He's done it again, made yet another cucked UK leftist look like an absolute bltihering retard. This time it's some soy boy antia sympathizer. No wonder the mainstream media and shills here are on the attack so hard. Marxists literally can not compete.
Jordan Peterson BTFOs another UK leftist
Just wait for the anti-peterson shills to come and tell us the glories of Marxist collectivism as the real red-pill.
Peterson is /ourusefulidiot/. So what if he likes the Jews, he's very useful for now.
B-but he is accpeting donations to continue his work!1
He should shitpost FOR FREE like rest of manchildren on /pol.
A reactionary, counterrevolutionary Vendean and Aristocrat was teaching a class on Joseph de Maistre, known ultramontane.
Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Christ the King and accept that absolute monarchs ruling by divine grace are the only righteous form of government, even greater than republicanism !
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Grande Armee soldier who had fought over six coalitions and understood the necessity of revolutionary terror and fully supported the merciless execution of nobles and priests stood up and held up a copy of the Constitution of the Year I.
"Where is sovereignty vested, Citizen?"
The Aristocrat smirked quite Bourbonishly and smugly replied "in the throne, you stupid jacobin"
"Wrong. Under the Republic, and then our fairly appointed Emperor Napoleon who rules by the will of the people, France has reached untold greatness and made herself the premier power in all of Europe. If, as you say, executive power rightly belonged to the royal family, then Louis XVIII should have been restored to his throne by now."
The Nobleman was visibly shaken, and dropped his fleur de lis and copy of Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism. He stormed out of the room crying those false royalist tears. The same tears royalists cry for the Dauphin (who was imprisoned in such luxury that it took him two years to die).
The students applauded, joined the Jacobin Club that day and accepted Napoleon as l'Empereur. A revolutionary named Marat stumbled into the room and collapsed atop the arc de triomphe and bled on the Declaration of the Rights of Man. La Marseillaise was sung several times, and Robespierre himself showed up and enacted universal male suffrage.
The aristocrat was proscribed and hauled to the revolutionary tribunal the next day. He was guillotined and nothin happened after that because the afterlife is a myth created by the Church to keep free men and women under the despotism of the king.
you're not a Bond movie villain so stop larping as one you sperg
you guys are not helping him
It's like the KKK supported a perfectly good person. That person comes off as a piece of shit by association. Shame.
So you admit Fake News Network is shit because of feminism.
Don't support the people you agree with, Goy. You could never do anything positive or helpful for them, Just sit there quietly and do nothing.
>you're not a Bond movie villain
That's actually a perfect depicting of that idiot thank you
The people who spam Peterson with "JEWISH QUESTION" shit are, themselves, Jews. Sup Forums doesn't control that. All this old boomer needs to do is keep telling his audience to man up and make babies.
being this assblasted. you got btfo, faggot.
Where did I get btfo in there?
These anti-Peterson kikes keep making up shit he supposedly thinks and then get btfo by the things he actually said.
Here's your hero admitting his PROFOUND mental illness that runs DEEP in his family
Here's your mentally ill guru crying like a literal mental patient.
Here's your hero serenading the Jews
Here is you hero displaying his ignorance of simple biology and philosophy.
Get gassed kike, you were already blown the fuck out of the last thread.
>"w-why aren't his lectures on gas chamber design"
Get the fuck out rabbi.
>Wake up
>Watch video
>It's dark outside again
Observe how the Jew tries to turn Sup Forums on one of the only professors that is a traditionalist because he doesn't use his classroom to 'gas the kikes'
Now I can post it here, since the other thread 404'd.
He says if jews are generally more intelligent and more successful, good for them. In that case it's just those with potential succeeding in life. The screencap in question isn't contradictory to that though. Anti-semites want to push jews down for whatever reason. They think they're better simply for being white, is what he says basically. While he belives success is an individualistic outcome of multiple variables.
seriously. wtf?
Having all this pre prepared shit really doesn't help dispell the shill image you are cultivating
This kike is MAD after getting so thoroughly humiliated in the last thread.
He made 50 of 300 posts in the last thread.
Has already 1/3rd of the posts in this thread.
I wonder if he gets paid to try and shill here.
>he likes the Jews
no, he's just smart enough not to name them for now
>I wonder if he gets paid to try and shill here.
Nah no one would pay for it he is just mental all on his own lel
I'm a socialist and Peterson is overall correct.
Today's 'left' ARE NOT true leftists they are 'liberals'.
I didn’t know shitposters still existed from the 19th century.
Cut the poor boomer some slack. He is not a red pilled edgelord regarding political stuff, he's a clinical psychologist. He see's in the alt-right a danger of fucking gassings and door to door purges. He'll come around eventually.
All the edge is really a detriment to this movement. There should be an effort to nerf it a bit I think. Look at Sargoy. Same reaction. He see's the memery with 88 all over the place, plus the nigger hate threads and the like, and this is what he thinks will unfold if white separation / ethno state gains any traction.
Because these people do not have a deeper understanding regarding the very present danger that the alt-right perceives in the world, they are still stuck in a place where their main concern is to "stop the madness" coming from the left, so that "real bad characters" will not emerge from the right.
As the west spirals down into the shithole going forward, many of them will come around. Remember that anti-SJW sentiments, and further out, race realism and various red pillings have only just begun. Social media in any real sense has just existed for about two decades. This is all embryonic.
You are brand new here so stop larping as anything else you soycuck.
