Is it fair that women tend to get a better outcome than men in divorce settlements?
Is it fair that women tend to get a better outcome than men in divorce settlements?
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Wtf is this pic?
Divorce settlement
White men paying child support is actually what pays welfare and SS to the GIBBS people.
In the US it is Title IVD.
You guys have the same equity courts. In fact your British equity Courts are why the US is so shitty now.
Nothing to do with divorce. They always separate the father so he has to pay. More money passes through "Family" Court than all other courts combined.
Traps are gay, these two fags shouldn't get married
Yes absolutely. It's called the "men are stupid" tax. Smart men have pre-nups.
Wikihow what to do when your partner has explosive diarrhea and shits the bed
Is it fair men won't stick their dick in the hole?
Which smart women get thrown out by a judge in about 4 words or less.
I signed under duress.
Prenups are useless in the UK. Judge can throw it out whenever she feels like it.
>Don't get pegged the jpeg
Check'd. I keep hearing pre-nups only do so much or get thrown out all together.
so what do they say you should do?
it's unlikely to get both a female judge and a female lawyer. but you're technically correct, judges have too much power over these decisions
Ayy lmao
>Is it fair
No, it's not fair. That's the Patriarchy. We sacrifice for the survival of the species. Now that white women have decided to end the white species, go put your genes in a superior gene pool that isn't fatally flawed and is determined to survive. Asia or Islam are good choices.
shit the bed too in order to reinforce your bond as well as marking your territory. Hell, make it a regular thing.
checked, but no
bumping for the answer to this
And then thwy complain about wage gap
(((fellow white people)))
Stupid Slide post is Stupid
looks like a fat person thing
Nope, and this is why roasties are pumping out articles non stop complaining that men are no longer taking the shitty deal known as marriage. Their princess status is quickly vanishing. All of the housework they used to spend all day doing can now be done more cheaply and efficiently with machines. Now the one thing they have left, pussy, is slowly being phased out by VR porn and realistic sex dolls. Roasties will either return to the kitchen and close their legs or they'll be on their own.
The genders of the judge and lawyer don't matter. Women side with women, men white-knight for women. In our modern society the women are in charge.
Based Chad Trump supporter vs Virgin /fit/ Hillary suporter
Marriage with no fault divorce is just you giving half your stuff to a woman who will never earn as much as you....
Any man marrying a hole today is a cuck and deserves what's coming to them
That whole white privilege concept actually applies to women
It isn't just divorce, it's all judicial rulings that are biased in favor of women.
The problem is that, apart from a few cases it isn't purposeful, it's a genetic predisposition toward treating women preferable inherent in men AND women
It isn't actually that easy.
There are three aspects to a well-written pre-nup:
1 - financial disclosure (to make sure everyone knows the score before they sign)
2 - independent legal advice (so everyone knows their rights/obligations before they sign)
3 - not being in a rush (signing Saturday at 1 before your 2pm wedding with Grandma at the church is duress, for example).
If you have these three components then you are pretty safe. Different jurisdictions have different exceptions, of course; the most common one being, if your wife becomes disabled then better for society that you pick up the tab vis a vis spousal support, rather than welfare for her. How much this could be is pretty variable, and the fibromyalgia bullshit is a risk.
Or, pick a good woman instead of some roastie, treat each other with respect, communicate, and have many children that can share your values.
they claim it was under duress and now its null
If the contract is done properly that argument doesn't work.
I don't think my finances are important in matters of love, thankyou very much.
They are if you want to contract out of your financial obligations.
Men typically have an up-hill battle during divorce but judges are getting better at being fair. They're finally realizing that a man can be a good parent too and sometimes it is in the best interest of the children if dad gets primary custody.
I'm divorced and my lawyer absolutely wrecked my Ex-wife in court. I was given primary custody of my son and was awarded the house, with her paying me child support.