Really makes me think.
When will colonial oppressors pay for what they stole?
Really makes me think
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You made me realize the error of my western ways budget brazil
Please take all my niggers back, I'm not worthy of them
>implying the west took "the cream of the crop"
what absolute retardation.
They are already paying, and will pay much, MUCH more before the Jewish Illuminati elites are satisfied.
we paid you to take away your lazy population as slaves. if anything africa should be a utopia.
i cant even
What are river mouths?
Why is excavated africa not a giant salt sea fringed by a ring of beaches surrounded by more sea?
>leftards cant into hydrology
We paid when we built the countries, cities and houses they live in, the schools and hospitals they go to, the roads they drive on...
Germany had exactly 1 colony that wasn't a net loss and our ex colonies are still using the rail roads we brought to them. If there ever was a debt consider it payed.
They still owe us in the end
what the fuck do you care? you don't even live in africa
The very toilets they use,their food,their clothing,their hair products,cosmetics,their medical bills...
not enough whitey, africa needs even more gibs
It's not like Africans were using it.
Maybe they should've realized what precious resources they are sitting on, either put aside or fight it all out, then band together and protect their lands from the white people.
Look at Japan. They isolated themselves like a motherfucker until American warships forced them to open back up. They realized they were in shitland compared to the rest of the developed west. They trampled their own tradition and culture and left many behind in order to catch up. And they caught up. Too bad they didn't have the resource and manpower vs. the US.
this post is proof that Sup Forums consists of 15 year olds
How about we take all that evil whitey-stuff away from them and see if they can flourish?
Well, what's left of it since niggers probably wrecked most of it by themselves.
They are good at that sort of thing.
This is now a colonial architecture thread
You should brush up that history book nigger.
just watch empire of dust.
china is trying to colonise africa, already put billions into it.
they try to hire cheap nigger workforce, but they literally know nothing besides how to breathe and eat.
pic related.
What's the excuse for the last 50 years.. get your shit together
Is this cartoon saying there's no more resources left in Africa? Or that somehow Europe and the US took the good things from Africa and it made those places better? This image makes zero sense. Europe, and the US do not need anything from Africa, ever. Not food (lol), not timber, not coal, not metals. China on the otherhand needs Africa for its land, and will continue to colonize it and develop it since the locals are incapible. If anything Europe and the US dumped billions (and continue to do so) into Africa.
look at his flag again.
This fits more with the Chinese nowadays
fuck, forgot link.
>China's media is under near complete control of the Party.
>The Party will fucking roll tanks and fuck it's population up if it jumps too far out of line.
>Internet monitored by cyber army.
>Human rights not so big a concern in China
I think they're gonna do alright.
It's already overpaid. In welfare, crimes. general degradation of civilization.
My statement was that my country failed to embark on the journey of civilizing niggers like western Europeans did.
NO YOU DIDN'T. They fell into disrepair and sat unused until the Chinese invested in them.
China is also sending Millions of Chinese to Africa to live forever, and will one day completely replace the local population. China is mostly desert and mountains, and cannot expand its population within China for very long. They need more living room, and more farms, and resources. Africa is an extremely cheap alternative to Canada, Europe or US. Ten years ago China started building housing too expensive for the local population to buy, because its for the Chinese expats moving there.
I am still waiting for muh money because of the Islamic slave trade in Europe... as soon as I get it I will give something to Africa promised.
Lolololol dumb idiot open a history book there is no place on this world that didn't have to deal with similar shit. Europe had it mutlible times worse than Africa EVER did after ww1 and ww2 and the countless infighting before so yeah.
>Coins cover the Ukraine and Greece but Brazil is completely barren
What a shitty cartoon. You can tell from this alone that it values being anti-White or anti-occidental over being truthful.
Real shitposting hours
You know nothing about China. Its population only wants China to succeed, at any cost. The riots of Tiananmen Square were a one off due to US intervention. Everyone in China loves their government, right, wrong, or indifferent.
>civilizing niggers
Trillions of dollars, and 100 years later. Still no progress. It's almost as if it can't be done. It's as if IQ has something to do with civilization.
I don't think you understand what he was implying. He was saying that China is going to use all those tactics on Africa, and because they aren't bleeding hearts, may actually be able to tame it
>The only place that has ever been sacked is Africa
Insecurity+egocentrism+communism+a bag of shit = ???
Sorry. I guess I did misunderstand it. It won't be taming though, it'll be outbreeding. See Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia as good examples. The local populations were flooded with Han Chinese 50 years ago and are now a minority in their own regions.
Africans wanted self-government. That means they have to fix and maintain shit.
lol yea, that sure worked out for them....
outbreeding the local population is the only way to tame africa. We've tried everything else, but clearly there is a rodent problem that needs to be taken care of before Africa becomes successful
Never, you niggers failed to build strong societies and so you got treated like tools. Maybe try being less shit.
There's quite a number of European countries never oppressed anybody.
