New Study: Germany has almost one million homeless

Compared to America, this is a small number. But Germany has only 82 million people. This is the size of a large German city that has no home. The last time things were this bad in Germany was shortly before Hitler was elected.

The homeless population in Germany is growing rapidly and the socioeconomic misery of average Germans is partly responsible for the continued success of the AfD, long after experts said that interest in far-right ideas should have subsided.

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Isn't germany the richest country in europe?

Isn't USA the richest country of the world?

arnt there only 500k homeless in the US? thats a pretty substantial number considering the population difference.

Pretty much everyone in Western Europe is richer per capita than Germany. We have lower rates of personal wealth than even many Eastern Euro countries. Fact is, Merkel sacrificed social resources on dangerous, criminal foreigners that we couldn't spare and now these are the results.

Looks like a second Weimar collapse is incoming.

no, that would be Israel. because they have all the highly intelligent jews there


Germany is a lot more socialist than USA.

It's a frightening number, enough to make me vote AfD even. Astounding how our government simply ignored it and actively repressed it until it became too big to hide.

Yeah, but refugees who don't even speak German deserve government support more because they have brown skin.

Per capita, New Zealand has twice as many homeless as germany.

>using taxmoney to set up asylum shelters for refugees from god knows where while actual germans are living in the streets

interesting times

17 homeless people were murdered in Germany last year. Most were killed by gangs of "refugees".

Capitalism proving why it's inferior for the millionth time. Then again, I don't really give a shit about what happens to G*rmans.

It's mostly slav shits who come to Germany to get the same gibs as refugees but then get denied because their not brown enough. They then stay in parks.

Web pay a fuckton of taxes, living costs are high and owning real estate is really fucking rare, almost nobody can afford buying it.

So while our wages might be higher, the average German doesn't own shit.

>Looks like a second Weimar collapse is incoming.
About fucking time.

Why germans dont have kids? this is one of the reasons why markel bringing all those migrants.

Germany's birthrate is the lowest in Europe - and falling fast

> I don't really give a shit about what happens to G*rmans.

Why Mrs. Merkel, I wasn't aware that you posted here.

What % of the homeless are ethnic germans.

That's just poor gypsies and the begging mafia. Maybe add a few Die Linke voters and the usual antifa brainlets.

This is actually the result of Marxian social policies lmao.

How can you have kids when you're homeless? The baby will die within weeks living on the street.

the moment when you realise that there are a large minority of human beings who are living like animals.

In my city, at least 90% of the people clearly living on the street are obviously European if not German.

this + balkan rats

drug addicts who just chill in public places and parks all day taking heroin and attacking/harassing people.

I live in Cologne and theres hardly any actual german homeless people. just a few. Most are shitskins or slavs.

Kids are very expensive if you want to afford a proper environment.

In this day and age you can't raise a kid on a single income (unless you job pays really well). If you are a nonworking untermensch who keeps shitting out kids without a care in the world then they are actually a financial benefit for you because of child support.

The middle class in Germany is just fucked.

100% if australia's precedent is anything to go by. welfare workers tell you that you were born here and gots the privelige so you don't need as much help.

I'm talking about the average germans not the poor germans. Slavic countries are in much shitty situation but they have more birth rate than you.

forgot to add, becoming homeless in germany is a choice.
The state will ALWAYS give you gibs and a place to live.
A lot decide to keep their "living" money and stay on the streets and spend it all on drugs and/or dog food for their doggos.

It should be considered that a lot of the homeless people are gipsies and other types of immigrants.

Makes sense. In big cities the German homeless population are attacked and killed by rapefugee gangs.

homeless =/= suffering or denied societal benefits

in fact you could live with your friends and still be considered homeless if you have no family and shit

Not really, the violence is pretty much exclusivley against shitskins by shitskins with a few incidents on german guys.
Its mostly just turf wars etc. We did have a case last year were 2 slav "fugees" tried to torch a german homeless guy. But that was just a junkie feud

Yeah my neighbour used to work in Germany but he told me it's become shit, Slovenia is now literally better in most aspects so now he works in the Switzerland, where they still pay you a lot and actually have good standard of living.

You painting a very different picture than what we see on the news about germany.

"Germany is the world’s strongest economy"

germany killing their own white race and people

good goys! Rothschilds are satisfied

Homelessness is the average situation. Everyone rents here because nobody has any money. You're in denial about how poor Germans actually are. You want to squeeze blood from a stone.

Slavs at least own a house... that used to belong to us but was taken away by Soviet ethnic cleansing after the war.

Germany literally has one of the highest tax rates in the entire world you dumb cunt borderline 50% on every damn thing you earn.

>denied social benefits

not here.

