Trump-chan has arrived in Switzerland!!
I hope I get to touch him desu.
Trump-chan has arrived in Switzerland!!
I hope I get to touch him desu.
How can you still fucking support him? I thought the Trump meme died?
better than Obama and definitely better than Hillary.
that's enough.
I'm not even American, I just like how he provokes the left.
>I thought the Trump meme died?
Only redditors still us it.
Weebs are disgusting manchildren
Please go back to Sup Forums
red & white ID on the day Trump arrives in Switzerland
I've never been so proud of my country.
Yeah okay they're better? Still doesn't make him a good president, he's gone against the exact people who voted for him, he's going against what he said he'd do and to be honest right now he seems to be listening to the democrats more than the republicans.
>complains about weebs
>on Sup Forums
you need to go back
I hope senpai notices me
I don't really care what he does, because I'm not American so most of it doesn't affect me.
I just think he's a great and funny person.
He brings some action to this world, with provoking the left all over the world.
I need to warn you guys, there's someone whose gonna try to attack Trump
>t.just had a premonition
you need to wrap your little walnut around the fact that this is the politics board, it is not the weeb manchildren board
wow you sound like a child. pls get off this board and go back to primary school where you belong.
weeb manchildren are politically incorrect
Trump flying in helicopter over beautiful Switzerland
> morgenrot intensifies
Hopefully he won’t need to touch a medpack but if he does I hope it’s you, user.
Dude do you even know what's gonna happen in a while?
he better have those secret service guys on high alert
Ahw that's so sweet
How about you kill yourself you sub 180cm (6 feet freedom-units) manlet Spaniard
here's the live link you faggots, get in here!
>Speaking german
I can understand this!
More money in hardworking Americans bank accounts and less spics in our community's.Sounds great to me.
Calling him a "meme" ignores the fact that the left is so terrible that not only would Donald Trump be a better alternative than anyone from the Democrats, but that a fucking brain dead turtle that did nothing all day would equally be a better alternative than the left.
The simple fact that the left in America is no longer able to use the Executive branch of our government against the white working class is good enough. No amount of meming will change that. The fact that the man has nuclear bantz and genuinely seems to care is just icing on the cake.
Anyone or anything is better than the anti white liberals. Pc culture is being weakened more and more thanks to this guy. Only a blue haired trans faggot or a spic afraid of deportation would be against this.
nice, I can only understand like 70% of dutch though.
I don't even fucking care about trump. But holy shit why are people shilling for china now? I saw china shills occasionally but now they're more rampant. WHAT THE FUCK. No one cares and I doubt any of you care.
I grantee you this post will either get a bot response or a troll response. Fuck this site no one actually gives a flying fuck.
I'm so excited
Meh German is superior anyway imo. Much more people speak it/learn it in different countries. Much more versatile.
Only "good" thing about Dutch is that we can understand Afrikaans which is funny as hell, it's like how babies speak. For instance "a scooter" is "vroom-horse" in Afrikaans topkek.
Anyone got live feed?
the live stream is finished for now as Trump went into the hotel, but it will continue in the afternoon.
>I thought the Trump meme died
No that was Catalian independence.
well, that's up in the air rn as for as immigration and border security goes. One thing is true tho: America will probably have the most conservative judiciary it's ever had in a very long time once Trump gets finished appointing judges. We would not have gay marriage if not for Obama's judges. The left have routinely depended on liberal judges to push policies that the majority do not want.
Plus: No additional war so far and no US support for ISIS anymore. This is already much more than Obama, Bush or Clinton had to offer.
pic-related issue has to addressed though