I'm a leftist ask me anything
also I'm a girl so don't say tits or get the fuck out or I will block you
I'm a leftist ask me anything
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Tits or get the fuck out, you rabid cunt.
blocked :)
lol the le hampster has a le pancake on his head x3
If women can multitask why can't you fuck with a headache?
Why do you gotta shove those tampmemes up your snatch? just hold it in like a piss dirty cunt.
lol I think it's a bunny but yeah it's really cute
Bosoms or depart.
Tit´s of GTFO
>1 downboat
Are communist societies better then capitalist societies?
you alt right pigs really are just like everyone says
What's it like being nothing more than a set of moist holes? What's it like knowing that your kind will be obsolete once sex robots get artificial wombs?
of course they are
in communist societies there is no joblessness
in capitalist societies it's inevitable that everyone will be jobless and homeless except the richest and the whitest
that would be "flat as a pancake rabbit cunt!"
no tits to see here, move along!
OP is a dude. He's LARP'ing.
1. that's sexist so shut the fuck up and pick up a book once in a while
2. women are smarter than men. that's a fact
3. you're a closet rapist if you think sex bots are okay. they're going to be banned anyway so it looks like you're going to be a virgin forever sorry not sorry
I need a hot gf right now or I'm gonna lose it
Come slobber on me cock or fuck off ya poncy great mank twat.
so you're scared of girls like every other virgin small dick alt righter. good to know.
So if I am the model for a dildo, I go to jail for rape when you don't enjoy the product?
Would you rather live in South Korea or North Korea? West Germany or East Germany in the 1960's?
Why do the most successful capitalist societies have the best social safety nets?
Show me your roast beef sandwich looking cunt, maybe you should get checked for STDs after all that cock you took whore.
MGTOW manchild argues with babby larping retard from
Tits or gtfo
You spelled rabbit writing N.Y.
Can't block us here. Bet you're fat ;).
>saged desu
I don't like Korea because they have nukular missles and that's wrong and I don't like Germany because they were Nazis. and that's a lie the only countries with safety nets are communist ones that's the whole point of communism
No. I know most self respecting girls and women don't spend their time on /pol or even know of it's existence. You're clearly a troll stereotyping women in the same way these guys do.
you won't be trolling for very much longer when slutshaming becomes illegal :)
People on the left don't call themselves "Leftist"
Lol don't you know that super long term capitalism eventually leads to "communism"? Let the market develop the robots to do everything for us so everyone just lives in luxury.
Fighting for communism before that point is a literal death wish. It has never worked and has killed millions and millions of people
guinea pig
>2. women are smarter than men. that's a fact
it's because this retard can't larp for shit
sage and report
But history has showed that Communism has the least effective social safety nets. 20+ million starved to death on the USSR and 30+ million in Maoist China. This has never happened in a capitalist society.
>I will block you
I'm not fat and besides that wouldn't fucking matter because youre a virgin and you would never get laid and fatshaming is wrong and you don't know me your probably fat and have a tiny dick youre probably super ugly that's why you live in your mom's basement
do you believe ISiS fighters should be able to return to their western country of origin and not face any punishment?
tits and gtfo
there are no girls on the internet.
tits r gtfo.
what does it feel like having it proven that you swallowed democrat propaganda and muh Russia conspiracies for 18 months that will turn out to be just that in a couple of days, please describe your desperation and seething impotent anger in detail while I just *zip*
Nah really switch sides or you will look like a useful idiot in a couple of days.
that's only because of sanctions made by capitalist countries because they hate the peace communism brings
well as long as they are done and are sorry for what they did yeah
You're definitely not a feminist comrade. Most women I know do not act like that.
Get your attention elsewhere you fat cunt.
Tits or gtfo
blocked :)
No sanctions were made on mao and he still managed to have millions of people starving because hes retarded
Maoist China had no sanctions levied on them. In fact the government was supported by the UN and the West until he died.
How often do you wash your vag?
>all these muhfeelz memes
Holy fuck. The tiny chance of this being a real person makes me die of laughter. :D
Thanks OP.
What does it feel like to own a sex organ that bleeds and vomits dead organ tissue and can swallow any cock and spits out humans? When you take a shit and smell your shit and farts you must glance at your pussy and thats gotta be a really weird combo. A sight of vagene and smell of fecal gas at the same time. You gotta experience that everyday.
I'm not fat your fucking fat why don't you eat more chicken wings tiny dick drumpf idiot
read a book sometime
another thread with a deranged artist lapping as a female. I think we know what to do with this...
So you
-don´t show tit´s with timestamp, means your a guy
- don´t understand anything about the market or social systems
- everyone thinking something else, must be virgin and stupid
Do you think that capitalism and communism are opposites or do you think that there are political opinions outside the realm of materialism?
Would you say that capitalism is a leftist position and if not, why?
You're a fat and stinky hypergamous cunt
lol, its a newfag too.
way over its head, and not very clever.
can this be a gore thread now?
i have a minor in chinese studies you dumb bitch
Bitch, you're so fat you plugged the tube slides at the water park.
tits or GTFO
No. We're much worse than that.
no because capitalism is inherently evil (greed) while communism is inherently good (sharing) and right wingers are inherently evil and leftists and progressives are inherently good
MGTOWs are white noblemen. Agree?
History books and a simple google search make it clear that no sanctions were ever put on Maoist China.
I'm going to report you
Yeah okay, you're bait.
But what about my first question?
Follow Sup Forums rules, please.
Pick one, or breathe underwater.
I know what you are but what am I
This is -2/10 larping and yet you complete fucking autists fall for it anyway.
go back home to and stay there this time
Tits or get the fuck out porker!!!
I cant figure out if this is a fantastic LARP or OP really doesnt understand Sup Forums
and I'm gonna fuck your crusty old cunt until it bleeds love. fuck of then.
I didn't ask for your stupid tits so why the block?
Does truth hurt you or some shit? Fact is no matter if you like it or not the truth will come out so its smarter to swallow it right now rather than later with all the other useful idiots.
Communism is responsible for over 160 million non-wartime deaths in the 20th century alone. No political ideology has broke this record.
It's a weak bait actually, even wrote nukular at one point. I wish it would be true though.
It's definitely a dude LARPing
he probably read an article about us on buzzfeed.
either way, this is the most entertaining thread ive seen here in a week.
SAGE. SLIDE THREAD. Fat fucking cunt no women on the internet tits or gtfo
that's a made up statistic almost all deaths in communist countries come from sanctions or murders by capitalist countries
>1. that's sexist
>2. women are smarter than men. that's a fact
Terrible bait. Try harder. Here's your (you) anyway.
How long are your roast beef flaps
+/- 1.5 inches over under. I'm going to say they stick out more than 4.5 inches from your uterine wall
go be virgins somewhere else trolls
do you fuck niggers?
Communism places the group over the individual. This is why the actions of a few lead to piles of dead bodies.
lol can you name any specific sanctions that led to ussr or mao killing millions and millions
>sanctions kill people
Bitch, you're so fat when you drive over railroad tracks it sounds like 4 people clapped.
discuss cultural marxism as per pic
do you feel tough using the n-word?
try saying that in front of a person of color and get punched please so you will learn a lesson once in your miserable virgin life
>this thread
a made up statistic like the holocaust deaths?
this has to be a troll