Earthquake Warning [Inland Empire, SOCAL] - Primary Wave Detected
Thu Jan 25 02:10:04 2018 #earthquake

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Confirmed, I'm half asleep right now but I felt that shit

I'm scared cuz we have no water stocked up

im in LA I didn't feel shit.

Magnitude ML 4.1
Date time 2018-01-25 10:09:56.9 UTC
Location 33.74 N ; 117.49 W
Depth 10 km


sacramento here, dont feel shit

U lying sack of Shit, I'm in riverside and 8 know it was at least powerful enough to feel in LA

im in the valley

is the big one coming guys? im not ready for a happening i dont even have a bug out bag

Felt it, it sounded almost like a nuke from old test footage.

go back to yer /flatearth/ containment board. Science is for fags.

Oh you're so fucked

Orange county, didn't feel anything

better get cracking bub

It wasn’t very strong. I’ve been in Chile and I’ve felt a 7.2 so we good for now.

You don't feel then.

It wasn't that powerful but it was just feelable, I guess I over exaggerated because it woke me up, gn

That's what it felt like for me too, just a really fast but strong rumble, made me think this one's gotta be the nk FF.

Your first mistake was (if you actually are) being white in California. Come home.

San Marino here. A little shake but hopefully the poor people die.

Corona here

Woke me up. Strong jolt but I live practically on the Elsinore fault line. Little babby quake desu.

It's only the beginning

Don't worry, The Rock will save you.

You're Mexican aren't you

im still shopping for states to move to. most of america seems fucked already tbqh, even my old #1 choice of idaho has been cucked by 8 years of obama

I felt it and woke my mom up just to tell her.
I was in an America's army game and had to quit just to make sure it wasn't going to get worse but It was fine.

No. Why do you say that?





>screencap this niggers


Anaheim here, I did feel that tremble, ein bischen.

Fuck yeah!

We're going to have to coalesce somewhere here at some point. I hear you though, the rapefugee case with that little girl did Idaho in for myself. I'm looking at Maine now but I'd be dealing with the same NE liberal shit heads still.

wew lad, that didnt take long. GG

You are from corona, he had a 50/50 shot to guess if you were an orange picker.

thats going to be a hard F, and i live here!

Thanks fuck this shithole.
My family has been out here forever and all it does is destroy people.

The suspected maximum size of a quake on the San Andreas fault is only 8.0 which is not enough to kill millions, unfortunately. And smaller quakes like this relieve pressure. Not /ourquake/.

Oh straya, never change.

4.2 greater LA area, it's nothing, if anything it means less chance of le big one because the pressure dissipated

Kek. Nah. It's like 2 cities : north of Ontario Ave and south of Ontario Ave. Thankfully I'm in South Corona.

How sure are you?

>Unless a nork nuke went off in LA it's nothing

Well I am not a geologist, just repeating what they say.

>feels comfortable living in the middle of the flat part of the European lithospheric plate.

>15 min ago
Yea it felt like a 2.7 perhaps a 3. It was long though. Nature's complementary free roller coaster ride.


just got stitches in my foot, cant it wait?

Until they are fracking.


yeah the refugees have been brought into all states to dilute red states for that exact reason, same with the shuttled in illegals. it wasnt so much that rape case for me since thats fairly isolated. the big issue for me is the fact 1/3rd of idaho voted for clinton

if i leave california, i dont want to move to california lite. im looking at nebraska and wyoming as possibilities, maybe montana. i dont know, where else can you go these days? i dont have the fortitude for alaska

I'm California Central Valley Russian bro, basically I get to watch California burn from a /comfy/ conservative farming/ranching town.

shit i meant S, good thing i didnt get dijits

Is this finally the end of the USA

Missouri is great.

The only reason why they went for Clinton was voter fraud.

save your urine

This is the best earthquake live stream user, it was a 4.2

NH I fucked that one up.

top kek
>survivalist tips for nu/pol/ - save all your pee pee and poo poo

Bring out the piss jugs.

>Where else can you go these days?
That's why I chose Maine. 90%+ white but it's only a matter of time until Catholic Charities or these transplants in Maine themselves start calling for demographic change because "it's our strength!"

