god isn't real
God isn't real
Probably it's a scary thought but death is much like before you were born infinity time of non-existent of darkness.
2bh if god was real he wouldn't allow Albanians to exist.
neither was jesus. remember to reply with source-less anecdotes
well that was settled quickly
we dont know how it is or where we came from
we gotta find out but noones working towards it
everyones so in into their own shit or are too scared/selfish to look
fucking slider
God is very much real but has many names.
Anyone who puts God as an external source is shilling against humanity.
go back to your theory of everything you dumb piece of shit. reality is a fucking simulation. fucking science theory fags
What if everythings a simulation and you have to die to wake up in your true form
time to kms!
i didnt watch that movie tho?
In a sense it's true. But consciousness isn't a simulation.
consciousness is scary stuff!
1 sec ur there the other ur asleep
If God isn't real then who am I?
God is real, you are part of God.
if god isn't real, how are you talking about it?
idk man geez
lets talk about ur grandma tho she not real anymore but we still talking about her lmao rekt xd!
That's just biology getting in the way. Consciousness / subconsciousness... It's all consciousness.
If you believe in any religion you're wrong and if you believe in the simulation theory you're wrong.
you're statement is unfalsifiable, but Christianity or any other religion is obviously complete horse shit
It's easy to spot when they tell you you're a dirty microbe whom with a little bit of luck (not likely) can peddle your to God and if you're really lucky he might accept you.
We are all pieces of God and external will always be a reflection of internal.
The only truth you an take for granted in this world is your (you), everything else might be an illusion (is in reality just a reflection).
Come closer to God means, come closer to yourself and lay the bullshit aside for a moment.
Yessir, sooner folks drop le heathen meme and become atheist the white race can move forward.
>find out how to become immortal: (biologically making ur body not die or putting consciousness inside a robot body)
>find out what life/death is (we got infinity time to do this)
there saved humanity
Somebody living in a universe that isn't this one.
You're already immortal. Being human is like riding a car.
The answer is not to make the car run forever, you might have other shit to do in 900 years who knows.
It's usually the evil people, living in survival and fear that tries to become biologically immortal because death frightens them more than anything.
Shoutout to Rockefeller and his gazillion heart transplants.
God is dead.
no u
you're afraid to learn you're god.
do something about it.
i know i am i just dont give a shit about the rest
wait if he exists thats prob what he thinks too
god ditched us
>You are a piece of God.
>God ditched me.
God is waiting for you to get closer. You have free will.