ITT: Anime quotes to live by

ITT: Anime quotes to live by


-Naruto Uzumaki


That's not funny.

Sasgay is really cool,
Sakura the beoutifull.

Lighten up, it's just a joke. It's not like deaf people can read this anyway.

hol up


Fuck you. This is highly offending

t. deaf

How do you watch anime then?


It's okay, I have a cane

>Rely on your reliable onee-chan more!


English dub at 1.5x speed with lights off and pants down.


>"All ladies must be pure virgins"
~Kirima (Kilimanjaro) Sharo

I chuckled

How does a sign language keyboard work?

you elbow it

Braille keyboard

"jibun wo"

There's a difference between being deaf and being blind. Deaf people can usually still see things and thus I think they can use regular keyboards.


They use Morse Code.

why does she wear glasses if she's deaf?


good job you made me laugh



We are going to hell

"Your semen feels so good"

My worldview crashed and burned when someone told me girls don't actually feel cum in them


I can't believe that, it must be a lie.

It's a lie, met a girl who said the best thing about doing it without condom, was precisely the cum.

>met a girl
Now there's a lie.

She probably meant psychologically, not physically feeling it

