The holocaust happened.
The holocaust happened
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No, but I wish it did.
slide shill thread, Discussed infinity times. Now a jokish meme
hoo hoo hee hee
Read the imgur post.
So dou agree or not?
the holocaust happened and never happened. There, fucking easy
Are you okay, user?
(I have no idea what you're saying.)
We can dream about it. But if it hapen, somebody would make photo of their best devices. Masturbating machines, underground rolling knifes from Prince of Persia, giant piles of burning bodies, acid pools. That would be Theme park of Torture. So far i seen photo of dirty room called Gaschamber and one dead body in oven. I am sure that these awesome torture devices would be on every newspaper after WW II. Actualy it looks like ordinary prison to me at worst.
Read the imgur post.
>The holocaust happened.
and it will happen again, multiculturalism makes sure of it.
>The holocaust happened.
In your mind.
>giant piles of burning bodies,
you should read the link - it has lots of photos and pretty good sourcing
Nope, never happened.
Read the imgur post.
Are you serious? You do not have time to read all of that now. I don't say that jews did not die in these camps. Or that nazis was good guys who did nothing wrong. Actualy my family lost house becouse they lived in Sudety. German wife - czech husband. But...
-Jews did fucking genocide in Ukraine.
-Commies did fucking genocide in Russia.
And we have our working camps under USSR where people died too. Sure. Millions died during World War II. Now i wish holocaust was true. But it was just another slave factory. It doesnt change fact that Jews are in key positions of power now. That becouse of fucking Israel we have wars in middle east for decades. That europe is flooded but muslim and nigger trash with help of jews. Do i care about people who died in nazi camps? No. Do i care about people who died in commie camps? No. They are death now. I did not send them there. Maybe if jews was retarted and didn't create stories how they travel from death camp to death camp 7 times during war, survived gas chamber becouse there was no more room for another little girl or becouse their run out of gas that day i may belive it. If it was true. Why no gypsi come back with these kind of stories? Only jews. Becouse it is bullshit. That doesn't change fact that Hitler was asshole who fucked up Europe. But he also recovered Germany from poverty created by Jews. Still. Jews would deserve real holocaust.
>giant pile of burning bodies
>not a small rubble fire
>No, but I wish it did.
It was the british mob that genocided Germany in WW2. Kikes were heavily involved, but its wrong to say they were the sole cause.
nice pixel art. is that secret of mana?
holocaust is the same thing as the jap camps in america, jews are pussies and cry too much.
One of the things that I disagreed was with discrediting Viktor Suvorov.
If you don't believe the holocaust happened, read the imgur post.
Find one autopsy report that confirms the gassing of a single jew.
protip: you can't.
I was talking about giant piles burning bodies. Not fire i could do on my own garden. Looks like 5x 5 metres at best. Also. Only jews suffferd in these camps, right? Please. Give me some reasonable number. 500 000? And if we should talk about who died during WW II, lets not forgot how czech cowards killed german civilians in 1945. And was realy lot of them. But they was evil nazis so better not mention that in history books. They killed them even if germans actualy didn't killed czech bitches during WW II. Becouse we fucking give up and let Hitler in without fight. And when commies come here after nazis we surrender as well.
So don't bother me with your twisted version of history. It wasn't black and white. Allies bomb city i was born becouse of railway hub.
>The holocaust happened.
And the Jews did it.
And there...
You just explained all problems in the world.
No. It didn't. Hundreds of thousands of jews did die, some were executed as the filthy partisans that they were, others died as part of the red army. The majority died like the rest of Europe's civilians: Starvation, disease and WAR.
Those aren't german uniforms on top left.
Kurt Vonnegut's letter home as a POW
in Dresden 2/3
>*favorites and forgets*
Read the imgur post.
I'm goad to see that you guys don't deny the horrible shit that was done to German civilians and surrendered troops in 1945. It's so much more honorable than the way the Russians and Poles deal with the atrocities they committed. Cheers brother.
Vonnegut's letter 3/3
Hmm. Did your link should be proof holocaust hapen or that holocoust did not hapen? Becouse it looks it was even more comfy that i was thinking. I do not have time to read all of this now of course. But i read few pages.
Who gives a fuck. Fuck the Jews.
Hej kreténe, mohl bys mi vysvětlit kam se během války ztratila skoro celá česká židovská komunita?
did you know that american jews were the ones who built the concentration camps tho?
Dude is defending the holocaust narrative a full time job for you? You're pathetic man!
Ofc there were systematic killings of jews during the WW2.
The Holocaust™ is a solely Jewish American business venture to extort the money/or leverage from the goyim. And this has to stop.
