies and would lose significant minerals to expelled waste water are absurd
I agree completely. But what you said in this post:
>Even water with "heavy" trace minerals is so far from solute saturation that distilled water is virtually no different.
This is literally saying that
>distilled water = mineral+H2O solution
>because both are less than saturated solutions
>it should be clear that I'm specifying the role of water in impacting beneficial ion concentrations
You did make that clear in your previous post. The problem is your writing ability, which is rather garbled and random, not my reading ability. While I agree with this statement:
>the idea that trace minerals contribute significantly to the in-situ concentration of necessary trace minerals above and beyond those obtained through food,

This does not mean that distilled water and a solution behave identically in the body. I’m not a biologist, but I know how I feel and distilled water hydrates human bodies differently. I can’t stand drinking mineralized water, my body doesn’t like it. A lot of people notice that distilled water hydrates them differently if they are not used to it, a girlfriend of mine once told me that. But it seems like neither of us are experts on the matter anyway.

What I'm saying is that the body gets necessary nutrients/minerals from food, not from water. Distilled water only moves waste and nutrients around to a greater degree.

>tfw my country doesn't allow companies to put fluoride in the water
>tfw my local water is filtered naturally through the dunes, no weird shit added.

poor burgers with their glowing water

No, the ionic fluorine is called fluoride. It is present in USA tap water (and some other places) in approximately 1 ppm levels. In countries without tap water fluoridation, supplementation is conducted by fluorine-rich table salts.

This results in the fluoridation of the food supply, as commercial foods prepared with fluoridated water or salt provide benefit to the population around regardless of their consumptive habits of the primary fluoride source.

If you don't like it, move to Hawaii, where the bugman natives have teeth from hell and a dental caries rate beyond anywhere else on Earth.

>having disinfected water that strengthens your teeth is a bad thing.

Ll K

>believing in Jewish lies

That's average u.s. tap water. I'm guessing the fact that Europe was populated for far longer means the general groundwater is more polluted requiring more treatment. Dissolved chlorine will not be harmful, free will. A large gulp of pool water never killed anyone and that's a lot more.

those little white stones are limescale, you should flush your water heater once a year to clean them out of it.

>tfw city uses ozone instead of chlorine
>tfw less than 0.1ppm fluoride

Natural aquifers are fluoridated to varying degrees. The standard for dental caries prevention is 1ppm.

In some cases, natural aquifers are defluoridated to achieve this mixing ratio.

Look at your salt, hans.

this is how i make powdered water for camping

We don't fluoridate, and we only put iodine in the salt. You know what we do? Brush our fucking teeth.

Your allowable fluoride level in water is the WHO recommendation so what's the difference if it's "legal" to add or not?

Wait, it is?

Are you seriously asking me what the difference with maintaining a lower limit compared to not exceeding a maximum limit is?

>Muh calcium buildup

> not radonating your water

Then buy a chlorine filter. Would you rather it not have chlorine and you catch any number of bacterial or viral infections, we are not a third world just yet. You cant pump fresh water to peoples houses through miles and miles of pipeline without there being some sanitisation chemical present.

Berkey water filter. Problem solved.

>ITT: literal 3rd worlders with 3rd world tap water
fucking niggers

what the actual fuck.
fucking 4th world countries i say.

thats lime scale retard

I'm saying tap water is fizzy.

Are any of you faggots dead or dying from poisoning? No? Then stfu you dumb faggots

that sounds like bullshit but i believe you


>what is aluminium sulphate

oh princess, rather high concentrations of aluminium, nickel, manganese, and iron are present in Finnish drinking water and this should be taken into account by foreigners.

Cuz of air you dumb cunt

yeah just buy my $500 reverse osmosis filter goy

my city doesn't add fluoride, but i'm still at the mercy of birth control pills

idk about all that but if you think water is going to travel the mileage it does through pipes of all different materials and not pick up at minimum sediment, shit, and metals and whatever youre stupid. you should always filter your water your body is made up of it. even if youre catching rain water theres going to be shit in it and thats illegal in some areas anyway

If you smell or taste chlorine, report it to your utilities because they aren't using enough of it even though they see a residual. They are behind breakpoint.

Dune filtered water is the patricians choice. Feelsgood Colgate bro.

There was never any question of whether there's fluoride in the tap water or not - it's public knowledge. The conspiracy theory is whether or not it's having a deleterious effect on public health (short answer, no, the concentration isn't high enough - you'd die of over-hydration LONG before you could ever drink enough water in a short enough period of time to start seeing effects of fluoride toxicity)