Is life actually getting increasingly harder ?

School becomes harder by the day, the job market is fucking saturated. We have more old fucks than ever before.

What is going on exactly ? How is this going to end up ?

Other urls found in this thread: is the value of a human life

>what is overpopulation
>what is the value of a human life
> is the value of a human life

Welcome to overpopulation, a globalist-run labour market and Decline and Fall.

France is a failed state, we have full employment here

It most definitely is.

Couple of decades ago it was so much fucking easier to slide into good positions without many qualifications.

Same with real estate. It's basically one big wealth transfer from the younger generation to the older ones who could buy it for a penny back in the day and rent it out for jewish prices now that the demand is so high and the supply so scarce.

relax, we have vidya games, films, virtual reality, automation, sex bots & ai servants

on one hand earning money becomes harder, on the other hand reaching your dreams becomes easier with technology

that might be true but what is this

I got a job this week.
My feet hurt.

Says the most spoiled generation ever

FUcking lmao.

I thought school was much more difficult back in the day? I remember reading autobiographies of WWII pilots and they talked about taking trigonometry and calculus in school (subjects we never touched in high school) which made it easier for them to pass their flight exams and mentally calculate whatever it was pilots had to mentally calculate back then. I also remember reading an article where people were given a list of words that were deemed to be "in common usage" in every day spoken language, print, and the media and most people had either never heard of those words or heard of them, but had no idea what they actually meant, so it showed our vocabulary was shrinking. And I've read more than a few articles about how less and less Americans are going into the STEM fields, they're all being taken by Eastern Europeans and Asians and I thought "That is true. When you at look at all of the American pioneers of science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine, they all white men, born and raised here."

I've read too much material to agree that is becoming harder because everything indicates that it's becoming easier while we become dumber.

Rest is true, though.

I've read too much material to agree that is becoming harder because everything indicates that it's becoming easier while we become dumber.

Sounds plausible.

When the human race ceases to exist.

>I've read too much material to agree that is becoming harder because everything indicates that it's becoming easier while we become dumber.

Since at least the early 90s they have been dumbing down schools in a vain attempt to get minority graduation rates up. It hasn't work.

trillions dead and 20 irl hells

Yet, nobody wants to live in your shithole.


I think "hard" is the wrong word, because it would be difficult to judge, but it is true that it is getting more and more complex and many things that could be considered advancement in the sense that they make certain things or tasks in life easier also add new layers of complexity and cause new problems and challenges.

Definitely you should be able to find a place to rent in an hour not having to browse for weeks apply at 50 places and then present a stack of shekels and 5 pages of good goy promises and references. Don't get me started on applying for work through (((recruitment companies)))

u mad I've got 3 different flat spaces I can move into in Wellington this year?

>the job market is fucking saturated

I don't get it, my colleague went to France for Higher studies and all are employed with really high paying jobs.
Heck, they mastered French in like 6 months.
What's holding you?

Job market isn't saturated, atleast not in France.


Life is a lot more easier today than ever in human history.

Our ancestors had to hunt for food. Now we get them ordered at our door steps quickly for a cheap amount.

Our grandfathers fought in wars, worked in factories and farms. We have comfy office jobs and labour hardships are cancelled out by machinery and technology. Minimal physical effort is required for anything.

Transportation is a lot easier and cheaper. No need for horses or walking when vehicles can take us.

We're a lot safer as well with most of the world at peace with each other.

So in what way is life more difficult than before?

You realize we work more than they did, right?

In addition, the standards of education is actually FALLING. Schools and exams are a lot easier than before. They're lowering the bar.

We also have technology to do everything for us, including thinking lol.

Like at my Uni we'll have English tests which can take the aid of computers during the tests. Who needs to learn a damn Thesaurus when MS-Word can do it for you.

All projects are done by the aid of internet because why use your mind and create your own ideas anyway?

No. 9-5 office job doesn't compare to farm work, for example. You have no holidays and work for most of the day.
Would you rather shovel cow shit and work in the hot fields than in an office?

Usually around this point a war happens and life gets easier after the war.

Pretty much this, promiscous proto-bugmen have been breeding like crazy and overpopulated modern countries with economically illiterate retards that don't even realise the shit they're in. Even the best looking room will start looking like a gutter when it's overcrowded.
From what I've seen in my country, there's lots of socially fractured families that educated their children into the money > honour ; fun > work scheme. Not teaching your children the philosophy of consequences of one's action will result into them growing up to be manchildren living mostly by instinct and random impulse.

>How is this going to end up ?
With lots of deaths.

imagine being as ignorant as OP, a faggot

Modern college graduates don't understand how to produce value.
People under 40 are covered in tattoos and don't understand why they aren't moving up.
This is your competition.
Meanwhile the accumulated knowledge of humanity is available for free on the internet, and credit is available for just about everything, allowing you access to opportunities that otherwise would have taken years of saving.
>School becomes harder by the day
No, quite the opposite.
>We have more old fucks than ever before.
Not only should you be able to succeed yourself, you should be able to make enough money to care for you and your spouse's parents when they're old.
The only thing more difficult today is that young people have been tricked into thinking a permanent state of adolescence is normal, and that the meaning of life is happiness via indulging impulsive desires.

He's right, actually. Aside from the sowing and harvesting seasons, your average person spent months with literally nothing to do. If you read anything about agrarian societies in which our ancestors lived, they're all described as being lazy, idle, and apathetic, spending their time either screwing each other or sitting around gossiping.

