What the fuck happened? How did we get to the point where a major news network is openly promoting this?
CNN is promoting cuckholding
>inb4 one post by this ID
Suicide can be positive for some individuals, I say
anybody who believes "tests" legitimate or not should watch this.
>Ian (((Kerner)))
Always wear a rubber, lads. No telling where that pussy has been.
It's science you nigger.
You know who's a huge cuckold? Roger Stone.
I'm not kidding, look it up.
hahahaha major news network thats funny
paid propaganda outlet more like it
The memes make themselves these days
They really do. It's a glorious world for the woke shitposter.
Are they doing this on purpose?
>Lehmiller surveyed thousands of Americans and found that 58% of men and about a third of women had fantasized about cuckolding.
Oh say can you see...
>Going though with cuckholding has helped >my relationship imesnly
>As I had erectile disfuction.
>Sad to say it but it's true.
>Substituing breaking up, this was all we could do.
>The reality it, I feel very liberated, knowing my partner is satisfied, even without me.
>Her needs are met and so are mine watching her get satisfied
>Eventually, I want to start serving her man with her.
>Kissing her after she has accepted him in her mouth.
>Inculding anal
>Kissing his member
>Edifying his superiority over me.
read the first letter of every line. ;)
use archived link pls
I think one important thing that can be done to take the wind out of normalization of degenerate behaviour like this AND simultaneously rob women of a lot of their (reproductive) power is to:
for every newborn. This will prevent men being unwitting actual cucks. But of course it has to be sold as "kids have a right to know who their biological parent is" (by meming some sobstories of sad children who never got to meet their bio daddy or whatever)
if it can be memed and sold as a thing for children (the weakest and most vulnerable elements of society), and not for men, then legally required paternity tests would force women back into non-degenerate behaviour, by making cheating high-risk again: they'll know they'll get caught if they try to cuck a guy.
>The Communist News Network is promoting wife sharing, hu-whaaaat?
Wife sharing and cuckoldry is basically a tenet of Communism. Read Dostoevsky, or for a direct example read "What Is To Be Done?" by Lenin
I bet it's the men fantasizing about being the chad fucking another man's girl.
CNN got cuckolded by Trump
a jew
my shock
Too many "s's". Good effort though.
it's true tho
kek, the krautcuck reports in
Thanks CNN
I really enjoy cucking other guys, thanks for making it more socially acceptable
How's this a couple though? I guess the same way they consider a tranny not the sex they actually are?
(((Ian Kermer)))
> Ian grew up Jewish and still considers himself Jewish
>best friend is a girl
>we used to date in high school
>many years later she has a fiance she's been with for like 4 years
>randomly tells me her and her fiance are interested in cuckolding/being open
>asks me to bang her
>"Sure why not"
>fuck her a couple of times while her fiance jerks off in the other room
>start to feel kind of weird about it
>they start telling me how I'm good for their sex life and relationship
>i express how it makes me uncomfortable
>her fiance begs me to fuck her "because he can't satisfy her"
>call it quits
Shit just feels absolute degenerate.
CNN is fake news
You're part of the problem.
At least he realized it and stopped.
CNN stopped being news a long time ago, user.
>CNN is
stopped reading there
not really, actually doing something and realizing it's wrong is of more substance than just doing/not doing what you're told
You mean positive for the female, and the nu-male just plays along.
Also where the fuck do you think you are?
well played, sire.
i thought it was the USA
>her fiance begs me to fuck her "because he can't satisfy her"
eugh, that's just fucking nasty and sad
Some dude polled a lot of young people in big cities and it turns out they enjoy having sex with lots of people and would even consider having an open relationship
You have to read between the lines. Of course people like sex, people have been swinging forever, this isn’t new.
Some people are just too young and stupid to figure it out. When I was 18 my friend had a girlfriend who wanted to be in a committed relationship but he refused because he was too heartbroken because he recently got out of a 2 year relationship (kid shit am I right). It was his idea to have an open relationship in the first place but she went out and fucked several dudes while he couldn’t pick up one other girl.
Which game is that? I know its a space game where you build an empire, but I can't remember the name. I would like to play it.
and now we see the result of letting females not only do what they want, but are actively encouraged to do so under the guise of righteousness
>refused because he was too heartbroken because he recently got out of a 2 year relationship (kid shit am I right). It was his idea to have an open relationship in the first place
I don't even understand the logic here
I once banged a dudes girlfriend while he sat in the other room and heard all our noises. But I didn't know it was his girlfriend. Right after sex, I found out because he was upset.
I proceeded to bitch her out, and almost kicked his ass for not doing anything or saying a word until it was over.
My only regret is that I didn't beat him up. At the time I felt I'd done enough already.
wow, thats fucked
of course they get it completely backwards
fuckin kikes can't even jew right
Guys this cuckold thing has a hold on me. Im happily married with a kiddo and more to come but I cant stop thinking about fucking other guy's wives. I'm fully chad and fuck like a rockstar and all this free pussy is out there, I have no problem slapping guys and calling them little bitches. I find myself trolling craigslist looking to fuck other guy's wives, it feels like Im missing out on an all you can eat buffet. What do Sup Forums?
