Ep9 Preivews:
Shingeki no Bahamut
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Favaro flashback
wtf are they doing to Jeanne?! look at that neck
and this is Cerberus domain. same as the poster with cerberus and nina
Not Nina's Favaro flashback but Favaro's Nina flashback, to be precise.
>jeraffe d'arc
Yoru no Fantasy with Favaro, Kaisar and Charioce VAs tomorrow.
>He doesn't know that being a saint gives her super-stretching powers.
They didn't stay in those cells for long.
If the fuckboy is smashed in pic, I'd wager it's the poster that recycled a generic pub BG.
I think he reacts to either seeing Jeanne or Cerberus. The spoiler screen from a few days ago with Cerb had a similar lighting.
When is Amira coming back?
I'll accept a fuccboi x cerb romance. The director said fuccboi is going to play an important role in cour 2.
These first eight episodes could've been done a bit quicker desu.
But then it would be a generic shit fantasy and I wouldn't care about any of the characters.
Can't wait.
Either never, or in the finale.
>That smoky frame
She transforms too, right?
Don't expect there's going to be much plot moving in the next ep. It's going to be mostly flashbacks and old characters catching up.
So that means Cerberus is imprisoned too?
Isn't he supposed to have a major role in the future according to the script writer who considers him one of her favorite characters
No, she only said she likes him (with a mysterious statement that "his life is lovely/precious"), but it's spoilers why.
Probably means he gonna end up sacrificing himself for Kaisar,Jeanne take your pick or something
And since he is still really young maybe they expect him sacrificing himself to be a more serious matter
Maybe he marries Jeanne and fathers Mugaro.
What's her problem?
Onsen episode.
Nina can probably just bend the bars with no problem. It would be stupid to stay any longer
Can Nina crush your dick with her vagina muscles during sex?
What is this butt for?
Yeah it looks like the same background.
>marrying a single mom
Should I feel happy for this cuck?
That sounds quite a lot better than having to see Nina doing annoying shit.
>Posting Sakura who was cucked by her brother
I don't know user.
>"cuck" is now acceptable crossboarder behavior
Why, Sup Forums?
Come up with a word that better describes a man marrying a single mom and I'll gladly use it.
That isn't even what "cuck" means. Thanks, Sup Forums!
You're calling me Sup Forums yet you seem to know the meaning better than me. Really makes you think.
I'm not calling you Sup Forums, I'm saying they fucked up the word.
>yet you seem to know the meaning better than me
Yeah, NTR is such a hard thing to grasp.
>Really makes you think.
Oh you're really just new.
Not that user but...Perhaps you are a little dumb?
I agree, the character interactions are what drive this show, but Nina is fucking annoying half the time and the king is going in a hamfisted direction despite being justified at first when demons and even angels are fucking dicks who just want to control humans directly or get them to worship them
Cheerios has infused green gummy power in his left eye.
For Mugaro to sodomize.
I just can't wait for more Kaisar with his hair down.
How do you go from this to this
It takes me literally just a week without shaving
I'd turn gay for these two tbqh.
Is Kaisar the most handsome man in Bahamut? Just look at that guy. They had to make his hair look weird not to make him too handsome.
Let me guess, your only obstacle is your gender.
This was in preview 1
Pompadour or bust.
He is cannonically the most attractive male character in the series
>They had to make his hair look weird not to make him too handsome.
No taste
No wonder Rita fell in love at first sight.
I don't recall any such notion ever being established.
But also the most idiotic
Kaisar's core beliefs are right but his actions are fucking dumb.
The king was right in giving humans power (though it feels like he only gave the power to authorities) but he went over the line. I seriously hope they don't pull a "the forbidden power is actually harmful/corrupting lol", especially when the most powerful angels that have shown up so far this second season are assholes who want humans to depend on and worship them again.
Well I hope you will enjoy Kaisar end because this is what we will get.
I actually was fine with the demons until they bombed civilians.
I couldn't care less about them killing aristocrats and slavers.
I want to believe this Green Power is actually a lost technology created tens of thousands years earlier by ancient humans. It's some sort of weapon designed to deal with supernatural. Gods sealed it away because they couldn't use it and if left to humans they would use it against them.
I think it would be a nice twist.
>dude let's subjugate the humans
>oh no they rebelled
>dude let's subjugate the non-humans
>oh no they rebelled
You know what? I don't really mind cerberus x whiny knight
It feels like he's going to die.
This. "Forbidden" by the gods doesn't necessarily mean made by the Gods.
Cerberus will use him to break Azazel out of the prison. You know it will happen.
Then he gets killed and Kaisar will still defend Azazel.
What's 3 vs 1?
>no arrows to/from Rita
Why must best girl suffer?
Why would Cerb even give a fuck about Azazel? That would only work if she is working for somebody else already who gave her the order
>That would only work if she is working for somebody else already who gave her the order
It was Favaro
Eager to find out Charioce's connection with Favaro.
I think that arrow is pointing to Nina.
You're right, I guess I just wasn't looking properly. Still wonder how Favaro ended up in that dungeon though.
I bet he tried to scam Charioce.
Full chart when?
That chart is going to be expired pretty soon. I'm pretty sure it's meant to refer to episodes until around 8-9th.
Why is there so little art of Nina? I need to masturbate.
I make do regardless.
How can you not work with what the show already gives you?
I don't have anything saved. An amateur mistake from my part.
Unless this thread survives see you all tomorrow
Cerberus has been working in a pub in the capital all this time
How many dicks has Azazel taken in by the time Cerb saves him?
Azz is pure!
Not as many as Jeanne.
I've only seen the first two episodes and am having trouble continuing. Anyone want to spoonfeed me some motivation?
what did you watch ? Genesis or Virgin soul
Sorry, I'm talking about Virgin Soul.
She's only gotten fingered by dyke inmates.
protag being a spaghetti monster is a fun spectacle, Bacchus is a cool guy
Favaro is back before the second cour, which really surprised me
Is there really a second cour planned?
That's been my understanding.
Try Genesis. It's the first season and you'll learn more about the world and most of the characters.
Also it's short and has a lot adventure and action (compared to VS so far).
Pretty great if true. Then they have the time to expand the story into practically anything.
I've seen the first season.
Well, I mean, what can I tell you?
Only that the best character is introduced in episode 3 so you should at least watch that.