Not until you find an autopsy report you dumb kike.
except the japs did not die in huge numbers, and where not taken out and shot in huge numbers, or murdered in gas vans and gas chambers, so really, no it is not the same at all.
To be fair, did the communists made autopsy reports with every person killed?
Not just the communists, of course...
Gas chambers are a lie.
>I don't have time to read all your proof though luck ahah
>Only jews suffferd in these camps, right?
Millions of soviet PoWs were murdered. Millions of slavs from all over the east were murdered. Millions of people were put into these camps and millions died. Not just Jews. But Jews were specifically targeted, and about 6 million died.
>Give me some reasonable number. 500 000?
how about twelve times that?
5.1 million to 6.3 is the range estimated by historians after decades of work - where on earth do you get half a million? Pulled out of thin air?
Asi nikam když je tu stále spousta židů.
>But Jews were specifically targeted, and about 6 million died.
No they didnt. You can't name a single person out of those 6 million who was provably gassed.
Why is /pol so determined to waste their LIVEs debating how other people DIEd? Can you all not see you're missing the point? This debate exists purely to keep you focused on the past which ensures your future will entrain with it. Is that what you want your legacy to be?
>It is so sad all of Grandpas stories are about him researching a bunch of sad shit from the past. I wish he lived his own life. RIP
Why should any white person care about what Hitler may or may not have done to the jews?
It's time to forgive, too many innocent Neo Nazis are still being persecuted for what allegedly happened during WW2... it's time for everyone, (((especially the jews))) to move on.
The Japanese camps in America and Japan also didn't have their supply lines bombed into fucking Oblivion by allied bombers, you festering pimple of idiocy.
>Those aren't german uniforms on top left.
really? which army then?
would these be the photos taken after the liberation when the guards were forced to help clear up the mess they had left?
All the deniers in this thread look so dumb lel
Ale blbost, u nás žije už jen pár tisíc židů, byli jich tu desetitisíce. Během války je odvlekli to Terezína a pak do Polska (Osvětim, Treblinka...) a od tama se jich už moc nevrátilo. Co se s nima asi stalo, hm?
Auschwiz liberation footage shows what Auschwitz was really about, a huge industrial area full of factories.
Auschwitz was a labour camp supplying workers to this zone.
Which holocaust? The Germans being burned in Dresden? The Japs being nuked in Nagasaki? The Brits bombed in coventry?
Who cares if it did.
>All the deniers in this thread look so dumb lel
Prove to me a single named person out of 6 million was gassed. Should be easy, right?
>Co se s nima asi stalo, hm?
Odjeli do Ameriky
Because bastards kike are lying about it. People who are too cowards to admit that their ideology was responsible for mass murder should not be taken seriously.
And they also didn't have enough furnaces to burn everyone in the camp in a month. How do you explain that?
I'm one of the ones who doesn't believe in the homicidal gas chambers.
Put all your shit into a video form, I ain't taking the time to read all that!
But I would be interested in watching a video. Debunk the stuff from CODOH and I will gladly watch it, if you can convince me I am wrong I will admit it.
in your mind
Some bodies of unidentified people being cremated during a world war, in a place that was known for Typhus epidemics proves that millions of Jews were gassed?
Are you sure?
Jak odjeli do Ameriky? Kudy? Za co? Kde jsou jejich potomci teď?
I'm triggered.
ayy lmao
Read the imgur post. There are names in there.
Tak jako příklad by uvedl třeba rodinu Tugendhatových. A takových případů byla spousta. Možná by bylo dobrý otevřít učebnici dějepisu než zase budeš psát hovna.
Thousands of survivors were left behind at Auschwitz to be liberated by the Soviets.
I dont understand, I thought the Germans were gassing them?
Stuff your imgur post up your rectum.
>Put all your shit into a video form, I ain't taking the time to read all that!
This generation is doomed.
>Read the imgur post. There are names in there.
Name one and prove to me they were gassed. I dont read your shit imgurs
Idiote, Tugendhatovi odjeli *před* válkou.
>>The Germans being burned in Dresden?
Coventry, the starving of the British Isles, Operation Sea Lion
>>The Japs being nuked in Nagasaki?
Nanking, 731 department...
does that include them reducing the death toll at auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million?
No a? To má být argument? Většina odjela před válkou, takže nebylo co zabíjet.
>5.1 million to 6.3 is the range estimated by historians after decades of work
Then why can't they get the basic numbers right to this day?
Notice how it says 1500 jews from Denmark went missing? Blatant lie.
