This quote is so powerful, and especially meaningful in today's society of reactionaries.
This quote is so powerful, and especially meaningful in today's society of reactionaries
thanks, but I'm not going to take any advice from a balding, virgin, manlet who was so mad that mommy's genre fiction was outselling his """""""""""""""""""""philosophy"""""""""""""""""""" that he roleplayed as an edgy Buddhist
Nationalism is a false ideology but patriotism is a natural virtue. One should love one's fatherland just as one love one's father: not because he's the best there is, but because you're his and you owe him.
National pride is not a philosophical position, it's a pragmatic mechanism, necessary to prevent foreign tribes from overrunning your possessions. Low-test muh abstract thought philofaggots of course can't understand this. Giving a legitimate platform for mentally ill people to voice their illness (like most of modern philosophy) is only accelerating the decline of the west.
It sounds more like he's criticizing flag waving nationalists, peasants, and demagogues. But the peasant people's petty national pride is what holds nations together. What about the people that recognizes the defects of their own nation and wish to fix them?
>ITT nationalists clutching at straws
a philosophers political opinion carries as much weight as that of a sportsball player
He was actually something of a ladies man
ITT: Butthurt Amerimutts
explain why I'm not patriotic despite being a broke loser then.
Yes, national pride, so good in fact let’s use it to slaughter millions because my arbitrary borders are better than yours.
And yet I'd bet every posession I own that if you dropped Schoppy into contemporary Western society, having to deal with a national/ethnic/cultural clash infinitely more extreme than his contextual French and German, he would be a complete racist, because of course.
National pride doesn't mean you'll actually be motivated to do anything concerning your nation. It just means you use something unrelated to you, to derive self-worth. Which is obviously retarded because you have nothing to do with it. It's like being proud of yourself because some hardworking inventor shares your month of birth. You would think that stupid and unnatural, yes? It's only natural to extend that pride to all under your national label, because you've been brought up with the notion that it is. Be proud of yourself and of something, that is yours and relates to you, not because it shares an arbitrary label and some shallow, manufactured commonalities.
The majority of politics was advised/constructed/developed by philosophers. What is the term "political philosopher"? Are you going to reject politics, what labels will you dismiss the opinions of the anonymous with now? You could reject it, or rather it as a distinct "thing" and all the shit stacked on it. I have a mind to, I think it's cancerous.
Damn, I support open borders now.
Your nation is an extension of your family. That doesn't mean much of anything in a multicultural society, of course.
Fine as long as the millions slaughtered are brown
>its a Nationalist retards try to fight with Schopenhauer's ghost and lose thread
not to be outdone by Anti-Semite Nazis fight with Nietzsche's ghost and lose threads or Jesus was a Jew and hated Rome and all figures of authority vehemently and told you to deny your Fathers (your Kings and Patriarchs) for his Kingdom threads
>can´t differenciate between nationalism and chauvinism
I don't see why, as a reactionary, I should be associated with such a pernicious ideology as nationalism when it owes its widespread acceptance to the most destructive event in human history
Individualism is a poison.
I want to preserve my culture, so let's declare war on another country!
>'Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.'
That from an ardent Tory. One wonders if perhaps Schopenhauer read Samuel Johnson. Simple as it is, one of Hunter S. Thompson's favorite quotes.
The Jews created an even cheaper form to act as a surrogate in the form of team pride.
>It wasn't real nationalism!
I owe him for creating the stream of wants, needs and impulses that I am beset with for the rest of my natural life and, quite possibly, beyond? What kind of gift is debt?
Wouldn't Schopenhauer just make lose what's left of civic nationalism and make them go full racist?
You can apply this rhethoric to any kind of ideology or set of ethics. Why should I care about anything then?
As an enlightened skeptic individual ™ I don't 'need' to derive self-worth from acting morally righteous. To acknowledge other people's existence implies that there is some kind of group that humans belong to in the first place, and I'm too intellectual to not see myself as the sole individual
>too intellectual
relative to whom?
bone up on your logic, dear.
I don't see how this is "powerful", unless you are fixated on racism and irrelevant political systems over the greater questions of life.
I feel like I wish I could be nationalistic but I just can't. America is cultural garbage. At least Europe has cute girls and good architecture. We have absolutely nothing except free speech, which is good but not sufficient.
The grass is always greener on the other side user. I'm from Europe and I'd rather live in the US desu. America is far from cultural garbage btw, you guys are carrying contemporary literary fiction and analytical philosophy to a huge degree.
I will concur about the girls though, qts abound where I live (German University town)
Everytime I see the incels who adopt far-right ideologies today I think he is right.
You rarely see uni graduate functioning members of society adopt those views unless they are making a profit out of it
You're both right and wrong. The majority of the alt right consists of incels. Great men (often reduced and called "radical individualists") are always fundamentally far right in their principles, however. The reason why there's a convergence is because both of them are "outside" of society. As above (great men), so below (incels).
>In 1831, Arthur Schopenhauer fell in love with a girl named Flora Weiss. At a boat party in Germany he made his advance by offering her a bunch of grapes. Flora’s diary records the event as follows: “I didn’t want the grapes because old Schopenhauer had touched them, so I let them slide, quite gently, into the water.”
>Great men (often reduced and called "radical individualists") are always fundamentally far right in their principles, however.
I hope you realize how utterly false this is and how stupid it is to say it. To even formulate a sentence like this you have to be beyond all hope.
>actually thinks racial tensions and violence/crime is worse today than 200 uears ago
>actually thinks brown people in Europe today cause more problems than the earlier ethnic minorities Europe burned over
You salt-righters are a treat
>I would do things for my nation, but not enough people have done things for my nation
I wonder why faget
Wow, what a cuck
that's just mean man
You have to lick to get licked.
>You're a loser if you take pride in your country
So enlightening