Well if Merkel had managed to take care of those homeless instead of welcoming 1 million islamists, perhaps the AFD wouldn't have done a such big result.

You see what you want to see because you want money from us.

I find it quite funny that people think the schilds are more than just banking pawns for the actual elite families.

>The last time things were this bad in Germany was shortly before Hitler was elected.

People with nothing to lose are often the ones that bring change when given the opportunity under the right leader. It's the fat and comfortable who are always the ones fine with the status quo. They don't want to lose what they have and they certainly don't want to risk losing their life.

One wonders what he endgame is.

With numbers like these, you literally couldn't stop a second Weimar collapse.

just go to the neetbux office you retards

yeah 40% income tax for big earners.Much capitalist.

Fucking iliterate commie drones man.

AfD lacks the right leader is all.

All of them are literally terrible.

NEETbux office regularly denies even German citizens.

We earn much but have not much disposable income.
Another example of our high earnings being eaten up is the overpriced electricity. Because of the "Energiewende" (getting rid of nuclear plants) we pay, if I remember correctly, more than double for electricity as the French for example.

So then tell me where was the Grundgesetz written

Many Germans are in underpaid jobs.

Lol no they dont. you ALWAYS get the Hartz.

What the fuck makes you think they dont?
If you go there and say "i have no job i need help finding one and some financial aid to get through this phase" you always get some gibs

especially if you worked a few years before.

Country being rich != people being rich.

Our government takes all the money and uses it to fund shitskins, on average our working class is eastern europe poor.

Anyone have the links to the articles about ethnic Germans getting kicked out of their houses so that niggers and goatfuckers can live there?

If that happened to me I'd have some real sharp retorts for the politicians, if you know what I mean

Somehwere in Bonn I guess.

Read a bit about the black nobility. The Rothschilds are insanely powerful but they also answer to someone.

>eastern europe poor

lolno stop being so fucking dramatic.
Youre probably some bored student who never actually worked.

>Hitler was elected
did that happen? you mean the nazis were able to get many seats and through that hitler used a few dirty tricks like smear campaigns to remove opposition leaders and simply names himself fuhrer pretty much right... right

god damn it i swear to god if this is the wrong timeline some ones getting erased

but you don't understand they had to abandon nuclear energy immediately without plan or reason, because 'muh Fukushima'
>women in leadership roles never ever

There are people who would prefer to die before taking handouts. That's just the way some people are.

It can take months and sometimes years for them to process your claim, and in this time you will probably die and vanish on the street.

Glad I have Slavic blood instead of shitty fucking German genes.

So, what happened to that whole "workers of the world unite", "no borders only brothers" thing?

No, really. No.
Where the fuck do you get this shit from ?
Stop believing everything frustrated east germans write.

You don't know much it seems

Its cheaper to get a mortage and buy a flat or a house than renting you oblivious retard.
I bought a 103qm2 flat in 2011 for 120k, pay 500 euro a month for it. and the flat is nost est. worth at 500k because the district has turned into a "young hip rich family" style district for all the media types with their shitty offsprings "lasse" and "sören"

>mfw Merkel, a physicist, never had a problem with nuclear power in general but changes her position completely because their was a problem with a nuclear plant on the other side of the planet caused by a tsunami which are literally impossible in our geographical area.

>mfw nuclear plants just a couple kilometers across the French border are obviously still running

>mfw cause of this supposedly green policy we are using more coal energy than ever but pay way more at the SAME TIME.

>mfw I have no face.

I'm sure the Germans know better what's happening in their country than you do, kike.

how can anyone be homeless in germany? just get a job

Ok youre dumb. Im sorry. How does it intervene with what I said that they used a rothschild location for that? Im just saying noone with immense power like the black nobility families would be in the limelight like the rothschilds.
They are powerful sure but they are not the actual big players. they are just filthy rich due to drug/human trafficking and currency speculation.

Nazis were first 18% and were opposition, just like AfD is now. Things got worse and they got bigger. We're in the danger zone right now. Maybe not 1932, but definitely 1930 when the NSDAP got 18,25%

All that's missing is a 1932 scenario where there's a reelection because no coalition can be formed, then a narrow NSDAP win, then the Reichstag getting burned and a new election getting forced. Then will come the Machtergreifung. History is repeating itself.

Much of the homeless ARE the islamists themselves. The same situation can be observed on France.

The rise of Hitler was only made possible because the Allies stopped policing Germany. This will not happen again, (((they))) will make sure of it.