Thanks mate!
it seems every other time i go out there's some cuck there with his girlfriend with the girl making clear moves towards me.
i always pass. there's no benefit to getting stuck in that pot of honey
damn I couldn't find anything larger than 56mm in France
For that reason i can't wear a condom. If I do, i gotta finnish in 30sec with minimalistic moves because it will break 100 % otherwise
That's why i only fuck virgins
pretty sure cuckold was used by Chaucer in The Miller's Tale several hundred years ago
but sometimes that doesn't help because i can't enter that tight pussy with my large dick.
This is the struggle i got to live up with :(
someone send me XXL condoms
The bots are adapting
Sure, cuck your wife and bastardize your kids.
>bull isn’t black
Are (((they))) even trying?
Holy shit this is the most pathetic thing I've seen so far this year
>wat do
stop posting your autofanfic on it
Nigger this is not possible. This would mean that the largest Dick in France on average is 5.6cm, thats close to micropenis.
Either you dont understand measurments or the average frenchmen has more of a Croissant than a Baguette if you get me.
Stop writing your fanfic, also stop even thinking about cucking the mother of your child you disgusting bastard.
If you are so desperate to prove that you can cuck other men, chances are you're an insecure faggot.
Every time
Holy shit it’s real.
>CNN goes full retard in new and hitherto impossible ways
I was coming to post exactly this. I highly doubt it's a misunderstanding of the term but rather twisting it purposely to point it at conservatives.
ahmed, i'm not french but a niggerino from Eastern Europe with a large baguette and I swear to fucking god there is nothing for my size here. The only thing i've succesfully wore were the King Size Trojan. But that shit cost 15€the pack of 6 condoms.
No wonder niggers have stds
Sup Forums was right again
>CNN finally reports on itself
Also slide thread
>Holy shit this is the most pathetic thing I've seen so far this year
pretty sad for me though :'(
I'm surprised the bull isn't black in that image.
I would suspect that your average CNN viewer probably participates in some form of cuckolding already.
How do you fail this hard? ive seen people put condoms on their head without them breaking to demonstrate how durable they are.
i know right ? I'm pretty frustrated by that fact.
Also, i think that is pretty irrelevant.
I can put that condom on too without breaking,that doesn't mean shit.
Have they tried to fuckin a vagina with their heads? It's at that point that it breaks
Most likely written by a cuck who's too weak to dump his cheating gf and still wants to be validated in society.
>First netflix
>Now CNN
The jews are hard at work
Every single fucking time. Hadnt even read this post before I posted but of course Sup Forums is always right
Someone post that "report/sage all cuck spam" meme image
what a surprise!... obvibously CNN is pro kikes
Sup Forums is always right
why these fucking kikes never spread their degeneracy inIsrael?.. how the israeli jews see cuckoldry?
Most women want a guy that is hot and can fuck good, and a guy that can make money and provide for her. Now very very few men can do both, there are only so many chad 10/10 6'3 doctors/lawyer professional bateman types to go around. So the normal stratagey for women is when they're young, fuck the guys that are hot no matter how poor they are. Then when you get older, settle down and look for a man that can be a husband and provide. THings are changing though, now women want both at the same time. And they're getting it too. This is like gays or trannies. 20 years ago it was unheard of and disgusting, today its normal you see it everywhere. Just wait, marriage and monogamy are already dead.
Nigger I can see your ID
i like how you can tell both men in that photo are flaming faggots
this is the funniest thing ive seen all year, and its not even a meme!!!
Worse than kikes are illegal mexicans making demands and destroying US cities
It's funny how you shills always reveal yourselves sage degenerate
>Best friend is a girl
Well now if that's no indication that your life is fucked up then I don't know what is
Honestly uou guys meme but cuckolding really did help my wife and my relationship. I have a micro penis and her bulls have really stepped up to make sure her sexual needs have been met. I get sexual pleasure mostly through anal stimulation so it is not even like I am not getting what I need. At the end of the day my wife is in my arms and that is all that really matters. Cuckolding is great when it is needed.
You are awesome user.
Oh wow weed
Is CNN shitposting?
in a healthy society you wouldnt breed and there wouldnt be micro-penis cucks like you. youre short-circuiting eugenics.
also, ever hear of a dildo? dildos cuck every human bean, technically.
It's actually kind of funny in a depressing way how easy it is for Mass Media to get away with these kinds propagandist, degenerate and depressing articles.
When you read the article title, "Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says" the average person would probably say, "that's stupid", but that thought would still be stuck in their mind. Ninety Nine percent of the people who read it will ignore it, but it's still "Some Couples". And that is the key, but mainly, the key word being "some". They can say this without technically telling a lie, because some can refer to 'One in a Million' and when you have a population in the hundreds of millions, that some, while still too small to even be called 99.99%, they can still legally say this kind of degenerate bullshit because it's technically true. While the average person might take it at face value and think it's a lot more than it actually is.
The MSM needs to burn before the west is reborn.
Anyone who reads an article about cuckholding and decides that cuckholding might be for them is already intellectually a cuck and the transition to physical cucking will hopefully ruin their relationship and prevent them from breeding.
I thought you were joking....