Arthur Wagner, far right German anti refugee and anti-Islam top leader quits his racist shenangians and convert to Islam.
When Are You Gonna Convert To Islam Just Like Your Leaders??
How much was he paid?
When Mecca is nuked.
>Implying we have leaders.
Nigga please.
Weak horse vs. Strong horse.
He realized and rightfully so, that ethnic germans and europeans in general cannot be saved, and that they have no intention of fighting to do so.
Why would you want to fight for people who hate themselves so much? It simply doesnt make sense.
Converting to Islam to grind them under your bootheel out of spite absolutely does. I have been considering it myself lately.
Islam is just theocratic fascism. If you can get over the founder being a child molesting mass murderer its not really so bad.
Germany YES
>Weak horse vs. Strong horse.
>He realized and rightfully so, that ethnic germans and europeans in general cannot be saved, and that they have no intention of fighting to do so.
>Why would you want to fight for people who hate themselves so much? It simply doesnt make sense.
>Converting to Islam to grind them under your bootheel out of spite absolutely does. I have been considering it myself lately.
>Islam is just theocratic fascism. If you can get over the founder being a child molesting mass murderer its not really so bad.
this guy gets it, i honestly see it becoming more common among right wingers in the future as the realisation that its too late sinks in.
Mecca is an open place in the middle of the desert, I could careless if the entire Saudi country got nuked, in fact, I might fucking volunteer to help the Jew running that country to get fucked by dirty infidels..
>Israel 80
The most conservative guess says 200, all pointed at Iran but according to some sources it's over 800. If they had only 80 Israel wouldn't even exist right now because the sand niggers can afford to be nuked 80 times.
(((They))) must have some sick videos of him.
Unironically this. If Sharia Law is the future of Europe it might as well be White Sharia.
The straight, white males are not the ones who will suffer under Islam's heel. It will be women, gays and other minorities.
>When Are You Gonna Convert To Islam
When hell is an ice cube.
never in my life ,i hate spreading my ass cheeks in front of random guys in life ,it is betterr to stick with our culuture rather than some low iq sand nigger culture
White Sharia aka othodox christianity is fine with me.
Then we could just create a schizm and genocide arabs. In 200 years all history books will agree that Mohammed was white all along.
When we are done killing there wont be any muslims left to convert you.
>The straight, white males are not the ones who will suffer under Islam's heel. It will be women, gays and other minorities.
Pretty much this, there's no downside for me converting to Islam. My views and political opinions will pretty much remain the same.
This. If fags. sluts and cucks want to emasculate straight white men, then we'll push back with the most far-right ideology in existence today - Islam.
You should follow the example of this clearly white German man, my fellow Europeans.
thats my ancestor. he makes me proud to be white
Literally everyone says that faggot. Stop, he is not your ancestor. Just stop fucking thinking this. You stupid cunt.
Fucking Yanks are retarded cunts.
>believing in (((mohammed)))
>not beeing pagan
>Arthur Wagner
>women, gays and shits
Maybe I've been looking at muzzies thevwrong way this whole time.
sorry that youre a hindi
He wasn't a "leader".
He was an irrelevant former CDU christcuck in Brandenburg.
AfD has many of those from all parties to apear less radical and to persuade pople to vote for them. Some of those turn out to be shills and so far AfD is doing good work getting rid of those. If anything its a natural cleansing process for this young party.
AfD is actually doing gods work right now in the parliament, by constantly stirring the pot.
Exactly, Islam aint got a problem with anyone, well, unless you're a dirty snake jew, cock sucking faggot, and immoral little thot, then you got fucked. We have something more in common than you faggots think tho. So let's unite and cleanse the Jew degenracy from the world