51 jews from Denmark died, out of 500 that was sent to the concentration camp Theresienstadt. They were all older people who died of the poor conditions during the end of the war. Red Cross was allowed to visit them and danes were allowed to send packages to them. Not a single jew from Denmark was sent to a "death camp".
So it's not 1500 jews from Denmark that died, it was 51. That's about a 3000% overestimation.
For Belgium, if you notice in my pic, they overestimated the deaths with 50%.
Maybe some anons from the respective countries can do a fact check on their nation sources and compare them with the number that gives 6 gorillion.
So again, out of 6 million, it isn't possible to name and verify the past existence of one single individual who was provably gassed to death by the Nazis?
The Holocaust doesnt sound like a very solid case.
It sounds like it might be made up.
I want you to name one and prove to me they were gassed.
If you choose to remain uneducated, that's on you.
Reddit, same old crap. Did not address a single point of deniers
>If you choose to remain uneducated, that's on you.
Name a victim, any victim, establish they really existed and prove they were gassed.
That's all I'm asking you to do.
Pro tip - you can't.
>Většina odjela před válkou
Tomu odporují všechna data které máme (hlášení úřadů, seznamy transportů)
That photo is from 1912, well known for being used as a fake holococks "evidence"
But I agree wholeheartedly, all jews need to be burning in a huge pile.
>some were executed as the filthy partisans that they were,
so if the nazis had invaded America you would call people who resisted them "filthy partisans" adn be happy that whole towns and villages would be murdered (against all laws of war) as "punishment" for their resistance.
good to know you are not only a lying backstabbing ignorant cunt but a traitor as well.
so? 349 shoahs from everywhere by everyone. the world's original dindunuffins
the entire religion revolves around soliciting and exploiting the kindness of the goyim.
they're shit
>Ofc there were systematic killings of jews during the WW2.
>The Holocaust™ is a solely Jewish American business venture to extort the money/or leverage from the goyim. And this has to stop.
This so much. Jews fucking love the Holocaust and use it as an excuse for infinite fuckery.
Yeah, 5.8 million Jews died. But so did >20 million non-Jewish non-combatants: Polish civilians, Soviet civilians (Belarusian and Ukrainian, mostly, and Russian), Soviet POWs
And they died in the same ways as the Jews. Jewish suffering in the Holocaust was not unique on the Eastern Front and was not unique in history.
Pic related is a mass grave of 500,000 Russians outside St. Petersburf, mostly civilian victims of the German siege of Leningrad. Holocaust deniers say shit like "where are the mass graves," "where are the bodies," "no way that many bodies could be burned," but mass graves from the Great Patriotic War are all over Russia.
I don't think a little baby, or an old grandmother sitting in their home in Dresden, had much to do with the bombing of Coventry or Operation Sea Lion.
Hmm. Asi umřeli protože tam museli makat za polívku denně. A ke konci války už ani ta polívka nebyla. Jako skoro všude v Evropě. Pár tísíců žídů je tak možná v okrese kde žiju. Znám osobně dost židovskej rodin. Přál bych si, kdyby tu bylo tolik židů co cikánú. Tady jde o to, že je to vždycky jenom o židech. Ale když češi masakrovali němce na konci války, to radši zapomeneme. Neříkam že to za války měli židi lehký a že se vlastně nic nestalo. Ale aktuální překroucená verze dějin, kdy je všechno černobílé je prostě špatně. Pokud nějací židi skončili v Terezíně, tak proto, že je nějaká česká kurva udala gestapu. Mě je to jedno. Němci nám zabavili v sudetech barák. Ale to neni důvod abych se choval jako kretén a uplatňoval kolektní vinu a nesnášel celéj národ.
The photo is from what, exactly?
the gas chambers existed adn operated adn we have the plans for them, the ruins of them, the toxicology reports that shoe thy were used, the autopsies of the bodues to show they were used, adn the testimony of guards adn witnesses as well as the documentation attesting to their use.
but go on tell me how they only had one small room with a wooden door... in all the camps in all the occupied territories.
partisan activities are and were illegal by international law, so any partisans had to be killed immediatly
It did .. i was there i was on the Auschwitz ping pong team.. german fuckers made us play till we dropped.
>Holocaust deniers say shit like "where are the mass graves," "where are the bodies," "no way that many bodies could be burned," but mass graves from the Great Patriotic War are all over Russia.
Where are the mass graves of specifically Jews in Poland?
Show me your gas chamber plans.
Read the imgur post, there are names and explanations of proof they were gassed in there.
>the gas chambers existed adn operated adn we have the plans for them, the ruins of them,
No we dont except for the gas chambers used to delousing clothing which are still standing.
There were no other gas chambers at Auschwitz.
Why don't you just google it yourself, moron?