I don't like jews. It feels weird to admit it to yourself. Stanger to those close to you only to discover they too don't much care for them. I used to feel bad for them but i got harder and harder after looking at what they turned the world into since 1945. I just don't care. Why the fuck should i care about israel? Why should i care about what jews want or need? What has a jew ever done for me or for anyone outside the fucking tribe? How many people have they destroyed,they toppled the French monarchy,Europe in general and now America. Fucking sick and tired of jews.
I don't like jews
same i just really despise jews no shame in that
A lot of people don't like Jews, even if they haven't realized it yet.
That one in your pic is a particularly ugly specimen
I just want them to fuck off and leave my country alone, and they won't.
I love Jews. You just have to choose to like the right ones.
I'm seriously depressed about this because i feel like nothing will ever be done about the problem because i can't even see how in the 21st century anyone could even address the jewish problem without coming off as nuts.
Name one bad thing Jewish civilians have done to you or anyone you know that a white non-Jew hasn't done.
Go to Hollywood and go on a rampage
Good Jews give birth to bad Jews. It's unavoidable. They have to go. They don't have to die, they just have to go.
Nobody really cares for them. The people obsessed with Israel least of all.
Yeah, jews suck and are selfish, evil twats. The nose on that jew in your pic is huge. Wonder how many dollar bills he can fit in it.
Pretend to be white to destroy white culture. Whites can't do that, because they can't pretend to be something they already are.
They're not Jews. They're the synagogue of Satan.
Is this a joke?
it's because you are nuts if you believe in a global Jewish conspiracy to wipe out the white race
Welcome, newfag
How do Jewish civilians destroy white culture?
the created this fucking mess
also they bombed us in 1985
fucking kikes
You picked the wrong one.
Frankl > Freud
That's Israelis, not Jews.
Please read properly.
Propagate interracial pornography
are you saying israelis are not jews?
Gaslighting with lies will just get more Jews killed in the end.
Hollywood Jews, not civilian Jews.
Many of them are not, no. There are many atheists in Israel.
He's saying whatever he thinks will bait you into responding.
I seriously believe what I'm saying.
>Hollywood Jews, not civilian Jews.
What the fuck kind of distinction is this? So if I start discussing high finance, are you going to respond with:
>Finance Jews, not civilian Jews
Yes? You think Jews don't have different categories within them?
it's a fucking jew country that's the sole reason it exists
and the attack was organzied by jew military command, agreed upon by jew goverment and orchestrated by a jew pilot
you're probably right
What is a “civilian Jew”? You’ll have to specify. I never said “kill every single Jew” anyway, this is about Jewish power, and about taking steps to remove Jewish influence in (formerly) white homelands. If a few mischlings stay that’s no skin off my nose, Hitler allowed that too.
I get along with everyone being itnj is my thing.
You look kinda jewish.... just saying
It was made originally for Jews. Nowadays it's barely Jewish. 50/50 at best.
And I said civilians. Once again please read properly.
OK fair enough. I'll leave thread now.
that's casey neistat not OP
It's okay we are now allowed to hate child traffickers and pedos.
The vast majority are Jews.
The cabal that is trying to overthrow the US is Jewish.
Russian Jews are the worst.
You are not nuts fella.
The JQ is the right question to ask.
The USS Liberty is proof you should never trust a Jew or Israel.
(( feinstein)), ((Schumer))
All gun control in the US is always the Joos.
Most false flags are always the Joos.
It is not a meme, it is real.
Same. Feels wrong at first but after a while the conditioning goes and it becomes normal. Then the hardest part is always remembering that others are still under their spell so you can't be to open about it and have to play the game without revealing yourself too much.
Don't worry, we had Kaczynski, McVeigh and Breivik and we'll have MANY more. Your life now shall be dedicated to fighting for freedom because once you know what's up there is nothing else worth living for.
Randomers are waking up. WW3 will be guerrilla warfare from within our own nations. All the security and anti-terror has been them preparing for us because let's be honest the only time Muslims are a threat is when they're agents of CIA/Israel.
Why does everyone always blame the Jew for everything the Anglo does?
reddit post
Please elaborate on what a "civilian Jew" is, then. I acknowledge that there's different categories of Jews, just not a category for "civilian Jews."
well i for one hope it even becomes less jewish
and for the civilians they contribute to the abomination that is israel they are criminals by association in my eyes
Explain to me how Jewish people aren't White
it's hillarious watching all of them jewing eachother on all the medias.
you see that bloodsports general thread?
it was jews jewing jews jewry jewings.
so much jews. so jewsy... so so jewsy.
they're "white" when it suits and jew when it doesn't
When people talk about the Jewish problem they don't mean every single one is involved. With humans rarely anything is ever 100%.
>"the Jewish race..."
It certainly sounds to me as if they don't conceive of themselves as being part of the European race.
Exactly as a bi-racial person I'm tired of them taking my privilege they don't deserve privileged if they're white. I don't hate them or want anything bad to happen to them though like a lot of people here to do, I just want them to realize that their religion has nothing to do with their race
i just want the state of israel to sieze to exist and for all of them to fuck off
nothing more nothing less
Jews are their own ((race)).
They dont want to be white, so we dont have to accept them.
Jew, Arab, same thing. Both sand niggers that terrorize the US.
>Why the fuck should i care about israel? Why should i care about what jews want or need?
not a single
Haha the boertthurt is real with this one.
There are many, many jews in the upper echelons of society who dictate some pretty major decisions which shape the nations of this world and their policies. If you take the time to read the translated english talmud you can see exactly how they are turning everything to shit and why they believe we are just cattle to be exploited and played off against one another, and that pretty much every mechanism they employ to use this is applied shamelessly, and is basically thrown in your fucking face and you lap it up.
You are either simply uneducated or incredibly stupid. The first can be solved by reading the talmud as suggested, but if you somehow manage to read that text and still ask that question without immediately knowing the answer then you should probably kill yourself.
If get all die
"white" is an inconsistent and subjective label. For example, in the US census, middle eastern Arabs are officially designated as Caucasian. Retards on Sup Forums take the ambiguity of Jews as proof of a deliberately malicious agenda.
>I'm seriously depressed about this because i feel like nothing will ever be done about the problem because i can't even see how in the 21st century anyone could even address the jewish problem without coming off as nuts.
mistake. this is all memetics. its perfectly normal, so your question should be, 'why am i required to like jews'
Are you sure you're not just hating your own shadows?
Do you not judge individual personalities? Are you generally a herd animal? Do you get all your ideas and attitudes by trying to fit in with a crowd of similarly acting people? Otherwise, how could you actually DISLIKE a whole group, sincerely?
Or are you just another fucking bot spreading tiresome shit?
Are "the Jews" a homogeneous group? If not, is conceptualizing than as one an intelligent thing to do? Is it useful? Would a practical man cling to a way of thinking that has EMOTIONAL value to him, but lacks pragmatic value? Does ideological politics work? Why or why not? (No one TRIED HARD ENOUGH before?)