This is how everyone sees you

This is how everyone sees you

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Der morgige tag ist mein.

but Gaydolf Shitler loved Islam

Fuck off Achmed, your Taquiya has no power here.


Anecdotal. Hitler is an anomaly to many political, economic, and theological researchers. He criticised Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mixed economies, military dictatorships - and also praised all these things for specific individual qualities.

Then he pulled Germany out of the depression, while the rest of the developed world (excluding Japan), suffered poverty and bread lines. Developing a state run industrial capitalist society which pioneered rocketry, engines, computing, and many other technologies we rely on today.

But he's a bad guy. Go back to your shitty (((history books))).

Go suck corbyn dick you cunt.

MM not everyone.. not even half of everyone.. go outside your soy based coffee shop and ask

Have you see a refugee family?they dont look like the pic


What are you saying then is that, he essentially managed to create the Third Way and the entire global elite is afraid of that because it gives power to individual nations as opposed to transnational entities?


so what you're saying is that im a lobster supremacist?

evil, brutish, stupid people juxtapose against an innocent young family
you've simplified such a complex issue so neatly!
you've changed my worldview user, I feel enlightened, like there was some piece of the puzzle I was missing the entire time!

>pulled Germany out of depression
everyone got out of depression nigger, and it wasn't Hitler but Hjalmar Schacht
Hitler then fired him and ramped up the rearmament, which meant his economy became unsustainable in long run
developed since early 20's in Germany, nigger
literally only area where they had advantage
what engines? German aircraft engines were shit for example, they never caught up to UK, USA or even France

this cartoon should really show that guy with 8 wives and 56 children

he didn't manage to create shit
his "Third Way" was just massive unsustainable rearmament
without invading other countries and looting and slave labour, German economy in Nazi period would melt down in (early) 40's

how does human kebab taste like??

This is now an Ogryn thread.


shitty oc comming thru

More anecdotal shit.

Hjalmar supported the Nazi party, he was a banker and couldn't be trusted.. was an advisor until 1943~. When the party began to use unconventional economic methods, it was because they were at war. No more unconventional than the US initiating 95% tax brackets.

By your logic on rockets, you could suggest the Chinese developed them 500~ years prior... low iq cunt.

The me 262, v-2, z-machines, and of course sarin. Were revolutionary, and if it wasn't for Bolshevik tricks... the UK and Europe would have fallen - and would still be a Caucasian paradise to this day.

But you got your win aye? shitskinville.

You post this thinking that anyone here really cares about how people see them.

>Implying culture is even a thing
It's about the behavior they are more likley to exhibit due to their racial heritage. Don't forget to sage this low quality bait thread.

>make one shitty post and run.
Robots already do your "job" better than you do.

Can I join? I make my own ammo

1) Muslims fought with the Nazis in WW2
2) its not families thats coming to europe. its hordes of "young" purposeless men

yes, no shitskins allowed in europe. the more come the more will die when civil wars start and the purge begins.



Not so fast

Europeans not being completely dominated by Corporations importing labour to make them even richer.

Nigger mountain still hasn't recovered.

but why i should care how other see me? i don't need the attention i'm perfectly happy being honest person even when its mean the majority of people will dont like it

Ok and?
>How dare you advocate using force against those who use force against you

truth doesn't care about anyones feelings or opinions

yer supposed to care so that people who manipulate opinion can control you

struggle sessions are voluntary

He's right. They don't. Just like we don't have a place in their nations. You're not fucking welcome.

>caring about how other people see things
is this the kind of commie crap they teach you teaniggers in school now?

That's fine

Especially in this instance when those other people are left wing garbage.

That may be true, but so is that "Nazis" statement


Fucking kek


How many Mohammad does it take to sink a small island?

Were gonna find out.
I can't wait to visit England and try your kabas and delicious curry....

woke af

this is how you present yourselves.

There are Neo-Fags and Nazis

>Then he pulled Germany out of the depression, while the rest of the developed world (excluding Japan), suffered poverty and bread lines.
How excluding Japan? They were one of the countries most affected by the Great Depression, hence why they invaded Manchuria. You're telling complete lies.


>Ian grew up Jewish and still considers himself Jewish
jesus christ


Bad company 2: Vietnam ak47 there

Go back space corgis, no one like you.