Question from some one relatively new to Berserk: Why do some humans look completely ordinary while others look way too swole or monster-ish to be human? For example the disciples, these niggas don't look human, people can't get that swole, are they apostles in disguise? Or Wyald's "human form" for that matter
Question from some one relatively new to Berserk: Why do some humans look completely ordinary while others look way too...
People can be this ugly IRL, mutations happen
"human form"
The bird guy explains it, they're deformed humans rejected by the normies
Not a lot of affirmative action for the deformed in this world sadly.
So their jobs end up being less than savory.
Human limits seem to be far higher in that world just for convenience and ease of character design. I mean, Guts' sword might weight 100kg at least and he can lift it with one hand.
It's possible that your guy trained his strength far more than Guts, given that the latter was training with a sword that happened to be big.
All of them are literally disfigured except for the bird guy, who just can't have any skin exposed to sunlight. Them not looking like humans is essential to their characters.
Mozgus hits his face against the ground really hard every day so much that it’s flattened over time.
Wyald is an apostle. Pretty much all of them have non-human characteristics even before they transform into their full form. Grunbeld, Snake Baron, and Zodd all come to mind.
Guts has been shown to have broken the human limit. No regular human can get as strong as Guts without the same kind of training and literal lifetime of fighting for his life, from the moment he was born.
I'm saying Guts is far more well-rounded, having superb speed, endurance, combat strategy etc. That's why he won. Meanwhile, OP's brute may be able to lift heavier shit, that's all.
Not to mention those guys look like they've been through some shit themselves.