This guy is fucking retarded. Having a clean bedroom has nothing to do with competency. Does pol like this faggot because they only thing they are capable of is cleaning their room
He is talking about getting YOURSELF in order before you head out in the street shrieking about the fucking state of the world. What he really thinks, I believe, i that kids shouldn't be out there in the first fucking place.
99% of young lefty activists are fucking clueless.
Sounds like your room is a mess.
It's sort of an analogy as well as an exercise.
It means a few different things.
>People who cannot keep order in their home seek to impose their will on the outside world
>You should be able to have a place which is your world and that you seek to beautify
>Once you can beautify your own position on the planet then there might be some reason to believe you can do the same outside of it
There's no benefit to being anti-Semite, being aware is enough.
A genius' room is messy because they have more important things going on.
It's a metaphor you mongoloid. I haven't even read the book, but at least I understand that much. His tips are mostly eye-catching, sometimes metaphors, just like the pet a cat if you see it thing. Obviously that doesn't lead to self-improvement immediately
Jordan Peterson is a bugman
So you're implying living in your own filth is competent? You're a simpleton if you can't connect the dots between consistently having basic tasks completed and higher level achievement.
Read he got a ton of death threats after the Kathy Newman show.
I cleaned my room recently. It looks nice
peterson has many errors for sure, his c4 interview was good though
She tried to claim she did too to gain sympathy points
>first link
Jordan made a good point but was unable to move on from it and ended up sounding shrill.
When the interviewer said (paraphrasing) "you say that these university students don't know enough to be involved in managing complex systems liked adults can be, but what the university students observe is not adults managing complex systems competently but the opposite - adults mismanaging complex systems" I thought that was a very salient counterpoint, but Jordan ignored it.
I still agree mostly with Jordan but let's not pretend he can do no wrong. The interviewer was right to say that he was "hung up" on the university experience. Not surprising, because Jordan works at a university. But I think he'd have a really fucking hard time giving the same speech in front of CFMEU (builders, brickies, sparkies, etc.) members.
Collectivism is the final answer. It's not Marxist collectivism though.
His message contains the seed of white supremacy. He's too blue-pilled to realise but a sizeable part of his audience will realise it.
>speech in front of CFMEU (builders, brickies, sparkies, etc.) members.
Until, the day comes where those fields will be forced to undergo the change that has happened in universities.
Safe for another 5 years, no more than that.
No tbey are leftist identitarians. Liberals are the creatures that roamed the earth during the 1990s that are now extinct.
I disagree that it's just a hang up, universities are absolutely fucked. They are churning out Marxist, leftist, globalist useful idiots at a frightening rate. It's a serious problem that Jordan has seen first hand and wants to call out.
"Hurrr I don't go to university so I do not care" is the same as "durr I don't watch the news so I don't care about how much of it is propaganda". It's not about you, it's about the impact on society that the totally subverted state of universites is going to have.
there haven't been any American liberals since you guys started the income tax
>still not naming the jew
So what you're saying is that Marxist crabs will swarm the individualist lobsters in a mighty show of force and win the ultimate seabed battle?
What happens in universities trickles out into the rest of society three to five years later. It's how we've gotten to where we are. It's how in 2013 Schumer can say we need more border security and that shutting down the government is wrong, to the shitshow we're witnessing now.
No my brudda!
The Lobfather lmao that second video is the great
Exactly, this leaf gets it
this guy gets it
discipline and following a routine is freedom
is like you don't even jocko willink
Isnt this guy an anti-white leaf
It also seemed a bit apologetic towards corporations to me, in particular regarding the example of that one guy who "fixed" pollution of the oceans rather than protesting and therefore doing something "useful", which somewhat carried the implication that you should let corporations pollute as they please like a good goy and rather attempt to clean up after them rather than keeping them from making money.
>Petersons final warning to channel 4
He wouldn't event talk about Jews at all if nazi LARPers didn't have to sperg out every time a few minutes go by without anyone mentioning them. Peterson talks ideology and spends most of his time dismantling and attacking ideologies that are anti-male, anti-tradition and anti-white. The guy is converting normies away from the regressive left and drawing a lot of attention to the radicalization going on in academia. Just stop trying to bait the guy into carrying on like David Duke and let him continue to do huge damage to the left.
he also said he believes New York will be under water so there's an element of retardation going on there
If you can't devise a way to impose order on your room, which is small and over which you have direct control, what makes you think you can impose order on a complex social and economic system over which you have little control, and which is comprised of other individuals who may follow your lead and ignore the 'mundane' work of their office job (which is necessary for the organization of a large, complex system) in favor of other forms of activism?
>Today's 'left' ARE NOT true leftists they are 'liberals'.
other way around
Yeah, i keked at that
Saw him yesterday on hannity.
Man is based.
Just bought his book yesterday, lads
any good?
why isnt peterson giving the book away for free if he cares about helping others?
So far it’s been really informative, and he’s written it in a way that’s easy to digest. And even quite funny in parts, he’s written it the same way he speaks in his lectures, imo it’s worth it
I’m happy with paying for the book, I’ve watched so many of his lectures for free, buying a book of his makes me feel like I’m giving him something in return for all his help
>t. Mexican intellectual
Pretty good interviw. Drew out petersons views without being overly combative or stupid.
yea he was also smart enough to ban faith goldy from the event as well, very intelligent psychologist, oh brb gotta clean my room and sort my cum rags out.
Do they have any other move besides the tactic of restating their opponent's argument as something stupid and offensive?
Very well said but it needs another tier after Hitler. Hitler is not the final redpill.
Wash your dick
No u
Why are you such a disgusting filthy communist?