Africa, unironically the world's first source of the homo sapiens, and yet the least developed, still blame their shitty countries on others? ITS BECAUSE OF YOUR MENTALLY RETARDED AVERAGE IQ LEVELS YOU IDIOTS, GO FIX YOUR IQ THEN MAYBE YOU MIGHT TURN INTO A 1ST WORLD COUNTRY IN ABOUT 900 YEARS
>unironically the world's first source of the homo sapiens
Citiation needed. Thats already been disputed or disproven.
I think that everyone, including niggers, has a right to self-determination over their country, or rather in Africa - tribe.
But this pic is simply not true. Yes, colonial power profited from labor and resources in colonies, but they also brought investments and technologies that allowed these resources to be gathered, labor to be conducted. After they left, and most of the time they left without anything done by niggers to gain their independence, this technology and infrastructure was left.
But new independent "governments" found themselves to be too incompetent to use them for the benefit of their "countries". And now, instead of fixing the problems, West is just pumping foreign aid to them for 60 years or more, not counting the colonial investments.
I think the issue lies exactly here - there existed no such thing as "government" and "country" in Africa, before colonialism brought them. It was just a bunch of tribes, with tribal identity, yes, but no national identity. And when the whites left, instead of leaving them to their own devices and letting them revert back to tribalism, independence was granted to them on a silver plate as a sovereign country (as if they could be organized analogically to western, or even Latin American, or Asian countries).
It's an example of soothing lie and its bad effects. Instead of telling them truth, that they are not ready for the modern system of governance and should organize themselves as before (because its natural to them), what was told them - "Oh, yeah, you're now a country like us! Hurray! All countries are equal, we're all in UN after all!"
DR Congo would be one of the richest nations in the world if they could stop killing and buttraping each other long enough to extract and sell their minerals.
Not too mention Spain.
This cartoon was done by Latino and it shows.
*spits on you*
Damn, this is why black can't succeed and being black should be considered a disability.
Like damn if white folk never came we'd be like Wakanda right now n shiet.
Low IQ SJWs are always saying "stealing muh resources", but never say exactly what those vast amounts of resources actually were. And their hero, Jared Diamond claims that Africa was primitive because it did not have the resources necessary for developing a wealthy and technologically advanced civilization. Removing low IQ leftists from the gene pool is the necessary next step in human evolution.
You're welcome ;)
daily reminder the Congo has not had a peaceful transfer of power in its entire history since it attained independence in 1960
literally every single election they have had has devolved into violent riots in which dozens of people are murdered
>You stole it
>Pay for it
I don't think OP understands how stealing works.
The Anglo will know the end very very soon.
>Trillions of dollars, and 100 years later. Still no progress. It's almost as if it can't be done.
Unironically this, user is correct.
Since 1970 over 1.4 trillion has been directed to Africa in any form of aid or investments.
1.7 trillion, that's astronomically big.
To put into perspective the Marshall plan would be 140 billion in (both figures are adjusted to inflation btw)
So since 1970 africa has received around 12 marshall plans and it has barred progressed, its still shit.
Besides Europe was just out of a world war, something Africa has NEVER went through.
Europe was in ruins and with that aid in less than a decade it was back on top.
Africa has received enough money to rebuild postwar europe 12 times and the only the achieved is triple their population, making them more dependent on even more aid.
>This cartoon was done by Latino and it shows.
Actually Latin American spics are always whining about "muh spain stole from us"
The cartoon was made by an anglo, possibly a kike
You forget that they also know stealing.
Colonialism led to a capital INFLOW in most cases
>Portugal and Spain are not covered
The only reason they aren't targeted now is because they have no money. I love Spain, its a wonderful country with wonderful people. Not sure why its in bad economic shape though.
>Africa is such a shithole not even the ocean wants to go there.
I think America should send back all the people it stole from Africa.
Luh mao of course the australian chink would defend his yellow overlord and their modern take on indentured servitude
If you think african are able to manage their ressources without the help of western nations you're wrong.
They can't dig petrol properly, that's why they ask us, and beleive me, every barrill is dully paid.
Hey Chilean bro, have you noticed a huge uptick in Haitians? I read several articles saying Chile took in a bunch. Is it true or just fake news
According to doc "Empire of Dust" they can't even turn big rocks into little rocks.
we owe you nothing , fuck off & die
Oh its true. It was an effort of the ruling left to secure future votes plus to make us look good to the (((international community))).
Worst part is that they just let any randy come here and some even had malaria and fucking tuberculosis, in the current fucking year.
The chinks learned from the white man's mistakes in Africa.
China does not want to rule or teach Africans civilization.
Sure the chinks will build 1st world civilization projects like hydro,bridges,roads etc etc they'll come in mind the resources and send them back to China.
They are actually quasi colonizing Africa with Chink merchants.
They just don't want to rule and take the blame for why Africa will always be a shithole if there are black people.
:-( Thats too bad. I was thinking Chile would be the perfect spot for an escape once Germany turns to a hellhole (10 years max).'ll be ok right?
To all 15 yo. in this thread go here:
Well as usual with the first wave of immigrants they are gonna work hard for shit jobs since well that beats living on fucking Haiti. The problem times will come when the sons of those immigrants that are gonna be raised in ghettos will feel disfranchised and are probably gonna chimp out not unlike your average gringo nog.
Not to mention taking their women
What did we do to Africa? Steal 30 IQ points?