>new mario game ad
>not a single nigger to be found among all the people
Is Nintendo the only sane game company?
New mario game ad
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I thought only nu-males played Nintendo?
There are niggers in New Donk City you absolute morons. Try playing the game
found a couple niggers, look 2 people to the left of where mario's fingers are.
every single person isn't a nigger like most commercials so, better than other companies. wtf I love nintendo now
Games produced in Japan will be mostly clean of western degeneracy.
see what the fuck is wrong with pol
literally spewing misinformation
you're actually pathetic, waah no coloured people in the adverts!! waaah
Asians hate blacks. Who knew?
Considering how SJW the other triple A companies are, I'll stick to ninty
I said there are none in the ad not the game, donkey kong doesn't count
They also encourage parents to monitor and communicate with their children, instead of giving them a tablet and letting them watch elsagate all the time
Nintendo is japanese
the game is literally full of black characters
what the fuck is wrong with you people
He was talking about the trailer not the game itself
>computer animated niggers are real niggers
reminder that all those memes are posted by playstation owners aka niggers that hate whitie.
guess they didn't hire the company that does the Honda, Toyota, Lexus and Samsung ads
>only nu-males
Just because numales prefer Nintendo doesn't mean most nintendo-owners are nu-males
Nintendo has always been based. In one of their first games you jump barrels to rescue a girl from a gorilla. Mario is a white working class hero and princess peach is a blonde aryan woman.
>implying you could ever avoid black people in 56% murica city streets
The ps4 remark is true. It's also true on xb1.
Pokemon sun and moon was niggers the game
There's more nu-males on pc playing Blizzard games than anywhere else.
Soyboys can't handle alpha games like Xenoblade 2. Sonyggers are just memeing since they only have pozzed western games and nigger collision sims.
Donkey Kong doesn't count.
>There wasn't a single black person until the games set in america based regions
Really makes you think
Sane or not, their games fucking suck. Constant rehashes of the same tired 90's concepts.
They're litterally the only game company that innovates hardware wise
my wifes son plays xbox
They are right though.
Nintendo fans are 30 year old losers who live with their moms on allowance.
>doesn't mean most nintendo-owners are nu-males
Yes user... It actually does.
This is hillarious, please post more
This and this stand correct.
Let's not forget what happened when /vint/ happened.
Shitposters and Nintendo haters were canadians, majority of playstation shills were canadians as well (multiple countries defended PS/Nin though) . Who else besides canada consumes ridiculous amount of soy? Connect the dots.
Just like barneyfag, these canadians have been using proxy (for australia/nz lately) to make nintendo look like the inferior company, because sony fears nintendo.
I always found these kind of pictures hilarious. I'd see many fatasses or manchildren playing on the PSP or PS2/PS3 on supermarkets in mexico and the US but nobody I kenw would give a fuck, but surprising to see a large amount of people trying to enjoy a nintendo console. I'm truly sick of this.
I don't believe you.
All the other platform fans play in their homes.
There is only 1 that is cancerous enough to be grown adults who hog demo stations for 8 year olds.
One of those fedora tippers was hogging the one at the local Walmart and my daughter waited over 20 mins to try it. Eventually she blurted out "don't you have shopping to do?"
His reaction was turning over with a snide look completely afraid of confrontation with a 7 year old, after that she walked away and muttered "loser"
wtf are they doing?
The black employee in the background
>fuckin' wypipo
It's the man-child syndrome.
Wallmart and gamestop usually have demo stations of nintendo consoles placed at the height for 7-10 year old kids.
But they get hogged by old manchildren who doesn't get enough allowance money from their parents to buy stuff.
That's sad as hell. How have we fallen so far?
They are everywhere: youtube.com
And they usually vote Democrat because they feel they are too talented to work.
I don't think you will be able to stop them.
soyboys adopt progressive values to virtuesignal but end up twice as racist as Sup Forums in their own mind