Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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not Jordon
i hate the fact that people say hes helped them in anyway
it just fucking makes me angry
he is actually so dumb
t. roastie
Guess you’re not too familiar with his work? He’s a clinical psychologist.
Just because youre right, doesnt mean it needs to be said.
Have some self-respect.
Clean your room, bucko.
This. He's the stupid person's smart man.
Enjoy paying that $15 for his personality test, you fucking morons.
so you're saying we should splice our DNA with lobsters to create lobster-people?
its like these morons don't know he has a patreon and how that invalidates all of his ideas
i will not stop until he is fucking destroyed he is nothing but a negative presence in the world wreaking havoc with his dangerous words
imagine being this angry because some leaf kermit told you clean your room lmao
Basically this.
An entire generation lost to ease of living. Because lifes too hard to try? Theyre the problem.
At least leftists finally came up with one of their own memes.
Meanwhile, pic related. That's the smart persons smart people.
that guy must be ftm.
>He's the stupid person's smart man.
lmao, you're only saying that because you heard someone else say it.
Don't act smart when you don't even have your own thoughts.
You were saying?
The thing on the right is literally severely mentally ill.
So it's probably wrong about everything.
>jordon petirsan go on cumtown
>Doing anything but fellating SJW's
Not gonna happen.
>Blessed AvE so high up.
Well, you clearly have never listened to them then.
Why are lefty memes always like 2 paragraphs?
It's never funny or snappy/zinger it's always a novella of lefty buzzwords.
I tried twice. It was like Trap House but with the funny turned up a bit and the politics turned down a lot.
And it still wasn't very funny (or interesting).
they hide their powerlevel by making offensive jokes all the time but they're actual communists and best buds with the Chapofags, even Nick.
Oh I know, Amber lives with Nick after all.
You do know that you can be pretty far left and hate Zionism, SJWs, etc?
What does Kermit do with all his money?
Imagine having no father figure in your life because you were conceived in the bed of a pick up truck and your dad left minutes after so you resort to clinging to an e-daddy that reminds you to wash your fucking balls, and if you don't he'll give you a bad grade on your 15$ cosmo magazine personality quiz
why are you obsessed with father figures?
you are just constantly projecting now
A lot of these political ball memes are like that newfag
Old Snake vs Liquid Ocelot
>who don't
I am idiot but shouldn't that be
>Who doesn't
You actually called it kek she/he says they're "nonbinary"
my father died of cancer when I was 13 and I was basically responsible for keeping my mom from giving up on life and for being a role model to my little brother
I very much appreciate Peterson's advice and he's helped me a bunch with my emotional baggage
He may very well be but it's far more likely that he's marketable.
He has actual credentials meaning he can't be dismissed out of hand like 'internet scientists' he also has the ability to annihilate college students, something Sup Forums wishes they could do but can't because that would mean leaving the bunker.
I do find it hilarious the Sup Forums is buttmad he makes money off them because their spiritual leader shouldn't be allowed to make money it seems.
Most of Sup Forums doesn't like him because he refuses to name the jew and he isn't a race realist.
but that user seems to think having a male role model is an insult
I don't doubt younger people see him as a father figure if they don't have one, but lefty/pol/ seems to think its an insult
I wonder how down-to-Earth or wholesome or genuine his outlook must be when you consider how wealthy he must be at this point. How would he justify something as crass as a $15 personality test, or having a Patreon?
you sound like a flat earther ranting about nasa and getting upset when noone really cares what he says because he stocks shelves and has no real credentials
you are the hero in your own movie user
jesus christ what is that thing?