You dont even need a fucking job. You just need to show signs of trying to get one by sending out half assed resumees and tell them youre jobless.

haha based jews strike again. Seems like socialism doesn't work that great after all. The problem starts when you are so stupid you try to ensure welfare to everyone by rising taxes but you also kill the economy. Socialism shouldn't be the main thing, it should be the bonus thing, the cherry on the cake. without the cake all you got is a small cherry and that wont satisfy your hunger.

In your fucking dreams Ronny.

Go live in a city with the 1500 € you get from your mechanic job. There wont be much money left because our costs of living are insane relatively to what we earn.

Ahahaha.. Kraut's are btfo'd. I shouldn't laugh, but it is funny. Kraut's caused all of the Eurofag Unions problems, and now wonder why they have a homeless problem. Why the F would you worry about mudslime/rapefugees when your own people are having problems. Truthfully, the rapefugees are probably causing a lot of the homelessness.

why would they subside?

I live in Cologne and earn about 1,8k

I am pretty lucky because im in a "genossenschaft" and pay half the rent you normaly would for my flat.
Also my gf earns quite alot so I get by quite comfy.
Even if this relationship breaks someday, if i live alone i can live in a 1 room basement den as long as i have a shower a shitter a bed and a pc. (370 euro for 69qm2) the flat we bought is occupied by my mom and dad.

Watch when GroKo fails like Jamaika and there's a reelection, then another cycle of unstable governments unable to manage the mounting social crisis until the AfD takes it all.

Then an islamist will blow up the Bundestag in revenge, and a state of emergency declared. After that, assuming the AfD has found a leader, we will have one party rule again.

History is repeating. It's always, forever repeating. We never learn.

Pretty much all homeless people are either mentally ill, alcoholics/junkies or foreigners who shouldn't even be in Germany.
There are pretty much no "down on their luck" normal people who lost their job and then couldn't pay their bills anymore.

We are poorer than Italians and Greeks for Christs sake - but they are pushing this "we are so rich!" meme so hard, I'm sure an overwhelming majority of Germans thinks we (and that includes the people, not the corporations / state) are actually filthy rich.

Now on topic, the debates on this were actually really funny, because
a) turns out most of "our" homeless are Eastern Europeans. Europeans can only come here and get support by the state if they came with the intention to find work. That means 2 things: They have no legal right to any benefits (which they do receive), and they have no right to be here.
b) In the debate one (I think social worker) said "We can't save the whole world" (in response to the fact that such a high number of the homeless in Germany aren't actually German (or looking for work) and thus not eligible for social welfare programs. "We can't save the whole world", but we sure can "save" Millions of Middle Easterners and Africans, kind of weird. No money for our own (actually ethnic German) homeless, no money for Germans that do rely on welfare, because they can not work, no money to support financially weak German families, no money for the eldery and their pensions and yet we spend tens of billions on foreigners that hate us and come here to exploit the welfare system. I hope a debate like this will upset many people.
c) Just a little fun fact: Christoph Butterwegge of The Left proposed the seizure of empty apartments, wouldn't expect anything else from these blatant commies

>German government fucking up
>"Capitalism proving why it's inferior"
commie thniks the answer is that government should be give total control

commies are kind of retarded

Your population is too cucked to do anything. They'll keep re-electing Merkel and her buddies until the situation looks like South Africa.

>worth anything

you jobless / uni student larpers are really funny. Also GroKo wont fail, they gonna make sure of that.
Call me back when you entered the real world.
Indeed, thats what i meant.

In what percentage are ethnic Germans out of that number?

very very little.

No one actually has to be homeless, it is a choice. Sometimes, if the people have psychological problems or are drug addicts they get put on assisted living, where one person tries to make sure they don't do drugs. Obviously they don't want that so they decide to live on the streets instead.

Be a German cuck
Support #refugeeswelcome
Get a letter saying you must leave your residence within 30 days so Ahmad and family can move in
Tear runs down your face.
I've lived in this flat for 20 years
Glad I could be of service for refugees
Ahmad arrives 3 wives 15 kids
You shake his hand and say, "you are the new German"
He says, thank you infidel your daughter's will marry my son's one day
Tear rolls down your cheek
Yes, diversity is our strength

The life of a kraut cuck.

That's bullshit, most of these Zionists live in America and Europe. Also Israel is a proxy country of America.

ethnic germans tend to be homeless junkies in the netherlands

the fuck are you on about cleetus?
germans arent homeless they are at most welfare leeches.


Im always amazed how delusional and naive yanks are.
Act like they know shit but never went further in the world than the next wall-shart

Not an argument


They are one rejected artist away from change

Hitler couldn't do shit before the economic crash

Germany is only going to be as bad as the U.S in fifty years if shit doesn't change. Germany is still 90% white, we're nearing 50%! Europeans who post the amerimutt meme should remember that America is their future, if they don't change it.