Nebraska, WY, and Montana aren't bad choices though. I'd let actual midwestern anons chime in though as to the actual conditions on the ground. Loved Montana went I went over a decade ago - don't know how it's fared since then.

they have the best license plate motto in the union

im not gonna lie i looked heavily at maine and still wouldnt mind, but what the fuck is up with their cuck senator bitch? and all the somalians trying to build a sharia state there, that has me worried

They also have bretty gud gun laws.

some Bear tactics right there

LA user here, OP is full of shit. FAKE NEWS



Here's to none of you surviving

main has some of the most beautiful country ive ever seen which is a huge selling point. im used to cold weather too

NoBoDy CaReS



Fullerton here (Orange County).
Woke me up cause my bed was shaking, can't go back to sleep now

and the 90% white is comforting but how long will that last when half the state is voting for hillary


>but what the fuck is up with their cuck senator bitch
I'm used to New York so that's par for the course. It's the north east in general. I love the state itself but the people who inhabit it are typical weak WASPs who shouldn't be this way given our history. Then I remember it's no coincidence it's called Jew York. I didn't know about the Somalians but we've got our own legit terrorist training camps here that get the usual blind eye because muh diversity.

>mag 8.0 Alaska a few days ago
believable, matter of when not if

What would your bug out bag consist of? Mexican candies to litter the streets with in hopes you wouldn't be chased? A Toyota prius for the getaway? A Gen 3 Glock 19 with a couple of 10 round magazines loaded with FMJ? An Ar-15 with 10 rounds of M193 ball that you can't reload without disassembling? Just messin, just messin. Enjoy your earthquake desu.

Maybe just a DUMB underground “cavern”.

>As of 2014, the most common non-English language spoken by students of the Lewiston Public Schools is Somali. Speakers make up around 90% of the district's pupils that do not speak English as a native language.[13]

>These teenagers speak dozens of languages, and hail from a dozen African nations.

>They fled brutal civil war, famine, oppressive regimes to find themselves here, at an ordinary high school pre-prom fete in this once-dying New England mill town, revived by an influx of some 7,500 immigrants over the last 16 years. Rodrigue smiled and waved at his daughter, proud she is a part of it: “It will help her in life,” he said. “The world is not all white.”

>proud she is a part of it: “It will help her in life,” he said. “The world is not all white.”

Immigration worked for him. But it feels different today, as the county of 107,000 people tries to find its footing. The sprawling brick mills that line the river sit mostly shuttered. A quarter of children grow up poor. Taxpayers pick up the welfare tab. So Trump’s supporters here tie their embrace of his immigration clampdown to their economic anxieties, and their belief that the newcomers are taking more than they have earned.

“There’s got to be a point in time when you have to say, ‘Whoa, let’s get the working people back up. Let’s bring the money in.’ But they keep coming, keep coming,” Rodrigue said.

>“The world is not all white.”
Which is why we should stop referring to non-whites as minorities. Because they aren't when they have an entire world of sludge to themselves.

>A mural celebrating diversity decorates a hallway in Lewiston High School.


Fill your bathtub. Now.

make it happen

C-checked. Deep State D.U.M.B. just got wasted.



Can confirm live in 909 chino shit felt bigger

Conserve water, faggot.

>33.74 N ; 117.49 W
what the fuck i live like right next to this shit and felt nothing

nothing ever happens god fucking damnit

MCB Camp Pendleton grunt here.

Screen cap this .

Not an earthquake . Put on 60 mike wheels up .Full kit with 3 day loadout. No call Home allowed.
Waiting on tarmac for 2 pineapples fucking a trash can now. PL brief stated we currently have TOC’s and are expected to be at suburban Infil 30mikes of wheels up.

Trashbags and duct tape around your windows and doors ASAP. Stay inside. You can’t run.

Dig in hippies

San Diego here


It's time.

jesus christ that's like nothing. tell me when it reached more than magnitude 8, 9 to 10 are better

Theoretically we can channel the power of kek via meme magic to destroy San Fran with a 7.7 earthquake.

Op, is not wrong{"autoUpdate":["autoUpdate"],"basemap":"grayscale","feed":"1day_m25","listFormat":"default","mapposition":[[-28.30438068296277,-151.171875],[74.01954331150228,-38.67187499999999]],"overlays":["plates"],"restrictListToMap":["restrictListToMap"],"search":null,"sort":"newest","timezone":"utc","viewModes":["map"],"event":null}

Can’t get higher than 10. 10 on the scale means the planet literally cracked in half.