Yes, their work was much harder, but if you look at a typical calendar year in the life of a 18th or 19th century European peasant, they did relatively little "work"

>How is this going to end up ?
slow extinction/societal collapse or a civil war

Welcome to the age where the only employees that can make a living are lazy well connected gubmint employees, while engineers make min wage.

Schools have been dumbed down to favour bugmen and retards but most of them aren't going to nab a decent seat in the labour/job market anyway. In reverse, though, schools are now more difficult for intelligent and sensible people, due to the evaluation process being adapted for the bugman's brain. Every time you think critically in a modern school, your grades go down a bit.

>What is going on exactly ? How is this going to end up ?

It's just panicky barrel scrape for dwindling resources before the pendulum swings back and ignites a war.

Working most of the day every single day bar MAYBE Saturday and sunday is A SHITTON FUCKING ASSLOAD MORE WORK than people did in your typical agrarian society.

Aside from putting the work sowing the fields and then harvesting most of the year people did FUCKALL except think of ways to entertain themselves.

Jesus christ you're retarded.

>back in my day, we pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps
>these kids have it so easy with their damned camera cellphones
>when I was your age, I already had a house, a car, a wife, 5 kids, a dog, and $250,000 collecting interest in a retirement account
Fucking hell, what’s with all the boomers
Anyone who says life is harder or easier than the previous generation is an ignorant fuck. Every generation is given their own set of challenges to overcome, some people overcome them, others don’t. Yeah, the current generation doesn’t have to hunt for food. The people who had to hunt for food didn’t have to deal with a police state. People who complain about life being harder are just as bad, and spit on the graves of everyone who lost their life to make the world a safer place.
>ackshyually life is technically statistically easier
We weren’t around during the hunting for food times, so unless you worked on a farm and upgraded to modern living, shut the fuck up.

Life is easy as fuck here in the midwest.

I wake up at 5 a.m., go to my welding job. Get home at 5 p.m., eat some good food, get stoned, fall asleep. Rinse repeat 5 times. Party all weekend.

Pretty comfy life.

That's a load of crap. Maybe total work hours were less, but you didn't just sit on your ass until harvest season. Most of the lumber was felled in winter, not only because snow makes transport easier but because you got a fuckload of farmers who worked seasonally as lumberjacks. Maybe in fucking Eden they did, not here.

I think the amount of education has been thwarted simply because of prices in college.
You don't go to college to study and take your time to absorb the material. You simply learn to do whatever exam you'll have, pass it asap and get over with it.
And in the end forget all of it.
Compare it to cheaper education back then, harder sure, but it was easier to get hit by a yearly fallback and really absorb whatever you were learning.

Witnessed. What job do you do?

>School becomes harder by the day,
School standards are lowered if anything.
The problem is degree inflation and the fact people have to waste 4-5 years of their prime just to get a piece of paper.

>the job market is fucking saturated.
True but there's always an unfilled sector, the economy is always shifting.

>We have more old fucks than ever before.
>What is going on exactly ? How is this going to end up ?
If it wasn't for the big demographic replacement going on none of this would be a problem
We could have been like Japan, sure it sucks now but in 50 years when the boomers are all dead there'd be a new population equilibrium and Europe would just have less people, like it did before the world wars.

>School becomes harder by the day
Stopped reading there.

>School becomes harder by the day

That's not all of it, not here at least. The curriculum has changed, a 15 year old today is taught almost 2 years less maths than one in the 70's. High achieving students are practically an extinct species despite the material being made much easier. The focus, and the standards, have changed a lot here.

Romans worked 1 day a year to pay taxes

I might want to study in Sweden comp science as undergraduate exchange student or do a masters there. Is it safe? How much is the tuition for non EU fags? Am I even welcome there?
Not a violent nigger, just want to get a decent education and not have to study material from 60s here.

No but 9 to 5 is increasing taxes due to socialism are increasing and the highest in history, besides tyrants levying taxes, the worth of the dollars has declined over 100% since its creation. Socialism will destroy the world

just go ultra instinct bro

Huge crash and roasting white people over tire-fires.

I've no idea about tuition prices, since it's free for EU residents I never bothered looking it up.

You'd have an easy time graduating if you're up for it. 50% for a pass, 75% is a top grade, and you have plenty of opportunities to re-take any test. Go for one of the bigger unis if it's an option. There's a very big difference in quality, especially of students. They still have decent status despite being much easier than they have any right to be, it's a smart choice.

Which uni's you recommend?
Thanks a lot m8.

Also worth noting, I don't think getting in will be a problem, but the housing market is pretty fucked atm so finding a place to stay might present some difficulty.

I don't know how they match up in computer science, but here's the international ranking for our top 8 overall.

1. Lunds universitet, plats 78 (2017: 73 2016: 70)
2. KTH, plats 98 (2017: 97 2016: 92)
3. Uppsala universitet, plats 112 (2017: 98 2016: 102)
4. Chalmers tekniska universitet, plats 133 (2017: 139 2016: 132)
5. Stockholms universitet, plats 195 (2017: 196 2016: 182)
6. Göteborgs universitet, plats 283 (2017: 264 2016: 247)
7. Linköpings universitet, plats 287 2017: 282 2016: 286)
8. Umeå universitet, plats 338 2017: 294 2016: 319)

I imagine Chalmers would do better if we were just looking at comp sci, but again I'm pretty much just guessing.

Thanks for the info Svenbro.

It does though. Spending 5 fucking years for a diploma makes school objectively harder since it's longer.

>How is this going to end up ?

Join Islam my brother it's the only way forward

a war will never happen, cause nukes

So what then