What does the Hillary timeline look like?

What does the Hillary timeline look like?

It finished a year ago. We'd all be dead.

Texas turning blue in 2018 elections.

After that? Hellfire

Pretty simmilar to this timeline. The market wouldn't be doing as well nor would the news be as interesting.

Our boys would be going to war weilding red white and blue strap ons to defeat the enemy.

This board would have been censored by the FCC through the DOJ and authorixed by the Supreme Court

yes with the US's own population that dislikes living in a nationwide commiefornia


she's way richer in the hillary timeline
chelsea is meeting with literal niggers
war everywhere muslims everywhere
i can't afford shit

Do you have the Trump version?

Boots on the ground in Syria
ISIS is yuuuuuuuuge

Hail hilter

Nothing until she dies from Kuru probably.

Newsweek is the shittiest tier



Hillary sure is great isn't she? Imagine how much suffering there'd be in this world right now if Bonald Blurmpf were President haha
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Mate, there would be civil war after the 2016 election. People were completely astonished by the leaks.

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where did they nuke you? which cities were affected in your timeline.


> Bloody ground war in Syria
> Soyboys and snowflakes on the front lines
> War going poorly
> Women must choose between asking men to fix things and letting the world burn
> Hilly pulls a General Ripper with a full scale nuclear sneak attack on Russia
> Chinese in radiation suits are scavenging the remains of California
> Blacks, hispanics and feminists all dead
> Utah is a Mormon Theocracy with shoot on sight borders
> Isolated pockets of preppers across the midwest and south
> Business as usual in Appalachia
> Hillary and co. Hiding under mountain, planning to give the vote to rats and roaches...
> Calendars restarted with 2016 set as year 1
> Vermin Americans will vote 100% for a Hillary second term in 0004


Civil War 2 would be in it's 2nd year of war.
Donald Trump would have just been elected President of the Patriotic Rebels.
This prompts most of the US military to go AWOL during the martial law, and join the Patriots.
Hillary's military then dwindles to a small portion of minorities, and faggots.
The Patriots would have taken most of the southern states, and are working their way towards the north.
States are surrendering to the Patriots in fear of their safety.
Trump's army has little-to-no casualties, Hillary's army is just about beaten.

Le 56% meme is dead, its now le 22% when Hillary allowed unvetted immigration from 3rd world.

How much will one of those magazines be worth in the future? I don't think that many were released.


>Civil War 2 would be in it's 2nd year of war.
why are you so sure about that? I'm curious.



Trump voters believed that the government was against them.
If Hillary would have won, a vast majority of Trump's base would have been incited by the belief that Hillary rigged the election.

