Crime rate increases by 14% in the UK

>Crime has gone up by 14 per cent in a year, new official police figures show, as robbery, mugging and burglary all increased dramatically.

>Overall the statistics, which record the number of crimes reported to police over the last year in England and Wales, paint a dramatic picture of increased offending in almost every category.

>Robbery is up by 29 per cent compared to the previous year, while stalking is up 36 per cent and rape 29 per cent. Knife crime is up by 21 per cent.

>Public order offences have increased more then any other area, by 44 per cent, while possession of a weapon has also increased dramatically by 26 per cent.

>Forces in England and Wales logged a total of 5.3 million crimes in the year ending September 2017 - a 14 per cent increase compared to the previous 12 months.

>Statisticians said the data shows continuing rises in the number of "higher-harm" violent offences, which were most evident in knife and gun crime categories.

>Last October, The Telegraph revealed that nine out of 10 residential burglary investigations end without a suspect even being identified.

>Of the 44,363 residential burglary cases recorded by police forces across England and Wales between April and June last year, 89.7 per cent ended without a suspect being identified.


Other urls found in this thread: apart together - jan 07.pdf

>Data from the Mayor of London’s Police and Crime Office — led by former lobbyist-turned-Deputy Mayor Sophie Linden — reveals a sharp uptick in violent crime in Khan’s first year.

>From the years 2015/16 to 2016/17, homicides in London rose by 27.1 per cent. Youth homicide jumped 70 per cent. Serious youth violence was up 19 per cent. Robbery was up 33.4 per cent, while home burglaries rose by 18.7 per cent.

>Theft went up by over 10,000 incidents in a year, up 33.9 per cent, and there were more than 4,000 additional knife crime incidents under Khan than under his predecessor, a rise of 31.3 per cent.

>Rape in the capital rose by 18.3 per cent, while there were 2,551 incidents of gun crime, representing a rise of 16.3 per cent on the previous year.

>The Mayor has continuously blamed central government “police cuts” for the problems faced, but statistics reveal London only lost around 1,000 police officers (3 per cent) in the past year, reducing the workforce from 31,343 to 30,379.

>Earlier this year London overtook New York City as one of the most dangerous capital cities in the Western world. The House of Commons recently revealed the UK capital has more acid attacks per capita than any other city in the world.

Cancel brexit and let the EU army in to restore order and investigate online hate crime.

Haven't niggers also gone up?

I'm pretty sure they have.

You joke but that's what they want.

They're gonna use the massive surge in crime & terorrism that they themselves caused by flooding the country with millions of migrants in Europe to justify more draconian laws, internet regulations and centralization.

They already outlawed the act of "viewing "far-right" propaganda" online in the UK, and more internet censorship was even the "conservatives'" - represented by Theresa May - response to some of the latest terrorist acts. "Far-right" meaning "anything that puts multiculturalism, globalism or mass immigration in a bad light"

And they're probably gonna blame the rise on Brexit (which hasn't even happened yet) even though crime has been steadily rising for the last decade and most of it is done by foreigners.

Thanks to Khan and his fucking cancerous boil that London has become, plus all the fucking refugees.

Just end it all lads, I can't bear this anymore.

All the police too busy watching facebook and twitter for offensive posts. They just dont have the time and resources to catch actual criminals.

what a strange coincidence


They will throw you in the gulag for making that connection though.
>UK population rising by 10,000 a week

>By 2039 there will be nearly 10 million more people living in the UK – that’s the equivalent of 3 times the population of Greater Manchester – according to the pamphlet ‘Britain’s Demographic Challenge: The implications of the UK’s rapidly increasing population’.

I can't tell if that's a skimask or a burka.

Good thing their police force is equipped to deal with this, and they'd rather focus on important issues like policing people who say mean things about Islamic terrorists on Facebook.

>here's a picture with a quote from a super secret meeting!!!



Importing more refugees will fix that.






LMAO that sounds like a prank, similar to the "go get me a left handed screwdriver" work joke

"Go ask the guys for a machinist's punch."

i love the videos of british people doing this
top bantz

Britain, our father and friend, is dead.

This is what you get for ending stop and search bcuz it racist man (practically the first thing enacted by the scum mayor)

Sure you have a few more dead black boys, but hey that just means more virtue signalling opportunities

And yet UKIP (the only party that could be called "right wing" without a smirk) is STILL banging on about Brexit. If they started talking about the breakdown of law and order, and the shitshow that is our police for-I mean, "service" they'd probably get people coming back to them.

All your politicians are fucked because telling the truth is a crime. Your mastery of the euphemism can only take you so far.

Then commit a crime! Watch them lock up a member of a major party because he said the police and law are in a shit way, as if that wont vindicate them completely.

I fully know that because of what I buy, and what I write on my blog, I could get a knock on the door at any time.

I feel somewhat responsible

It's not you, it's the absolute shit-state that our justice system is in. Bring back the fucking rope.

tfw Norn Iron is the peaceful safe region of the UK.

Khan's right though, cuts have played a big part in the rises in crime.
The austerity meme has gone too far.


Brits got manipulated by Jews to destroy the last hope of Europe (Germany; twice, too), and now they're paying the price.

Germany was the only bulwark against what's happening to Europe now.

But the EU is completely German
Can't really blame anyone else at this point

German bureaucrats led by french/norman aristocrats

What could possibly go wrong

>But the EU is completely German
>EU is completely Jewish

Fixed that for you Shlomo.

Kalergi was the founder of the Pan-European movement which led to the creation of the EU, and he mentions he was acquainted and funded by Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds and Warburgs in his autobiography. He was also friend with Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism.

The logo of the European Union was finalized by the Jew Paul M.G. Levy and represents the 12 tribes of Israel

Otto von Habsburg was Kalergi's successor as the President of the EU, who was professor of the University of Jerusalem and the recipient of the "International Humanitarian Award" from the ADL (B'nai B"rith, a sectarian 100% Jewish organization hiding under "civil rights" and "humanitarianism" to serve Jewish interests).

I commit crime all the time, survival of the fittest especially if I'm robbing another criminal. Don't hate the playa hate the game

Even if it plays some part in it, it's insignificant compared to the unprecedented scale of mass migration the UK has seen in the last decade.
>Immigration statistics show record level of UK net migration – as it happened

>ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers

>NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

>Channel Four (2006): 31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified compared to 14% of those over 45. apart together - jan 07.pdf

>BBC Radio (2015): 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam”.

>UK has even more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:

>32% of Muslim university students in Britain believe that killing in the name of religion is

>Despite being less than 5% of the population, more than 20% of British prisoners are

>In Britain, Muslims make up 21% of youth criminals. Immigrants all together make up 45%.
>White Britons to become minority by 2066
>White Britons are now a minority in 4 towns and cities
>Muhammed and Amelia are now the most-popular boys' and girls' names in London reveals new survey of parental picks




Just sink the island, at least you will be remembered fondly just like Atlantis.


My sister in law is a policewomen, and from what she tells me this country is a fucking cess pit, it's shocking the amount of thieves, drug addicts and pedo's that are in this country, and this is Devon and Cornwall police, so that's just the whites, go into a major city and you're dealing with terrorists muggers even more pedo's from the middle east and niggers from Africa who chop of there daughters clits and regularly organ harvest there kids in black magic voodoo rituals.

Based """""Conservatives""""".



All "conservatives" and mainstream parties in the West are usually between Gramsci & Trotsky in terms of immigration policies.

That's "democracy" for you.


David Cameron is descended from royal jewish lineage

Does the nightmare ever end?

Based Don Warrington

But how much has police lowered the percentage of twitter "mean" posts?? People should look at the entire picture!

Meanwhile in burger land...

> And pol still won't accept rising crime is directly related to conservative policies

Holy hell, this is amazing. The reaction of the guy in gray made me lose my shit.

>conservative policies

"Conservative" or conservative? Because I think we could do with the bringing back of the rope.

The sun has set on the British Empire.

notice it doesnt say innocent
and the answer is not enough

Small C for a supposed right wing party they have done nothing for us bar slash police budgets and line pockets.

We need the rope

Why aren't they fellating each other? I don't get it.


must be those fucking polish immigrants again! this is why we needed #Brexit

Because the bomber actually accomplished something. Their son was a pathetic SJW beta.

Two ID cards in different names for the same person huh? Can't see that ever going wrong.

Then we must know our rights and the law and make sure every thing is recorded. Just in case.

Doesn't police cuts just mean there is less people to watch social media, and to harass white people for wrongthink?

i imagine they'd be arrested if they blamed the bomber